Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wash Your Strawberries!

This is for you Doreen!! My wonderful neighbor sparked my already "dirty fruit conscious mind" to full throttle!! While over at her home one day she was washing strawberries. Now, I don't mean rinsing them over water... she was really washing strawberries.. soap and all! She says, "Rabbit's pee on these things!" Now, I don't know about you but..I have always rinsed my fruit before eating it, and I was always very conscious about it, I thought of pesticides and the dirty machines that these strawberries see during packaging, but never rabbit pee!!! Seeing that bowl once she finished I started really washing those strawberries.
I thought of Doreen yesterday while I was washing my strawberries... I decided to take a picture to share with you all. Now you all may enjoy the truth behind washing your strawberries. (Just look at the picture!!) Doreen recommends washing them twice, I do too.
Happy Strawberry washing!!!
Don't forget to disinfect the bowl and sink when you are done. :)
Love you Doreen and all your strawberry washing ways!! ;)

on the back of the card...

Funny how mommies work so hard for everyone else... often times putting themselves, their needs dead last. If we don't take care of ourselves how can we take care of our family? When I first got married an older woman whom our family has known for years gave me the best advice, although I didn't realize then, funny how that happens. She pulled me aside at my bridal shower and asked me, "Holly write down who comes first, second, third, etc... God, spouse, children, self?" She handed me a small index card (which I have still). I wrote..
1. God (DUH!)
We are so often taught to deny self.. I thought I had this right on. I thought she would so proud of my answer and I was proud because I really meant what I had written.
She flipped the index card over to reveal what she felt the answer was and it said.
At first I didn't like this. I didn't like thinking I was wrong. I didn't like thinking I had to put myself second, I thought I should take care of everyone else. I didn't like thinking to put my spouce before my children, children should be the first priority right!? I am sure she could see my confusion. There standing in her kitchen, in the middle of my bridal shower, she gave me some of the best advice I have ever been given, I will never forget it and I will be honored to share this with my children someday.
I must say this old lady was onto something. She explained her answer to me, something like this...
God first - (was never an issue... I knew that answer.) Usually hard to do, but I knew the answer. She said, So often it is easier to let God be last. Patient and forgiving it is easy to let Him sit behind everyone knowing He is there, without giving much thought to putting Him in the front. But we know where He should be.. it's putting Him there that is the hard part.
Me second?? - If we don't put ourselves right behind God we cannot take care of the ones we love. Our health, Our spirituality, Our emotional wellbeing... if I am a sick, weak, broken person I cannot be the solid foundation that I need to be for my family. As mothers of little ones, older ones, any ones- husbands included in the ones (sometimes when Tony comes home from work I feel it is like adding another kid to the bunch). It is so easy to put ourselves last- easy; until we are so worn that we cannot take care of everything and everyone and it all just falls apart. Wives and Mothers are the foundation in their homes, you must have a strong foundation.
Our spouce third- Tony should come before our children? I didn't like this either. I thought my children should come before him and before me... but looking at this again, it seems right. If you and Tony aren't nuturing your relationship it makes it hard to be a strong unit as parents to your children. Your future children need you to put yourself and Tony before them so that you can better care for them. Makes sense now.
Children fourth? Once I understood why she said God, myself, and Tony had to be before them... I understood why they were fourth. She said, "Now you know why they are fourth." She gave me a hug and told me to keep the card.
I still struggle with this order, I keep this card in my nightstand. Often times my order looks like, Children, God, Tony, Me. I have found we are all happiest if my order is the same as that 'old lady', the same as what was written on the back of the card. Thank you 'old lady' for sharing your wisdom. :)

What's your order? You don't have to share unless you'd like.. but it is something to think about.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I try and give Sophia memory verses each week. Something to talk about, something to put into her growing mind. Just a thought. I want her to hear scripture at a young age. I want her to grow into a kind, gentle, compassionate, caring person.
Last week we talked about having a 'good heart'. Sometimes she can be such a little stinker. During one of our talks last week (this talk was followed after she slammed her bedroom door in Troy's face and screamed "get out of here!") She was clearly angry at Troy on this day, for what reason I don't know, but she was not happy with him. I told her she had a good heart, that God made her with goodness inside, so she should let the goodness show on the outside by being nice to her brother. She told me "I'm not good, I'm a mean boy just like Bruder". Out of the mouth of babes. I guess that's what she was feeling about Troy. :) The week wore on and she was in the most hateful mood. I was tired of telling her to have a good heart and be good. I wanted to tell her she must have a mean heart- but I didn't!! I don't believe that either, but I felt like saying it! Later in the week she came and hugged me and said "Mommy, thank you for teaching me about my good heart."
Thank you God! Thank you Lord for making it so clear to me that my talks do matter to her and that she is listening, despite her mouth! Oh the mouth on that child!! That mouth!
Now, back to the 'caring'. This week is 'caring', we have a book called God's Virtues for Little Girls (they all are modified for her understanding but it is a great book)... Proverbs 31:20 says "She welcomes the poor, she helps the needy." We talked about that on Sunday night before bed and I told her a story about ways she can be caring and help others. She seemed to enjoy this, as she loves to be a helper.
Yesturday we came home from the grocery story and the 'trash can man' was picking up our trash, I met him at the end of the driveway and walked the trash can up to the house. Sophia was with me. When we went inside she asked me for a 'hopcicle' (popcicle) from the freezer, I told her she could have it but she had to go outside and eat it on the patio.. she said she didn't want it for her, but for the 'trash can man' he looked hot. She said that would be caring. We took the 'hopcicle' to the end of the driveway and gave it to the 'trash can man' when they drove back by. She was so happy... ran back to me saying "I was caring, I was caring." Sweet girl! She was proud of herself. I took two popcicles and we went down to the spring, sat on a bench and ate popcicles under a big tree and she told me all about how the 'trash can man' was so happy to eat a 'hopcicle'.
How awesome! How smart are our babies. It is amazing how they follow by example, by what we teach them... scary but amazing. How important for us to be a positive role model for our children. What a job we have as parents to instill positive virtues into our children.

Monday, July 28, 2008


*This blog was written last night and finished this morning.

Troy took his first real steps today. I was such an exciting milestone. I know it is only a matter of time until he is running all over this house. My joy was followed by sadness at the thought that sweet Landon never got to take his first steps, then more joy... in remembering that our sweet Landon is running all over heaven today. I thought of Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

I smile with that thought and pray that Tami finds comfort in those images. It was a bittersweet moment... more sweet than bitter though, I want to acknowledge Landon's life and the impact he made on our family, on me. Over the past months knowing Landon's (and Marie's) stories have given me new outlook.

Something about being up in the middle of the night. Things seems so cleanr sometimes when I am up with Troy in the night... one night particular I had been awakened by him, for what seemed like the 100th time that night... it was probably the 5th time... I am not the most pleasant person when I haven't had much sleep, most of us aren't, I grumped to Tony while he lay there asleep sarcastically saying "I wish I could sleep through the night" as I got up to go settle Troy back down... Tony didn't budge, he rarely wakes at night- unless there is an emergency, he doesn't even hear me get up. I walked to Troy's room and tripped over a plastic monkey that banged into Sophia's door. I know I had told her to pick up that toy before going to bed. It hit her door with a bang and I literally jumped against the wall- like a secret agent trying to tip toe down the hall. When I got to Troy's room upon opening the door he let out the loudest shriek- I knew it would just be a matter of time before I heard Sophia calling... Just as I got Troy settled back down, Sophia yells from her room, "MOMMY!! I need more water in my cup." Troy popped his head up off my shoulder and looked around. I guess she had been awake in there while I was rocking Troy because I put him down (the crying began again) and she was wide awake sitting up in her bed... it was probably around 3am and I am not going to lie- I WAS MAD! HOT! I was so angry. I cursed in my mind as I filled up her cup while Troy was awake again and crying. I filled her cup, turned on her music, covered her back up, kissed her, and told her to go back to sleep, that I'd check on her when I got Troy back to sleep. I went back to Troy's room picked him up and sat in the rocking chair until he settled back down. When I first sat in that chair I was frustrated, tired, annoyed... under the circumstances understandable. Then, Landon popped into my mind and Marie as well.. I thought-

thank God my baby can cry for me in the night.

thank God my baby girl can play with the plastic monkey I tripped over

thank God my daughter has ears to hear, even when I don't want her too :)

thank God my son can hold me back

thank God my daughter can speak, even if she is yelling across the house at 3am

For all the things I don't enjoy... thank God.

The next morning I was tired but so grateful.
Grateful for a rough night with my two babies.
Grateful to kiss them good morning.
Grateful to hear Sophia tell me her cup was empty again.
Grateful that Troy was a grouch from being up and down all night.
I have never been so grateful for such a tiresome night and such a grouchy morning.

Thank you Landon and Marie for teaching me to be grateful for the things that I don't always enjoy.

How blessed am I to have a glimpse of your sweet lives.

On the eve of Landon's funeral services, I want to acknowledge that thanks to Tami and Shan their children's lives, that aren't long enough, have made impacts on others. These children have a legacy- they have touched others. They matter.

I had never heard of Leigh's Disease before reading Landon and Marie's stories. Raising awareness about Leigh's Disease is another way we can carry on a legacy for these children.

To Tami and Shan, thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for being so brave, so honest, so faithful. Thank you for allowing me to know you (even if just through the computer). God Bless.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sweet Angel Landon

It breaks my heart to type this blog... I don't even have words to type but I know many of you have been praying for this sweet family.

I cannot imagine the sorrow of my friend Tami tonight. After a long struggle, "...Landon grew his angel wings this morning..." (the perfect words from his mother). If you have read my blogs before about Landon he is a perfect angel. Too perfect for Earth. There is no doubt in my mind that God is holding this angel boy in his arms tonight. Join with us in sadness and in prayer for Tami and her family. I know they appreciate the prayers.

May God send his angels to wrap their wings around them as only he truly knows their pain. May God bring strength and peace to this beautiful family. Bring them peace knowing Landon is at peace and is no longer suffering. God Bless them. Amen.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A fork in the eye!

Friday afternoon the kids got up from their naps and we loaded up and drove out to my mom's house. I love going to my mom's house. It really is that feeling of, going home. Nothing beats it. It's somewhere I can always go. That farm, that dirt road, that house, will always hold a special place in my heart. My mom has lived in the same place since I was born. Anyway, we were headed out to the farm for some swimming and family time. We went in the pool, hung out with my sister, my mom, and Aaron (sister's boyfriend). It was fun, we laughed and had a great time. Lana and Aaron were taking off for dinner and a movie. Mom was heading to the barn and was going to make some beans and rice. Sophia and I talked her into going to Outback instead. The kids were in there pajamas with no shoes, mom and I got dressed and headed to an early dinner. We were having the best time. We ordered coconut shrimp, my favorite! and we were having an awesome time. The food came and I heard my mom (who was sitting with Sophia) say, "Sophi where's Mimi's fork?"... I looked up...
"Here it is", Sophia said.
As she swung around and accidentally poked my mom in the eye with the fork.
My mom grabbed her eye, Sophia screamed.... we would not be finishing our dinner.
We boxed our food up and off to the urgent care. Mom is an RN and she knew something was wrong, she said she felt the fork go into her eye. (Gives me chills thinking about it.) Luckily, some of her nurse friends were eating there and helped us get to the car.
Sophia was obviously upset, but mom did a great job of telling her it was just an accident but Mimi had to go to the doctor to get it checked out, but she would be fine....
Now, to make a really, really, long story short-
Mom ended up with a scratch on her eyeball... lots of pain... but it should heal... they gave her pain meds and antibiotic ointment.. she will follow up on Monday with an eye doctor.
Horrible!!! Little Sophia ended up pooping her pants from stress- God love her! She said "Mommy, I pooped because I was soo scared when I poked Mimi's eye with the fork." I was worried that the stress would lower the threshold for her seizures, but as far as I know she didn't have any.
I think mom will heal up just fine, and Sophia enjoys telling everyone about her accident with Mimi and the fork. She has talked to my mom on the phone a few times, and mom reassures her that she is fine.
Kudos to Aaron, he was awesome help with the kids. Part of the long story, was, mom didn't have her purse (we were treating her) so I dropped her an urgent care and had to go home to get her ID, insurance cards, etc. Aaron and Lana cut their date short and came home to feed the horses (obviously mom wasn't going to be able to do it). Aaron was soo good. He kept Sophia and Troy for me to get Sophia's mind off of mom's eye. She was so upset and Aaron did a great with her. He was so tender to her. He is going to be a great daddy someday. He held her and loved on her the whole time I was with mom. She told him "Aaron, I pooped in my panties when I was scared"... the straightest face, he said "it's ok Sophi, sometimes I do that too". Funny, but it meant the world to her. She told me "Mommy, do you know it's ok I pooped in my panties, Aaron does that too when he is scared." OH Aaron!! Thank you for being so wonderful!! He was also great support to Lana who hates it when anyone is hurt.
What a night that was huh!!??? Poor Mimi!

Also, now I have to tell you all that my sweet nephew Xavier is 3 today. They live in TN so we won't be seeing him on his birthday :( but my heart is with him today on his special day.
Happy Birthday Xavi-Bop! Auntie Holly Loves You!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008


*Troy playing at Big Bounce Fun Zone (about a week ago).

Troy is the same age Sophia was when she started having seizures. I watch him constantly, any odd face or movement he makes I feel a surge of concern shoot through my body. I am not overwhelmed with fear, but it has been a thought in my mind recently. Troy seems different though. He is bigger, healthier, happier... Troy seems so strong. Sophia always seemed so fragile when she was little.

He had his 9 month, well baby and immunization visit today. He wore little shorts and a muscle shirt with white tennis shoes. He looked cute as a button. His little curls on his neckline... I could just eat him up! I thought of Sophia. Always dressed in pink as a baby. Tiny little thing. She wore 3-6 month clothes when she was 9 months old. Troy was wearing 18 months and a size 4 shoe. She had a bright red mohawk (blond now, but she was a carrot top at one time)... Troy is our mullet baby, with his curly brown hair. Sophia, like most babies, screamed when she got her shots. Troy got two shots and didn't even flinch.. not a whimper, cry, nothing. He just laid there trying to sit up. He was 23.9lbs today.. I looked in the baby book and at 9 months Sophia was 15.2 lbs. At one year she was just 17 lbs. Troy will probably be 25lbs.. LOL. I think Poppa is right, in another year Troy is going to look like the big brother.

I was rocking my sweet baby boy to sleep at nap time. I always sing him the same two songs, "Godspeed" and "I never saw blue like that before", he cuddles with his blue blanket while I rock him. It really is one of my favorite time of days. Today he was extremely tired, I handed him his blanket, and he snuggled into my arm, smiled, and closed his eyes. You could see the joy and contentment all over his little face. As I sang he would smile big, open his little mouth so I could see his teeth, so sweet. His eyes stayed closed. You could tell he was awake but resting, he knew he was supposed to be settling in for sleep time. It was precious.

I felt so touched, so blessed.

I prayed. Thanking God for blessing me with that sweet boy and my sweet girl (who was laying in her bed singing to herself). I prayed for Landon. He is on my heart more today than ever. I prayed for God to hold him in His arms, for God to give Landon the same peace and contentment that Troy was feeling in that moment. To give Tami the comfort in knowing Landon is in His arms. Please keep them in your prayers in the passing days.

I want to include the lyrics to Godspeed, for sweet Landon.
Dragon tales and the "water is wide"
Pirate's sail and lost boys fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, we'll find the mouse
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sky Venture

Me flying at Sky Venture
Tony flying at Sky Venture
What a fun day!!!
We left around 2pm for Sky Venture. It was a really neat experience. Something I would love to do again! When we got there we went to a learning room and heard a short explanation of what we would be doing and the correct 'flying posture'. Then we got out flight suits, googles, shoes, helmets, and ear plugs. Then off to the wind tunnel. We both flew twice in 145 mph winds. It was awesome!! When we were done we went to Cheesecake Factory for an early dinner. (yummy!!) Then we were home by 7:30 to put the kids in bed. It was an awesome afternoon. Thanks to Nonnie for watching the kids so we could go .
Hope everyone is having a good Thursday.
Sophia and Troy just woke up from their naps, so I don't have a lot of time to write today. But I wanted to share the pictures with everyone.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Anniversary to me.

God has blessed my life with these beautiful people He has perfectly placed in it.
'Kingdom Thinking', understanding that God gives us circumstance, people, situations, everything to better glorify Him. So that we may look at our life in the past, present, and to the future knowing it is His will.
God has placed us here, in this time to be an example to others, to be a helping hand, to be a flicker of His great light to a dark world.

Tomorrow Tony and I will be celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary. We area going to be spending the morning together with the kids then in the afternoon taking off to Sky Venture for some indoor skydiving, then dinner, before coming home to put the kids to bed. I am so excited. Tony and I both have a very physical and adventurous spirit, I am so glad that God perfectly picked Him for me.
Thinking back on the last four years... "two babies, two houses, at least five cars", as my grand daddy said this afternoon, it's been way more than five... Tony had a thing for cars, I had a thing for wrecking cars... we have been through a lot of cars. Now, we have a minivan and a Camry- a far cry from his cherry red mustang cobra convertible and my BIG Nissan Armada.
Funny to think back isn't it?
I remember when my main concern was if I was going to see Tony at church on Wednesday nights, at 15 I didn't want to go to church if my major crush wasn't going to be there, are you kidding!?
Tony and I have been together going on 9 years this August, seems like forever. I was 16 when we started dating. High school sweethearts, not quite, he was 21, ahh!! He didn't realize how old I was for a short while... I tried to keep that my little secret for as long as I could. By the time he found out, he was so captivated by my beauty there was no running. :) You believe that!? :)
I'd like to think I was that mature, but I think he was that immature.. either way we were a good match, still are, most days. ;)
Lots of rules in the beginning, yes rules... 16 and 21, my mom wasn't going for it. I wouldn't either. Let's just bow our heads right now and pray Sophia never falls for the 21 year old preacher's son at church, and let's pray if she does he won't fall for her! Not kidding, pray!
Yes, a preacher's son!! I know making matters worse right! No, he was a good guy, OK no, he was a guy. :) I adored him, you would have thought he hung the moon. I still adore him. I sometimes can't believe that it really happened. I had been goo goo eyed over him since I was 13- he never knew I existed. JERK! A sun tan, new hair do, and boobs, and I magically appeared... he is a guy right!? Anyway, he finally realized I existed and we were inseparable.
I remember being in high school, he never would step foot in a homecoming or prom, he never discouraged me from going though. He said, he wanted me to experience high school so that I wouldn't regret it later. I hated high school. I wish I had embraced it more. I was a swimmer and Tony came to every swim meet he could, I always did horrible at the meets he came too though. I remember my coach asking him to not come to the bigger meets, she told him he was a distraction- can you believe that!? He would wait in his blue mustang GT for me to get out of swim practice and we would ride all around our small town... I was never happier than riding in that car with him.
College was a blast! I loved being in college, I was engaged, we had so much fun, we had jobs, money, we lived it up! Movies, theme parks, the beach, we went everywhere together.
Then, we got married... funny how that sounds, 'then we got married'... it was great!! We went to Cancun for our honeymoon. It was the best! It was the first time we had gone away anywhere together, alone- ALONE!! It was great! What a fun time. We went hiking in the rain forest, swimming in the ocean, we went in a submarine, saw ancient temples, it was a fun. Something I will never forget, something I can't wait to do again, someday.
After we were married for 4 months, I remember laying in bed one night and I said... "I want to have a baby"... WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!?? Just kidding, I knew my baby girl would be the perfect addition to our family, and forever change our lives- and yes she did. 6 weeks later, I was pregnant.. fertile murtile... 41 weeks later, Sophia Ann was born. 25 months after that Troy Anthony was born... and now 4 years and counting....
Can't help but love him!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

...hold them tight Lord.

In this world of computers- connecting people who otherwise wouldn't know one another. I have had the great pleasure of visiting the life of Tami, her daughter Paige, and her precious boy Landon through Tami's blog page.
Tonight, I am asking those of you who read this to pray, pray hard, Landon has Leigh's Disease and his not doing good. His body is tired, Tami is tired, I am definate that her family is hurting. Tami is facing something no mother should ever have to face. Her hands are tied, she is trying to keep him comfortable, but her fears are overwhelming. Be with us in prayer tonight. Please pray for God's will to be done, pray for Landon to stop hurting, strength for a beautiful mother, pray for God to carry her 'heavy heart' during this time, pray for understanding for sweet Paige while she can only watch and understand as best a four year old possibly can.

God, keep them, hold them tonight, in the next few days, take Landon's hurt...give strength to a mother who is spent.. may your angels wrap their wings around this family and bring them some kind of unexplainable peace during this time, only You know... hold them tight Lord.

I am sure your prayers and thoughts for Landon would be greatly appreciated by Tami-

God Bless and Thank you for praying.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

no Indian Dancing.. Sea World instead...

Me and the kids in the Wild Arctic =)

Today we didn't end up seeing the Indian Dancers, turns out you had to "preregister" with the public library to see them. Maybe next year, I guess they come every summer, now I know. Luckily, we didn't waste time going, I called in the morning to make sure I had the correct time and was informed of the "preregistration process" by a very grouchy woman who just so happened to be "in charge of the summer program", how nice for her. :)

We did go to Sea World though!! Even better! Tony told me this morning, at 6:45am, while I was trying to sneak in a few more minutes before getting up, that he was off work today. News to me, I love how he doesn't tell him his schedule until that day. Anyway, we decided to use our season passes to Sea World today. So, we loaded up and went to see Shamu.

On the way there Sophia was telling us about how when she was a little baby she rode on a while with Jesus and He dropped her out of the sky and mommy caught her.... what an imagination she has! Oh, she also told us that she drank the whale's milk, but the whale wasn't magic, Jesus is magic- oh my!

We had a fun time. We have decided since we have season passes and it is relatively close, no point in stressing to do everything in one day. We knew we wanted to do a couple things we didn't get to do last time so we had a plan- we went to Wild Arctic, we saw Beluga Whales, Polar Bears, and a walrus. We also went to Shamu's Happy Harbor which is a section that has a water part for the kids to play in and rides for smaller kids. Oh- and you can't go to Sea World with Sophia without seeing the mommy and baby dolphins, in the dolphin nursery.

It was perfect. We went played and were home by 2pm for a short nap before Nonnie came over to watch the kids so Tony and I could go to the gym together(more about that later). It was a wonderful family day.

Hope everyone had a Happy Wednesday!

If you'd like to see all the pictures from this day... click the link below and check out our slide show.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sophi's Theory on Troy's boy parts :)

Get ready to laugh- really get ready....

I was getting Troy out of the tub a couple weeks back and Sophia was getting in the tub as I was taking him out. She looked very intently at Troy and said.. "Mommy, Bruder has a turkey on his body!"

I told her it was his "pee pee", I just can't bring myself to say 'penis' to her, I know she'd never stop saying it... and boy would I have been right- she has told everyone from her buddies to the lady in the grocery store bathroom that Troy has a 'turkey'.

A while ago she had a friend over and they were taking a bath together and she says.. "Jasmine, your naked"

Jasmine says, "Sophi you're naked too, we are getting a bath"

Sophia responds, "Well, my mommy has big boobs when she's naked" (I know, I know..)

Jasmine says, "My mommy has big boobs too" (Alright, Stacey!)

Sophi puts her hands on her hips and says, "Oh yea..." in a competitive 'I am going to out do you' kind of way she says, "well my Bruder has a turkey on his body."

I literally sat down- not laughing, but I just needed to sit.
That child is nuts!
So, there is Sophia's theory on Troy's boy parts....

My little prima ballerina

I have to share my little ballerina with you. Let me start off by saying... she never smiles when she is dancing ballet. She is very serious about it. I snapped about fifteen pictures of her and not one of them was she smiling. She was dancing very slowly all around the living room doing all sorts of moves but she wouldn't smile. She was concentrating on her dancing.
Sophia has loved ballet for a while now. Our neighbor, Madeline is a ballerina. Sophia adores her and from the first time we saw Madeline walking to her ballet class Sophia wanted to be a ballerina just like Madeline. That was her incentive for being potty trained. We made a deal that if she got potty trained then she could take ballet classes. We went and bought big girl panties, a leotard, tights, and slippers. We put the panties in the drawer and hung the ballet stuff in her closet. Once she was really using the potty like a big girl she got to wear her leotard and slippers. We signed her up for ballet classes in July. The first day was last Thursday. I don't know what happened to her that day but she woke up really cranky and just couldn't get it together, we didn't end up making it into ballet class. We will try again in August. I was really disappointed, she was disappointed the next day, I knew it was something she really wanted to do, but for whatever reason (could have been medicine) she was emotional and really moody. I have noticed her medicine amplifies normal two year old behavior- when she is moody and having a 'two year old moment' it is extreme (it lasts longer and the emotions go sky high). Anyway, she will have plenty of opportunities to start dance classes. In the meantime, she is practicing all around the house. It is so cute.

Hope everyone is having a nice week. We are going to an Indian dance show tomorrow at the local library. I am sure I'll have some fun stories to share when we get back from that. ;)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Emotional Day

This morning was a great morning. I woke up, Sophia and I went to 'girls only breakfast' with my mom, sister, and some lady friends. After Sophia was with her Mimi there was no way she was going to leave and go to church with me. So, she went with my mom to her church. I went to Target and did some shopping since I had some time to kill before church started. I met Tony and Troy at church. We took Troy to the baby class and went to find some seats. While singing, I noticed the girl standing in front of me, she made me think of my Sophia (in like 15 years). Most young, blond haired girls I see make me think of my of my little girl.. they make me think of the future. She was cute, wearing blue jeans (Sophi's favorite)... I watched her sing and worship and thought about my daughter, what she would be like as a young woman. We sat down and the girl sat and then fell to the side, falling onto the floor. Looked like she was having a mild seizure, convulsion of some sort, I really don't know. I wanted to run to her and react the way I would when Sophia had seizures. When Sophia has seizures I am very level headed, I almost detach from the emotional side of it and deal with the circumstance as it is happening. Afterward, I am able to be emotional but while it is happening I deal with it. I don't know what happened. While I watched this girl, I froze. I watched her eyes, brown eyes, fixated... no matter how many seizures I have seen or will see my daughter have, I never will get used to her eyes. That blank stare, that look of desperation in your child's eyes. If you have experienced you know what I mean, it is hard to explain. I saw that in this girl's eyes and in that moment she became my Sophia. My eyes went like a black tunnel and I felt like someone pushed me back. Then, I was sitting on the floor. I guess I blacked out for a moment. I don't think many people noticed, I hope they didn't... the attention needed to be on that girl and getting her the care she needed, not on my emotional meltdown. There are a few people at our church who are in the medical field, paramedics, firefighters, nurses, they were great with her. Comforting, kind, gentle, very sweet people. I watched as one of the guys held her head, seeing her blond hair on the ground put chills down my spine. Obviously, 911 was called and the girl was taken care of. I went outside to get some air, Tony followed me, I was so emotional. I couldn't gain composer, we didn't stay long after that. Tony got Troy and went to the grocery store before heading home. I drove over the the local hospital to see if they brought her in, I later found out they didn't transport her. I just wanted to check on her. I guess she was fine, I heard she was having fun in her pool later that day. I don't know her story, but I was glad to hear she was good and living life. Thank God! I stopped at the gas station and it took me 5 minutes to figure out how to pump the gas.. no lie, I looked at the machine for a good 4 minutes before seeing the 'enter' button. I felt like I was walking in a cloud. It was so silly- I kept thinking it was so silly... I was so emotional and my baby girl was having a blast swimming at Mimi's house and riding her pony. I drove home only to remember I didn't have a house key and Tony had gone to the grocery store. I guess I was still in that cloud of emotion. I had my ipod with me and it was playing Dream Big, I sat by the front door and cried. I couldn't gain control. The song ended and I played it again. The more I cried the better I felt. I walked out into the yard, comforting to feel the grass, the sun shining, there were so birds flying around the lake... I felt comfort while I cried sitting in the grass. I prayed for meaning... for understanding... I didn't understand why I was so emotional. I heard these words so clear...
I am allowing you to feel now, embrace these emotions
Thank you Lord, for giving me the opportunity to cry, when my baby is having seizures- I don't cry, there isn't time to get emotional, this was my chance.
Even though I didn't want to... I did. There was a reason we sat behind that girl, there was a reason I thought of Sophia, there was a reason that girl fell at my feet (literally), there was a reason I reacted so emotionally, I believe there was a reason I didn't have Sophia with me (if I had I would have kept it together), I believe there was a reason I got locked out of the house (I would probably be taking my emotions out on the dirty microwave instead of sitting in the grass and facing it). It was the perfect opportunity for me to be alone and be emotional.
I am one of those people who internalizes emotions, I am an emotional person and very compassionate but I do keep a lot inside, one reason this blog is such a form of therapy for me, it's things I wouldn't say- something I am working on. But- today I enjoyed it, it felt good. Once I was able to embrace it. I sat in the grass listened to music, watched the wind blow in the trees, I just was.
I do believe this day was God's plan. I believe that God is pleased with how I embraced my emotions, He was giving me a chance to be emotional.
OK, well, that's a bit too much 'emotion talk' for tonight... geez! :) I am going to sleep- all that crying wore me out!

Friday, July 11, 2008

afternoon ride

We discovered a fun afternoon activity that we all (those of us home in the afternoons; me, Sophia, and Troy) can enjoy... the Barbie Jeep!!! Sophia drove the jeep around the neighborhood for at least an hour this afternoon while Troy rode next to her, buckled in of course, I considered putting Sophia's bicycle helmet on him, but thought that might be over kill- it still sounds like a good idea.
We found this Barbie Jeep about 8 months ago in someones driveway with a 'FREE' sign taped to the front. Immediately, I had Tony pull over to put it in the back of the van- you can't beat that deal. There was nothing wrong with this jeep, it came with the charger and everything. I assume the child in that house just got to old for it... works for me! I took down the address and later sent them a thank you card.
Sophia has had a ton of interest in it but wasn't the best driver.. she swerved all over the road and it was hard keeping up with her when Troy was so little. Today though- was a blast!!! They laughed and drove that jeep all over the place. I walked behind following them. It was good exercise, chasing after them, and kept them totally occupied. They didn't want to put it away, but dinner time was coming quick so we had to come in.
Anyway, I just wanted to share our fun afternoon with you. This is an activity we will definitely do again.

Oh, and here is a fun picture of Sophia to make you smile- Wild Child!!!!

She has been doing so great lately. I haven't noticed any absence seizures, nothing behaviorally that seems out of sorts- it's been nice, I have felt my guard drop a bit... feeling comfortable and nervous at the same time. Feeling like she is so strong. My beautiful girl.

God rains down His blessings on us this week. :) Wishing everyone a blessed weekend.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bragging on my girl daddy.

*Tony and Sophia working on the trampoline we got in June.

It takes a special man to be a daddy, and in my mind it takes a really special man to be a girl daddy. There is no argument that women and men are created totally different. Women tend to be more emotional, more nurturing... while men are hairier and can open jars easier (it was all I could think of, but you get where I am going with this, right!?) God created us perfectly different from one another. I heard someone say that the best role model for a child is the same gender parent. Let's not confuse though, the importance of the opposite gender parent either. I am extremely important to Troy- OK, OK, Tony is the one who will be the example for Troy when he is older and Troy will follow by Tony's example (scary!!! -just kidding). It very important for parents to be aware that they are under constant scrutiny from their children- your children are a product of you... be a good example :)

Back to this great girl daddy thing...

It was a rocky beginning for Tony starting off into the world of fatherhood. He underestimated it, he says it himself, I think most men do. Sophia was a difficult baby though, she was sick quite a bit, skinny little thing, cried all the time... the stress on parents of a newborn is tough, even worse when it is an unhappy newborn. It took him time to come around- he slowly learned baby things- like changing diapers, bath time, bedtime routines, how to button pajamas (he still is working on that)... all the normal baby stuff. He made progress with her. Seeing him with her today, he really does a good job being a girl daddy.

Now, Tony comes from a family of boys. He has two younger brothers. I think he only has one girl cousin on his mom's side... and one on his dad's side.. so he really was raised with a bunch of boys. Tony is a typical man's man- football, fishing, boxing, weightlifting.... you get the idea. So, his first child being a daughter was quite a shock for him, for me, for everyone.. we just figured Sophia was going to be a boy. We were surprised. I even took a blue outfit to the hospital when she was born, in case they got it wrong. Out of seven grand babies Sophia is the only girl on Tony's side of the family. God has really worked wonders in Tony's parenting in the past year. I have seen him really change, he was a good daddy before, but he is a great girl daddy now. He is patient, gentle, calm- he has become a great girl daddy (I can't say it enough). Not saying that boys don't need those traits in a father too, but if you have a girl and a boy you will understand the difference in parenting styles. Even in their play- Troy is rough, he likes to roll around, wrestle, we call him our little rascal. Sophia wants someone to play dolls, sing songs, dress up.... I saw Tony playing baby dolls with Sophia... yes, I if I hadn't seen it with me own eyes I don't think I would have believed it. He was even talking in a high pitch voice. You should have seen the joy on her little face. She was so trilled. She told him, you be the daddy and I'll be the mommy. I always thought the biggest compliment a little girl can give her daddy is to say she wants to marry him. He will sit in the recliner and sing songs with her. He takes time to listen to her when she is sad. He is patient in dealing with her emotions- Lord knows, she is emotional! They even went to Disney together and left Troy and I at home. He takes time for her. Regardless of gender, children need their parents attention, love, adoration... I have seen a difference in Tony though, the way he handles Sophia and Troy. He is conforming to her needs, while Troy's needs come so natural for him. Tony really has changed, he really is a great girl daddy- I am so proud of him.

She is the little girl who wants to marry her daddy.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Adventure down the Rainbow River.

Today we went tubing down the Rainbow River. Tony had the day off work today. Monday a friend of mine went with her 10 year old son and she told me about it, I decided we should go. So, today we did just that. It was fun. We took the kids with us, imagine two little ones floating down a two hour river ride- it wasn't as hectic as you might imagine. It was a rocky start but once we got going it was a blast!!
We got to the tube rental place, we decided to rent two tubes that had a bottom so that we could sit with the kids, we also had a cooler for snacks, bottles, sippy cups, diapers.. you know. We got on a shuttle that took us to the drop point and carried our tubes down to the water. The tubes were like little raft boats. We tied our tubes together, Tony and Troy rode together, Sophia and I rode in the other one with the cooler. Now, it was a bit hectic getting in the water... just was we were in and going good... SHHHHH... one of the tubes had a leak- we quickly realized it was Tony and Troy's tube. I did anything any other mother would do knowing her husband and son's boat was in danger of sinking- "Give me my son. Tony, you are going to have to swim us to shore!" Quick thinking right!! I know you other mothers would appreciate that. ;) Luckily we were very close to another tube rental dock; they were very sweet and helped us get back in the water with a new tube. We ended up- Tony in the raft with Troy and the cooler, Sophia in her own little boat, me in a tube floating behind Sophia. Once we got in that second time, it was smooth sailing. It was a fun trip. About an hour in Sophia said she wanted to sit with me, we were in pretty deep water at that point so I put my legs into her boat and she crawled over my legs, like a bridge, into the tube with me. She sat on my belly while we floated down the river. By this point Tony had tied my shirt to Troy's head to keep him cool and he refused to wear his hat. Troy looked like a little pirate. Sophia and I were swimming along in our tube trying to escape the pirates. It was so fun. Tony really played it up, saying "ARRRG" every time our tube got close to theirs. It was so fun. Troy would reach over and splash in the cool water. We ate our snacks, Tony feed Troy a bottle.. all while the current pushed us down the river. By the end, my normally water shy, Sophia was asking to climb outside the tube, hold onto the side and kick along with the fish. I was shocked, she loved it- she was giggling and laughing, precious sounds. Tony said "kids will do anything when they are sick of sitting" - I guess so! A few times she would lay on me and rest like she was relaxing in at a day spa, so cute. Troy was looking around at everything, he was constantly entertained while he and Daddy pretended to be pirates trying to capture Princess Sophia. At the end we saw an otter, he kept coming to the surface then diving back down. It was the perfect ending to our adventure down the Rainbow River.

The water was crystal clear the entire way. The water is 72 degrees year round. To read more about the river and see more pictures-

It really was a beautiful day. How blessed an I!??? :)

We did bring a water camera but we have to wait for the pictures to get developed, hopefully I will have them by the end of the week to share.. I want you to see our little pirate Troy. It was hilarious!

Friday, July 4, 2008

water into grape juice...

I hope everyone had a Happy 4th of July. It was a fun day for us we celebrated with family and friends. It was a happy day.

Now, another 'Sophia funny'-

Days back Sophia and I were telling 'Jesus stories'. I was telling her about Jesus turning the water into wine... now remember, these stories are always modified for a two year olds understanding. I told her that Jesus was at a wedding, a big party, and they only had water- no wine (she wouldn't know what wine was so I was saying grape juice), I told her that Jesus did a miracle (which she is convinced Jesus is magic and carried a wand that looked like a Shepard's hook and it made him magic- I am afraid that she is going to be very confused!) and Jesus turned the water into grape juice. So that all the people could drink it and celebrate at the wedding.
It was a fun time, talking to her about the miracles of Jesus, we talked about how Jesus healed sick people, and other stories. I love talking to her about God.

Every morning Sophia drinks a cup of orange juice or chocolate milk.
Now, I swore I would never give my child chocolate milk, I thought it was for special occasions only! It is funny the things you think before your a parent, even when you are a parent- yet, when that time comes you change your mind. I think it is so cute in the morning when she asks 'do we have chocolate mulk mommy?' How could you say no! It began when she was one and still wasn't able to digest dairy, the pediatrician suggested starting her on soy milk- she hated it! Her formula was $25 for the smallest can, so it was continue paying for formula or try the chocolate soy... of course she loved it! Since then, she is able to eat dairy but can't bring herself to try "white milk"- She doesn't even believe that "white milk" is milk... I remember when I was nursing Troy and Sophi asked me "is there chocolate mulk in there". Now, I know there are probably other healthier options, but we will stick with the low fat 'chocolate mulk' for this girl.

Back to the story, she only gets one cup of chocolate milk and one cup of orange juice a day.. the rest is water, Gatorade (if we have been spending lots of time outside), and if she goes over to her Nonnie's house she always comes home with a Capri Sun (which she thinks is a very special treat!). Yes, in my strange mommy mind I feel that I am making her healthy by giving her these options. No, I am not a control freak. ;)
So- this morning she drank her chocolate milk and asked for more. Not thinking much about it I returned her cup with water in it. She looked at her cup and looked at me, shrugged her shoulders and went about her busy little morning routine of organizing her My Little Ponies along the couch. I 'made' pancakes for breakfast (the Eggo mini microwave pancakes) and called her into the kitchen. She asked for her cup, I got it filled it with more water and gave it to her. She tasted it, looked at me, looked at her cup... as if taking to her cup, looked at it very seriously, and said "I wish I could turn this water into chocolate mulk"... then she looked at me and said "Jesus could, He turns water into grape juice."

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sophia's elbow update-

The elbow is doing just fine. She can fully extend it now, although she doesn't always want to. She doesn't baby it near the way she did. Occasionally if she bumps it in just the right spot she'll fuss about it but overall it really isn't much of an issue. She is such a toughy it really didn't seem to affect her much after the first two weeks.
I am keeping her off the dining room chairs now though. I still haven't let her back on the trampoline, which we are having playgroup at our house tomorrow so I am sure that will change then.
We went to the park last week and she was swinging around on a toy with one arm, she's so funny.
We did go to an orthopedic doctor who decided not to splint or cast, he said that often times when you splint a bone unless totally broken it can create more of a problem in the future (with the joint getting stiff) and he didn't want her to spend the summer in physical therapy.. I was shocked at first that he didn't splint it but I then I was very happy because she did handle it very well. She just kept it bent and towards her body until she was ready to use it.
Thank you for asking.. and she is doing great!! :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Little little boy

Glad to hear you all are enjoying the machiato recipe. It's a good one! Anne Marie was pleased to hear that her awesome recipe is being shared to other busy ladies!!!

I found this sweet poem online today. It made me think of my baby boy.

Little boys come in all shapes and sizes,
Shy and adventurous, full of surprises,
With misshapen halos and mischievous grins,
Small dirty faces, and sweet, sticky chins.
They'll keep you so busy, and yet all the while
Nothing can brighten the world like their smile.
And no greater treasure has brought homes more joy
Than a curious, active, and lovable boy!

I just loved this. It really reminded me of my little guy. He is such a joy. So special to our home. He really has completed our family. He is so cute. His little smile just brings light to the room. Those two little teeth are precious. His little curls on the back of his head. His beautiful eyes. Everything about him takes my breath away.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Iced Carmel Machiato

*This is Anne Marie, instructing me how to make an Iced Carmel Machiato, last time we were visiting them in Tennessee. Doesn't she look excited!!!! The thought of drinking one of these does this to us!

I'd like to share with you a little piece of heaven in our morning routine... no, it's not sitting peacefully on the couch with my children, that hasn't happened since Choo Choo Soul. It's called the Iced Carmel Machiato, if you are a coffee or espresso drinker you will appreciate this, if not, I am sorry that you cannot fully appreciate the joys of this heavenly drink! Now, it is a Starbucks drink that on a trip to Tennessee my sister in law, Anne Marie, the very profound one I spoke of earlier in this blog, introduced me to while I was pregnant with Troy. Now, I don't recommend caffeine to this magnitude when you are preggers, but after traveling 5 days, 3 different hotels, 8 months pregnant, with a cranky 2 year old- anything goes! Now, this isn't just the regular Starbucks Iced Carmel Machiato to be exact she orders...funny that I know this... I've been on the phone when she has ordered this many times, now you must use proper Starbucks etiquette when ordering... "Hello, how are you today? (pause of their answer) Excellent! Yes, I'd like to order a Venti, Iced Carmel Mach. Quad, with 8 pumps of vanilla, and extra caramel (wait to hear the shock in their voice), yes that's correct, 4 shots of espresso and 8 pumps of vanilla, don't forget the extra Carmel (again shock while they say OK mam') Thank you"... it's heaven! After trying hers and feeling sweet euphoria, I was a little concerned for the child growing inside of me, so I didn't have another once we got back to Florida. BUT- once Troy was born and not nursing all deals were off, I was going to Starbucks all the time! I craved Iced Carmel Machiatos! When the lack of sleep from two children not sleeping through the night you must give in to these desires to make it through the day. Now, unless you have unlimited funds- which Anne Marie and I don't, in fact we have husbands who twitch at the thought of our $5 drinks. So, Matthew got Anne Marie an espresso maker for Christmas (or something)... she searched and searched until she found the Starbucks secret recipe. When Troy was 5 months old we drove to Tennessee again to visit and she shared this glorious recipe with me. So I got the espresso maker out of the back of the cabinet, the cabinet that you put stuff you don't use- what was I thinking, and started experimenting... thanks to Anne Marie I canmake a mean Iced Carmel Machiato. I was so proud, then weight watchers happened! But let me tell you- I have modified the Machiato for those of us counting points! Granted it is a 5 point drink- but worth every point!

Before I share the recipe with you I want you to know... we (Anne Marie and I) have found when you put coffee on ice you can drink it much faster, which is a major plus when you have to chase children all morning. (Anne Marie has 3 boys, an 11 year old, 2 year old, and a 1 year old- no wonder she needs this liquid speed.)

I am including two recipes.. the good one, and the 5 point one (which is still good, but.. you will be able to see the difference). For those of us coffee and espresso lovers enjoy this! and if you don't think youlove coffee, just try it.. try it once.. HEAVEN!
PS: you must drink this with a straw, I prefer the pink straws that my mom gave me on mother's day but any straws will do.

The Good Iced Carmel Machiato Recipe

-pour 1/3 cup of whole milk into a large glass

-add 4 ice cubes

-pour a splash of vanilla syrup into the glass (now this is really not a splash, more like a water fall of syrup, if you want to get technical maybe 5 tbsp- we like Da Vinci Gourmet syrup, you can find at Walmart in the coffee section)

-squeeze lots of Smucker's Carmel Sundae Syrup into your glass.. now this will set in the bottom of the glass (I don't know how much Carmel but we put about 1 1/2 inches in the bottom of our glass)

- then pour 2 to 4 shots of espresso (we like Cafe Bustelo) over the top, pour slowly... this will set on top of the milk...

If done right it creates a very classy, sophisticated, layered drink..

then you can mix it up and drink it down!

The 5 pt. Iced Carmel Mach.

- 8oz. of Plain Silk into large glass

-4 ice cubes

-2 tbsp vanilla syrup (Da Vinci, they make a sugar free version but I don't recommend it)

-2 tbsp Smucker's Carmel Sundae Syrup

-2-4 shots of espresso on top...

mix it and drink it!

SOOO SOO GOOD! Now, go to Walmart and buy your ingredients and share this with your friends!!! I am thinking about having a machiato party..