Saturday, June 26, 2010

Life is like a box of chocolates... never know what you're gonna get.

Tony and I, so young. I was 19 he was 24.
Reckless and Wild in Love!
...and Tony had hair! :)

I never imagined life would take us through all these twists and turns... it's been a wild ride, a ride we get on every day. I wouldn't want to ride this roller coaster with anyone else.

Just last week Tony was trying to figure out what exactly he was going to do. I mean the bookstore is a fun hobby that brings in some income and the consulting business is...well, slow.. so he sent his resume out to a few places. He interviewed on Tuesday near Tampa, they offered him the job. He withdrew his application on Thursday, when he was presented with a better opportunity in Ft. Lauderdale. This is all so exciting, but happening so quickly. He leaves Monday afternoon to formally accept the position and get started down south. The kids and I will stay here for a while so he can get settled, make sure it is a good fit. Then, we will be moving to Ft. Lauderdale area.

He has been home with me and the kids for a whole year now, other than a few consulting jobs that took him out of town for weeks at a time, having him work from home was very convenient, I always had his help and someone to keep the kids while I did homework, went to work, etc. It was difficult to adjust our spending habits but it was totally worth it for the kids to have the time spent with their daddy. We did a lot of fun things, trips to the beach, theme parks, etc. And now... a new job, new location, moving!!??

I pray that he likes the new job and that he is a good fit in the company. If everything goes as planned the kids and I will follow him down south, not really sure when, but I'm sure we will know when the time is right.

Mixed emotions, as I expected.. happy for the opportunity, nervous about moving. I have always lived close to family and we will be about four hours away from our parents. I do have a few aunts and cousins who live in Miami and the kids and I will be able to come visit often. Finding new doctors and a new children's hospital is a whole other box of worms... ugh! It can all be a bit overwhelming. I just keep reminding myself not to get ahead of myself and take it a day at a time. He has to go there first and see if he likes it... then we will figure the rest out.

Lots going on... please keep us in your prayers.


  1. I miss you so much girl and love you!!!!! We really do need to get together. We have lots to catch up on!!!

  2. Holly, I'm so happy for you guys. God is great!! Many blessings to Tony on his new job, and to you being a single mama for a bit. I wish I was there to help you however you needed. I'm with you in spirit, and you're always in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Holly, it's a tough change for the moment and my thoughts and prayers are with you and Tony (and of course the kiddos). I pray that he will find out soon that he is a great fit in the company so you can have your family back together. But you are soo right, be thankful for the opportunity, because many of us don't have then right now :) Love ya girl and I will be here if you need me. I am super excited about working swim lessons with you tomorrow.
