Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend

Wonderful, family filled, Memorial Weekend.
Saturday Sophia had her photo shoot for the CURE fundraising events we are going to be involved in. We went and had lunch with my momma, hotdogs and cheese grits. Then home for nap time, it was already a busy day. We invited my brother, his wife, and their daughters over to swim and have dinner with us. I honestly don't think we have ever had them over like that for no reason. Life is so busy, we are always on the move, seems like we get together a lot but it's usually for someone's birthday, a holiday, or some special occasion. It was nice to get together with no agenda. We went swimming, ate pizza, the kids played and played. We ended up introducing them to our favortie dice game, Farkle. If you never played I totally recommend looking it up. So fun! We laughed until we cried, well Denise and I laughed until we cried. We had a great evening with them.
Sunday was church and then out to lunch. We went to a Japanese steak house called KiKus... yummy! We had never been there before but since then I've been craving sushi!!! We will def go back again soon! Sunday was a lazy day. I finished a final for school, I didn't want to have to spend Memorial Day doing homework, so I spent Sunday doing it. I think I stayed up until 2am getting it all finished.... it was my last bachelors class, I'm officially in the masters program now!!
Monday- Memorial Day- we knew we would be spending the day with Tony's dad, but didn't know what we would be doing. Tony's mom is out of town visiting her family, so we knew we wanted to do something with the lonely dad that day. Marco invited us over for BBQ and that is something Marco does very well, grill. Everything he makes on a grill is delish! I was glad he decided to BBQ. It was weird being at the house without Tony's mom. She is normally running around trying to get the table set, she loves for things to be nice for us when we come. She's be wearing her apron running from one side of the kitchen to the other.... Tony and I both felt out of place without her there, doing her thing. After we ate we went over to the spring, we found craw-dads and some little minnows for the kids to investigate. Tony found a snapping turtle. I was surprised how much Jazzy-Bell loved swimming, she put on quite the show. It was a hot day, I guess she wanted to stay cool.
And not forgetting the reason for the day.... remember our service men and women.
All gave some,
Some gave all.....

Hope everyone had a good and safe Memorial Day Weekend.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

CURE:Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy

Today Sophia got her picture taken by Brian Williams, an awesome photographer in Central Florida, I was so excited to have him take her picture.

This picture will be used to help us raise money for CURE. CURE is an organization that raises money for epilepsy research. This is an organization that has taught me so much about seizures and has been a real encouragement to me during those dark moments in raising a child with a seizure disorder.

Our goal is to raise $5,000 this year for epilepsy research. 94 cents from every dollar donated to CURE goes back into epilepsy research and that is exciting! Not only that but we desire to raise awareness of this disease. Most people have no idea but epilepsy kills more people than breast cancer. This is a disease that can be cured and we want to be a part of that. We want our story to be heard and we want to help others who deal with this sometimes devastating disease.

Look for more to come, events and donation opportunities, we are going to do great things in honor of our girl.

Here is her story and some of my favorite photos from today.

Sophia was born on September 9, 2005. She was our first child, our little angel baby. Sophia was nine months old when I first recognized that Sophia may be having a seizure. Actually it was her grandmother who recognized it. I thought she was just teething, wincing in pain, I didn’t recognize that those unexplained facial expressions were actually focal seizures. We spent her first Easter in the hospital, EEGs, CT scans, and MRI tests, nothing was conclusive, yet, on a nine month old sometimes that can happen.

During the next three years Sophia had many seizures, many different types of seizures; absence seizures, myoclonic seizures, and tonic clonic seizures. Sophia has tried many different cocktails of medications. We traveled from our small town to larger areas with children’s hospitals and neuro-specialists. Doctor after doctor was mesmerized by our girl. They couldn’t believe with her history that she could walk, talk and function the way she did/does. They warned of us the reality of this disease and prepared us for the worst.

Today, Sophia is a wide eyed five year old. She is sensitive and caring. She is living with epilepsy, and for that we are thankful. She takes daily medication and still has ‘breakthrough seizures’ from time to time.
We understand the heartache and lives that are destroyed by epilepsy and while our daughter has been one of the lucky ones, there is a very scary reality that is constant in our minds.

Join us in remembering those who live day to day with epilepsy and those who have lost their lives to this disease.

Amazing pictures... Thank you Brian Williams Photography!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

not too high

I was driving in the car with my little ones.
We were driving to my favorite place on earth. My parents farm... down that dirt road... it is the only place that really feels like home.
Only a short drive from where we live now, a few minutes in the car.
The clouds looked like white cotton floating against the ocean blue sky.
I wasn't the only one who noticed it.
Sophia says, "Mommy, how do we know God is up there? We can't see Him."
She has been asking this kind of thing a lot lately. A question that comes with age, although I wasn't expecting her to ask just yet.
We have talked a lot about faith, about the disciples, evidence that supports Jesus walked with man on this Earth, we talk about heaven, and how God is preparing a place for us, what a joyful day it will be when He calls His children home.
I smiled and told her God is always watching us.
Troy sat quietly and said, "Sophi, He is up there, so high we can't see Him, but not too high so He can hear us."
...mouth of babes.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see. -Hebrews 11:1

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hand Towel 2 Toddler Bib

I love decorating... and redecorating... again... and again...
I like changing my decor for the seasons. I have fun crafting and creating new and fun things in my home. But with each holiday and season that passes I always have extra hand towels. Hand towels are inexpensive and I love matching them to my different bathroom or kitchen decor.
A few summers ago I had a blue, black and white beach theme in the kids bathroom.
When I switched things up I had a few blue hand towels left over. I never throw things away, I either reuse them in a different area of the house, upcycle them into something else, or give them to my friends.
For the blue hand towels, I decided I could very easily turn these into a perfect toddler bib, for my then 2 year old son. (This upcycle is from upcycles past, but still wanted to share it on the blog.)

Look how short his hair was?? and the hand towel reached all the way to his toes!
So this was perfect. He was too big for bibs yet still needed them, heck he is almost 4 and can still use these. They stay nice in the wash and are super cute. Since then I have made more from old hand towels. They are perfect for art and painting time too.
I just stitched a ribbon to each side of the towel, so that they could tie to different lengths. I also added buttons to the front because this towel was a little boring! You can be as creative as you want with this project.

Have fun with upcycling your old hand towels into cute and creative bibs.

Monday, May 16, 2011

scrap fabric and old frame

What crafty girl doesn't have some extra fabric laying around?
A few weeks ago this fabric was calling my name. I had no idea what to do with it. So I thought about making another "M" pillow for our couch. I want to make some bigger, squishy pillows for our living room, some pillows that the kids can lay on. I didn't really have that much green fabric though.
I had an old frame in the garage and spray painted it navy blue and decided to combine them for some "M" art in my kitchen. My little coffee corner needed something.
I wish I had a before picture.... but here it is.

I just ironed on the the "M" stitched around the sides, added the flowers with extra fabric (which I've been wanting to try) now, I'm not sure how long this will stay here but I like it for now. I may add some batting between the frame backing and the fabric because in this picture I noticed how 'loose' the fabric looks. But it was fun, easy, quick, and free. Gave my old frame and extra fabric new life. And that's the joy of upcycling because you don't have to feel bad when we redecorate 4 times a year like I do, because it didn't cost much of anything to begin with!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Unexpected Outing

We ended up going on an unexpected outing this week. My friend Kati and I both won a family 4 pack of tickets from Radio Disney to see Shrek the Musical in Orlando. Kati ventured out to pick up the tickets on Monday and she was unable to get mine. Looks like I would have to drive down to Celebration to pick them up. Since Kati's husband was working, I didn't have a clue where I was going, and our kids totally adore one another Kati decided she would ride out with us.
We decided to take the kids to Chick Fil A for lunch, eat at Celebration Park, and then take the kids to Downtown Disney. If we were going to drive out there we were going to make a day of it! Or at least a half of a day. It ended up being a fun and unexpected outing.
Let me add I had no idea there was so much fun and free stuff to do in Downtown Disney (for some free fun... check out our favorite places to play).
Here are some sweet pictures I got of the kids at Celebration Park.
My Sweet Sophia

Troy, really hamming it up for the camera.

Kati's son, Paul

Kati's daughter, Cadence

And "the monsters" (what I call my kids) and "the littles" (what Kati calls her two). So together.. maybe "the little monsters"

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lacing Beads, Computer Games and Wii

We have had a good week. The kids are happy as ever and for that I am very thankful!
Troy is learning more and more. I really feel like since we have started him on a gluten free diet his mind is clear and he is able to focus better. I am shocked at how he has changed now that his little body and brain have been able to absorb nutrients in what he eats. In the last three months, he has learned his numbers, shapes, colors, and alphabet, he is singing songs and nursery rhythms like never before. He even speaks better, he understands more too, have to be careful what we say in front of him. He has never been able to figure out lacing cards or lacing beads and today I pulled them out during activity time. He said, "no, those are Sophi's. I can't do those."
I told him I would show him how and I bet he could do them.
Sure enough... he was a bead lacing fool!

He was so proud on wore his little bead necklace until bedtime.
Sophia has been loving the whole 'summer vacation' thing... no school = time to play on the computer!

This girl loves playing on the computer! I love that everything she enjoys doing is educational! We found some really neat websites for her to play and learn on and I'm all for it.
We do limit the computer/TV/video game time in our house to 1 hour a day. Usually in 30 minute intervals. Sophia usually watches TV for 30 minutes in the morning and Troy plays on the Wii. Then again in the afternoons they play for 30 minutes, Sophia usually plays on the computer and Troy on the Wii.... have I mentioned that Troy loves the Wii. I picked up 'Marvels Super Hero Squad on clearance at Target and Troy LOVES it.. sometimes a little too
much, thus the one hour limit.

We took a trip to downtown Disney yesterday, I'll blog about that and post pictures tomorrow...
I am worn out tonight. Plus, a handsome guy is waiting to watch a movie with me tonight.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bob's Red Mill GF Pizza

I've heard mixed reviews about Bob's Red Mill Products but I have to say... I've been missing pizza so I found the mix for pizza crust and figured I'd give it my best shot.
Oh, was it delish!
We opted for a plain cheese pizza since it was kind of last minute dinner, even requiring Tony to run to Target for mozzarella cheese, while we waited for the packet of active yeast to do whatever it is supposed to to. (20 minute wait...)
I followed the directions for mixing and baking on the back and the results where heavenly...

So... yummy!

Thanks to Daddy for the run to Target for cheesy!

I love that picture of Troy. Enjoying the GF Cheese Pizza

I've read that before..

I was sitting in church a few weeks ago. Listening to a sermon, a sermon on a verse I had read many times before.
A verse I heard many services on..
A verse I read many devotionals about...
Yet, I had never heard the verse depicted this way.
While I sat, listening, I heard someone say, "I have read that verse before"
I thought to myself...
what Christian hasn't? I mean, bottom line is it's a popular verse among believers.
So many verses, popular ones, unpopular ones, uplifting verses, humbling verses... I've heard many verses.
I was blessed to be raised by a Christian Momma, I had a strong Christian Aunt, both of these God-fearing women read me many Bible stories, sang Bible songs, read countless Bible verses to my growing mind. I went to a Christian school where you studied the Bible if you wanted to or not...
Yes, I have heard this verse before...
On of the things I so treasure about the Bible, is you can read the same verse and throughout time the meaning of that verse will transform.
As we grow from babies in His Word the Bible transforms with us, it transforms us.
We can hear the same verse over and over again, yet each time, each season in life take something different from it.

Thank You Lord for allowing your Word to be relevant in our lives while transforming our lives. Thank you for all the times I can hear your word, over and over again.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”
Matthew 5:6

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend Recap

The weekend was wonderful.... well, almost wonderful, but still an awesome weekend.

I'm one very blessed momma.

So thankful to be a Mother this Mother's Day. Tony planned a great Mother's Day outing to BOK Tower and Gardens in Lake Wales. It was a beautiful and peaceful Mother's Day. Tony got up early with the kids and they made me breakfast in bed. french toast with powdered sugar. So sweet to see those smiling facing so excited to bring me breakfast in bed. Troy sat in bed with me- munching on my breakfast. Then we all got ready for a much needed family outing.

The night before my sister and I celebrated with my mom. We got her a necklace and earrings set from Brighton (my sister works at a Brighton in Jacksonville, so we got the hook up). She loved it, we had dinner, and just spent some time visiting with her. It is a rare occasion that it is just the three of us. It was fun. I laughed so hard I got a headache... my mom and my sister are the only ones who can make me do that.

I hope all the momma's out there had a special day.

Back to reality today. Tony is at work and I have an enormous amount of homework to keep me busy. The kids are running around playing and laughing.... they are happy, wild children! I'm glad they have one another to play with... they are best buddies.

Today's "day at a glance" looked something like this...

May 9th -
Gymnastics (Sophia and Troy) 5:45-6:30
Produce Stand (apples, bananas, pecans)
Lana goes back to Jax-

Happy Monday!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stuffed Peppers

This week we got some awesome bell peppers from the produce stand... HUGE, red bell peppers. So for dinner we made stuffed bell peppers with brown rice for dinner one night.
For all you 'glutenites' (Gluten Free people) just be sure the tomato sauce is GF.
Simple, simple, but sooo yummy.
Brown ground Hamburger or Turkey meat in skillet.
Add your favorite spaghetti sauce (I used Classico- Traditional)
Cut the tops off of the bell peppers, remove the seeds and rinse
Stuff with spaghetti meat sauce and sprinkle a little motzerella cheese on top.
Bake 350 for 15-20 minutes or until cheese is melted on top.
Make Brown Rice to serve on the side.
I wish I had a pretty photo to share with you but all I have is the quick picture Tony snapped as I was pulling these out of the oven... yum!
This is def something I'll make again.

It's Summer Vacation and we are living it up...

Yet the learning doesn't stop!
We don't have our traditional school time but every night before bedtime the kids love to end the night with individual "learning time". Sophia's love language is quality time and she loves this one on one learning time with mommy. We usually spend 20 to 30 minutes working in a reading book.

I scooped this up on a home educators resale shop for $10. I had heard about this book and Sophia was begging me to help her learn to read. We had done a lot of pre-reading skills during the school year. She can recognize sight words but was having trouble putting sounds into words. We are only on lesson 8 and I am already amazed as to how she can now hear the letters in words. She is sounding words out. There are writing 'tasks' at the end of each lesson and even her handwriting has improved.
She is so confident and loves working in this book. It is a little repetitive but she enjoys it- it fits her learning style and it's a great match for her.
I like that it is designed for mother/father and child. I plan on using this with Troy next summer. I'm not sure that it fits his learning style but I know he'll enjoy the one on one time.

old shirt made new

Oh me, Oh my.... My little boy's shirt has a whole in it!!
This is not just any shirt. This was his cousin, Tucker's shirt. Troy is the youngest of all the boys in the family and he really looks up to his cousins and their hand-me-downs are his treasures! This shirt was no different.
And what did he tell me when he discovered this shirt... "Mommy, fix it!"
So, we did...

We cut his favorite parts from the old shirt with the whole in it. And found a plain blue shirt in his closet to attach the design onto..

Then we used an iron on adhesive to stick it onto the shirt, sewed the edges... then it was ready to wear!

Yeah, for another upcycle!! and a very happy little boy!

Mother's Day 2011

Tony and his mom went to lunch at Panera today. I'm going to dinner with my mom and my sister tonight. Tomorrow is all about me! Hurray!! This will be the first Mother's Day that we aren't running here and there.
In the years past we have gone on trips with Tony's family or we have been running from church, to my mom's house, to his mom's house, some years even adding in a trip to my grandma's house. While all this running and precious time celebrating with all of the important mothers in our lives is important I am excited for the first Mother's Day celebrating with my children.
Sophia is so excited about celebrating "Mudder's Day". We went to a cake decorating event in downtown Eustis last night so the kids could decorate Mother's Day Cakes. Sophia kept saying "you're the best Mudder". She was so sweet. Although she was rotten as ever later that night when she got overtired.

So, since I won't be blogging tomorrow, because I am going to attempt to do as little as possible I want to tell all the lovely mothers out there... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

Me, my mom, my little sister

Tony and his momma celebrating Mother's Day at Panera

Friday, May 6, 2011

Old Chalk 2 New Paint

Do your children love chalk? Do they have thousands of tiny pieces of chalk from used extras that end up at the bottom of the chalk bucket?
While blog searching the other afternoon I ran across an idea to turn old chalk pieces into chalk paint.
Simple... take old chalk, divide it out by color, place the colors in plastic bags and let the kids hammer the heck out of 'em... Then pour the powdered chalk into a bowl add a small amount of water, enough to turn the powder into a paste or thick liquid, then let the kids paint away...

Some of the colors we added too much water and they didn't show up right away, but once the water was dry the colors were so pretty. This project even drew attention from other neighborhood kids and before I knew it my whole driveway was covered with paint and children...

The kids loved this new take on old chalk...