Thursday, March 31, 2011

kitchen hutch remake

My grandparents recently asked me if I wanted an old hutch that my Grand-Daddy made for my Grammie way back when. Of course I wanted it, unsure of what I was going to do with it but I love taking junk and making it treasure.... I know it made my Grand-Daddy really happy that I wanted it.
About a month ago, they brought the hutch over to my house. It has been sitting in my garage, waiting for me to get around to it.

This week I went to Lowes and picked a color... totally unsure of what exactly I wanted to do... that's what usually happens when I begin a project, I just want to do something but don't really know what I want so, I wandered around Lowes picked out some Mosaic Glass Tiles, spray paint, panels, then put it all back and left with a $12 can of "Vanilla Brandy" paint from Vaspar.

I painted the first coat and really liked the color, but didn't really know what else to do besides paint it.

We have had lots of rain and the humidity has been unreal, so I decided to pull it into the kitchen to paint the second coat and work on painting the inside shelves. I loved painting this old thing. I thought of my Grand-Daddy cutting and nailing away with his friend, Stan. I wondered what jokes they told as they worked on this for my Grammie's kitchen. This old hutch ended up being my mom's school desk. As I painted the inside of it I could see where one of their old barn cats had scratched up the inside, then the letter "R", the first letter of my mom's name. It looks like she carved into the wood with the tip of her pencil. I couldn't bring myself to sand over these memories... it's that the point of old things?

Once I painted it, I decided to try out a technique to make it "distressed". Simple, simple you take a piece of wire (like the kind you use to hang a picture frame) and scratch along the sides of the wood. Really simple but I love how it made the original wood show through the new paint.



Then, cabinet doors, I heard about a local place where you could get some unique cabinet doors really inexpensive, but I'm not sure I was ready for that just yet... I decided on fabric. I went to the fabric shop and found the perfect piece of navy and ivory colored fabric that I was sure would accent this old hutch perfectly. I finished the edges with my sewing machine and made a loop at the top so I could hang it on an old bathroom curtain rod I had laying around. I put the curtain rod on the inside of the cabinet and I think it turned out pretty good.

I still want to redo the counter top with something? I'm not sure just what to do with it yet, but it is the perfect addition in my kitchen. Added storage, counter space, and makes it feel very cozy in there. Perfect spot to sit and drink coffee and blog ;) Not to mention... so far I've only spent $19 on the whole shebang!

saying I'm sorry

I may not do to many things well in this life, but I know without a doubt that I treasure every moment with my children.
Even the rotten moments, and yes, believe it or not we have our fair share of those too.
Sometimes more than I'd like to admit.
I'm never one to play the "mother of perfection" role, I probably make more mistakes than successes but I know, my children know, without a doubt, that they mean the world to me.

My sweet Sophia.
I lost my temper with you tonight.
I bit my tongue,
prayed for God to quiet my tone.
I know you don't respond to angry words,
not many people do.
I asked you for forgivness,
and we talked calmly.
I wiped your tears,
held you tight,
I may have cried a little too.
This life is not always an easy one,
and getting angry only makes it harder.
I am sorry, sweet girl.

As I crawled into bed tonight, over tired and restless, I thought about a woman I met, you told me you should never apoligize to your children. She as a proud woman. I thought about how many times I heard the words "I'm sorry" from the mouth of my mother.
How many times?
Not too many, but when my mother spoke these words she always meant them.
She didn't use the word forgiveness lightly, she taught us that it was important.
That we shouldn't ask for forgiveness unless we really mean we are sorry,
and then we have to really try to not do those things again.
My mother taught good lessons, she is a good momma.
I'm thankful for that good momma tonight.
The momma that taught me it is ok to say "I'm sorry" to a five year old. The momma who taught by example to put others first.

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. -Philippians 2:3

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A name I have become accustomed too.


I always know who is calling for me.


That's is what I hear echoing through the house at night and as I walk to his bedroom door.


A need or a want, he always knows I'm there and all he has to do is call.
I cherish each day, each moment, each time I hear.


and oh how he loves me. My sweet little man. He adores his "Mama"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How many times do I have to say it?

I don't know how many times I tell my family,
"Put your shoes in the basket."
"Find your shoes!"
"If you had put them in the basket you wouldn't be looking for them now."

I must say it at least 10 times a day. I keep a "shoe basket" by the front door. This makes for a convenient spot for everyone to drop their shoes when they come in, even through it is there as a constant reminder they continually walk right past it like they don't even see it. I get so frustrated because I have made it so easy for them. If they would just follow instructions they wouldn't loose their shoes, make us late walking out the door, or get the carpet dirty.
So simple, if they would just do what they are told.

With yesterday's rain dirt turned to mud and after a quick run to the produce stand I cringed as Sophia stepped inside with her dirty rain boots! I snapped for her to take her shoes off and she jumped back outside to take off her blue and orange boots. Why don't they listen, why do I have to repeat myself a thousand times! It is such a small thing but it would make life so much easier.

Isn't that how it is so often with God. He waits there patiently waiting for us to listen to Him, to focus on what He wants to do in our lives. He makes it so simple but we walk right by never taking notice of how simple He has made it for us. He calls out to us, He wants us to see what He is trying to share with us; love, hope, salvation, but many times we just walk right by. How many times does he have to say it? We don't listen. We don't focus our attention on the answers. We are so busy going from one thing to the next that we don't pay attention to Him.

This week I desire to spend less time running from one thing to the other and more time listening for God. Focusing on His want for my life, paying attention to Him. So as I pick up shoes from under the couch, beneath the dining room table, the front door, and the bathroom, I'll put them in the "shoe basket" and may I use the small things to remind me of the more important things in this life.

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. -Colossians 3:2

Monday, March 28, 2011

rain, rain, come today...

Allergy season is in full swing and my little boy has been caught up in the constant struggle with itchy watery eyes and runny nose. Central Florida is expecting rain today and weather man don't let me down! Yesterday we went outside and our cars were covered in oak pollen... Troy's arch nemesis... and only one thing gets rid of this all this pollen... a good soaking rain.
The oak pollen keeps us stuck indoors for a good portion of March thru April. Unless we are doing a water activity we are pretty much indoors during this allergy season. Yes, Troy is on plenty of daily allergy medicines but nothing seems to be a match for oak pollen. These tiny little things stick themselves to clothes, shoes, even the dog.

They cover the sidewalks in our neighborhood, the cars, everywhere. It's such a beautiful time of year in Florida, everything is green and lush while the rest of the country is still "recovering" from winter we are almost to summer. So today we sing a new twist on rain, rain go away....

Rain, Rain, Come today,
Come and Wash this Pollen Away,
Little Troy, Wants to Play,
Rain, Rain, Come today.

So today we will stay inside, do some schoolwork, laundry, and lots of playing, maybe a trip to the produce stand, but we will love every ounce of this rain that falls from the sky.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

am I doing a good job?

I wrote this late last night, I read through my draft and as I questioned whether or not I should publish this... I decided why not. I'm sure I'm not the only women who asks herself "am I doing a good job?"
Some women make it look so easy...
clean house, supper on the stove, family photos hang on the walls, happy husbands, clean and well-mannered children... it all seems so peaceful. So put together...
why can't I pull it off?
I have laundry piled like a mountain on the couch, books and art projects half finished scattered across the dining room table, dishes piling up in the sink and the dishwasher needs emptied, I doubt my family photos will ever get hung up, and don't even get me started on the kitchen floor, and some days I really think my children are quite possibly the most rotten kids on the planet, I question myself as a wife, mother, and child of God, I wonder if I'm doing a good job?

These women seem so gracious, so organized, so put together... then just as I begin to compare and wonder if I'm doing a good job...
A peace surrounds me as I think about what I did do today...
I put smiles on the faces of the most important ones in my life.
I kept track of medicines to keep them healthy...

I read scripture and prayed for my rotten ones...

We laughed...
We painted and I washed red, blue, yellow, and green fingers...
We played "Momma Bears" and crawled on the floor while trying to pick up a little.
I hugged Super-Man when he cried...
I made good choices...
I made bad choices...
I asked for forgiveness...
I spoke to a good friend on the phone...
I burnt bacon and fed it to the dog...
I cried when I talked about the love of my Savior...

I went to a coop planning meeting...
I washed Rapunzel's hair..
I read, reread, and turned in my own homework...
I cut, glued and taped part of our family scrapbook...
I kissed a curly headed boy and tucked him in...

I picked up countless articles of clothing...
I sang a lullaby to a five year old as I prepare for the day she won't ask me to
sing her to sleep anymore...

So what now? It is 12:40am and I can hardly open my eyes? I'll walk the dog, put her in her crate. Go wake up my daughter, so she can try to go potty, I'm sure she had to much to drink before bed. Kiss that curly head one more time. Add another load of laundry to the pile on the couch, but the clothes in the washer into the dryer. Take my contacts out, wash my face, brush my teeth and snuggle up next to my handsome hubby... and start all over again.

So maybe I don't want to have it all put together? I kind of like doing this instead of that... maybe...I am doing a good job.
I pray that I will find confidence in being the a follower, wife, and mother... always learning and trying to be better than the day before.
Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

update on my tummy

Doing much better now... lost 7lbs, not sure that is how I would choose to do it, but I'm so glad to be feeling better.
When momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy... I don't know if I've seen my poor kids eat cereal for dinner so many nights in a row before.. geez!
I'm getting my energy back and I have a new respect for people with chronic pain/illnesses... so in my prayers, people battling disease, illness, and chronic pain. A whole new perspective...
I got to begin eating solid foods today. I'm still on antibiotics and I feel much better. I went to the doctor's on Wednesday and my gallbladder does need to come out but it is not an emergent issue so it can wait until I finish my antibiotics and start feeling better... feel better for surgery? I know, but we have some family coming in town in April and I'd like to wait until they come and go before having surgery.
Everyone in my family over 40 has had their gallbladder out so like the doctor said, "it was never a matter of if, but when."
In the meantime- I have managed to keep up with the kids school and my school.. not the laundry, dishes, or dusting... but I did squeeze some crafting and scrapbooking in ;)
Hope everyone is having a good week.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm too busy for this sick stuff-

Tuesday night, shortly after writing my 100th post :) I started getting a sharp pain in my left side. I have a history of ovarian cysts so I kind of thought that is what it was. If you have had a cyst rupture you know they are extremely uncomfortable. I went to sleep and woke up Wednesday morning in a lot of pain. Tony was getting ready for work and I decided I would make a quick trip to urgent care (in my past experience, usually the pain from ovarian cysts don't last more than 6 hours- so I wanted to get checked out). Urgent care got me in and out saying they thought I had a UTI and kidney infection. I was glad for a quick diagnosis but I wasn't really convinced that is what it was.
I have never had a UTI or kidney infection but from the papers that the urgent care gave me I had very few of those symptoms, except abdominal pain. The doctor in Urgent care told me if the pain got worse to go to the emergency room. Well, I came home, Tony went to work, we ran a few errands, I picked up the antibiotic they gave me, I got the kids lunch, we hung out, took a nap, took Troy to karate, made dinner, and the pain was just getting worse. I thought maybe I had just done to much so when Tony got home I laid down. Around 8 I got up to change clothes and put on a pair of pajama pants with an elastic waist, when the pants hit my side the pain was so sharp on my left side... no way was this a UTI. I decided to go to the ER, I rationalized that I'd rather sit in the ER than lay in bed all night worrying and being uncomfortable.
So off to the ER I went- the ER doctor told me, "forget everything the doctor in urgent care said, you don't have a UTI or kidney infection but we will figure out what is wrong with you." Thank goodness!
Well after a 1/2 the night stay in the hospital, pelvic exam, and a CT scan, they told me my gallbladder looked like a "sac of marbles", full of stones. They told me to follow up with my primary doctor to set up the appointment to have my gallbladder removed. Now- if you know anything about anatomy, the gallbladder is on the right side, which didn't really explain left side pain- but the doctor assured me that it was deferred pain from the other side and not unheard of when it comes to gallbladder pain. So they sent me on my way and told me to continue taking the antibiotics because it wouldn't hurt me and may help with inflammation. So home I went at 3am, to sleep.
Tony stayed home Thursday to help me around the house because I still had bad pain. I scheduled an appointment with my primary care doctor for Friday at 4pm and rested a lot on Thursday.
Friday, Tony went back to work and I took the kids to play with their friends at a Jungle Zone (a huge air conditioned warehouse, full of bounce houses- perfect place for me to sit and them to run!), Tony got home from work around 3 and my friend Laura brought her daughter, Hannah over to play with the kids so Tony could take me to the doctor. My doctor checked me out and said that indeed my gallbladder had to come out. The surgery will probably be sometime next week. She was surprised that the hospital didn't admit me and just do surgery when I was there on Wednesday. I have no idea why they didn't but whatever... here we are let's schedule it soon, it hurts! So- I prepared myself to deal with this pain for at least another week.
Last night the pain was getting worse and worse, I got up this morning and called my mom. She said, "don't eat anything." I ended up getting checked out by a friend of hers who is an excellent surgeon, amazing doctor. He read my CT scan from Wednesday and checked me out. AND NOW SOMEONE WITH A BRAIN!!!
Yes, the gallbladder needs to come out, but that is not what is giving me trouble- this is a problem that needs addressed but is not what is causing the pain. I am having a diverticulitis attack and needed some strong antibiotics to clear it up, he said if I'm not better by Monday they will admit me for IV antibiotics or if I start feeling worse to come back, since it this has gone all week undiscovered I am risk for a perforated bowel- NOT good! So until Monday I'm on a liquid diet and supposed to take lots of medicine and rest. I'm so glad he caught this and thank him for his help!! I'm already feeling better- I think because I haven't eaten anything since last night. I don't know how these doctors have missed this, it says it right on the CT report.. oh my, thank God for the one good doctor who reviews and listens to his patients, and I'm not even his real patient. :)
So- now that we know what is going one I am hoping to be on the mend, but what a week this has been. Surgery at some point during the next few weeks to get the gallbladder out but very glad that I shouldn't be in this pain until it comes out.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers from friends and family. Love you guys!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

a letter to my monsters

Sophia, my first born, the one who made me a mother.
My little darling. I love you more than I know how to put into words. From first breath you have brought me my greatest joy. You have a way of humbling me, swirling me out of control, only to show me what is really important in this life. I want the best for you, I want you to thrive. I lay awake at night wondering how I can enrich your life, teach you better, be a better example.

Troy, my little man, the one who made me a better mother.
Sweet boy. You melt my heart. You are carefree and wild. You have taught me not to be caught up in the happenings of this world, but focus on the happenings of the heart. You make me stop to play. You are consistent and balanced. You bring superheros to life and can make anyone smile. I strive to bring balance and joy to your life. I don't want to hinder your spirit. I want to see you flourish, help you, teach you, and watch you run, so fast and so free.

To my Children,
I hope when you look back on your childhood you look back with found memories of love and laughter. I hope you think of all the fun things we have done together, but mostly I hope you know that I loved you. I read once that the most important thing for a child to know is that they were loved. So my sweet ones, I acknowledge I make mistakes, I may not meet every situation with grace and compassion, but know that I loved you more I ever knew was possible. The kind of love that taught me how God must love us. I didn't understand the power of God's love until I experienced life with you two. You made me a better person and every morning when I get up I pray to God that he will lead me, so that I can be an example for you. I pray that God use me to show you His love, for as your mother, there is no greater gift I can give you than to show you how God loves. I love you Sophia Ann and Troy Anthony.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Brother/Sister Moment

Yesterday at gymnastics the kids were involved in an obstacle course. At the end of the course they are supposed to do a somersault down a set of mats. Sophia was at the bottom of the mats and in true little brother fashion, Troy was right behind her, he jumped up and tumbled down the mat crashing onto Sophia.
A few of the parents saw it and I heard a few "oh" "ahhh" "oh no" and "uh-oh"s coming from the parents. While everyone watched to see if Sophia was hurt.... she rolled over onto Troy, bite him on the butt, and took off running. He stood up, chased her, pushed her... off they went together to start the course again.
As I turned around to face the parents who were... umm.. surprised... I guess? I said, "well, they are brother and sister" and that was a good explanation. A few giggles and everyone continued to watch the kids.
I shared this on my Facebook this morning, so if this is time #2 you are hearing it today, I'm sorry but I figured it was worth blogging about. :)
Hope everyone has a good Tuesday!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

whoa baby! this is an update!

Lots going on... as always but I have so much to update family and friends on.
First off, we had a great time homeschooling this week, for the most part of the week we have been learning at home, we did go to co-op on Tuesday. I enjoy low key weeks when we stick around the house. I know it is important for the kids to socialize with other children, but I feel like we go- go- go- all the time so I enjoy the days we hang around the house.
Now that I said we had a low key week and hung around the house- besides co-op, we did have gymnastics, cheerleading, and karate :) and it's only Thursday (well, 12:45am on Friday morning). I just finished my homework for school. Sophia has a basketball game to cheer for on Saturday morning too.
I love this crazy busy life. :)
OK- so an update on my school. This week I made it official. I'm going to complete my Masters in Education with a minor in Education Technology, so that I can, in the future, teach at the college level. I'm hoping while the kids are still small that I can teach online classes (thus the minor). I'm excited and this is always something I wanted to do but there was something kind of intimidating about making it 'official'.
I'm holding on to my Dean's List status and I'm pretty proud to announce that I have a 3.91 GPA. There really is something about paying for your own school that makes you want to do better. I did four years of college with a scholarship and assistance from my mom.. I did good.. well, I did ok, I did just enough to not loose my scholarship.. but now that I'm paying for it myself.. I want to do my best! I remember taking a freshman class with an 'older woman' she was probably only in her 30s, but to me she was 'older', she always made As and I remember thinking. She has no life, she doesn't go out, she doesn't have friends in college, no wonder she makes good grades. What was I thinking?? She was only a mom of 3 kids, who worked a full time job, and she probably was paying for those classes... yea, she didn't have anything to do. OH- how stupid was I??
Sophia is doing great. She is excelling with her school work. The neurologist and I have been in close contact. We have met with an occupational therapist and common with high functioning cerebral palsy is a disorder called Sensory Integration Dysfunction (aka Sensory Processing Disorder). Initially I had called the doctor because Tony and I were at a total loss with her behavior. Our days were filled with high emotion and stress, by the time Tony would come home I would be frustrated and need help. Tony would step in and in the few hours of him getting home and her going to bed he would be worn out as well. Tony has always been very patient with Sophia so to see him loose his temper I knew it wasn't just something I was struggling with. It's hard to pin point what was so wrong. There were tons of scenarios and we would constantly play them in our heads, what could we do different, why wasn't she responding, she's so dramatic!! I called the neurologist about 8 weeks ago and talked with him about it. I have read and re-read so many parenting books, I had tried so many different parenting/discipline styles but I felt that the situation was out of control. He listened and listened, and waiting to respond, he then set us up an appointment with an occupational therapist who specializes in neurology disorders... and after an observation, answering LOTS of questions, the conclusion was Sensory Processing Disorder. A name, finally, but what did this mean? Basically Sensory Processing is the way we perceive what happens in the world around us and the way we respond to it. So- sights, smells, sounds, touch, textures, and experiences... it affects many different areas in a person's life. With tools people can live productive lives- awareness and work are key! If you are interested I will suggest reading "The Out of Sync Child" this book was recommended by the occupational therapist and by a friend. At this point the OT has given us plenty to work on and we have already seen HUGE gains. Finally we are hopeful and we are no longer wondering.. does the medicine make her act like this? Why does she seem so out of control? Now, that said, we are not making excuses for her behavior but we do understand it and when we understand it we can better help her handle these high stress emotions.
As far as her seizures are going, she is doing good. Adjusted to the 100mg per day since her last seizure episode. She always amazes me. She is really into baby dolls and animals right now. She is always carrying around a baby doll pretending she is mommy or an stuffed animal. She's getting older now, she gets shy when I watch her play with her toys. She likes privacy :) It kind of makes me sad but I'm also so glad to see her growing and turning into a little girl. She loves getting into my make up, coloring, and play-doh.
Last but not least, Troy- Last year I wrote a blog about Troy's breathing issues. The pulmonologist was encouraging us to do a lung biopsy- one of the things they were looking for was Cystic Fibrosis. This really scared me, he had a positive stool test and a negative sweat test... so the next step was a lung biopsy, which I have been 'ignoring'. I just figured his breathing has been doing really well with a daily oral medication and an inhaled steroid and other than a few illnesses when he required additional breathing treatments or higher dose steroids he has been doing really well. This hasn't been an urgent thing and well, to be honest, Sophia has been. Troy has had bouts with "bathroom issues" and I just summed it up to him being lactose intolerant and the possible diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. TMI: but chronic diarrhea, extremely stinky poos, bloating, and poops that float, yes float, these are all symptoms of cystic fibrosis.. along with the well known, breathing complications. Troy hasn't grown, height or weight for close to 17 months and I knew it was time to get back to the doctor because we had to figure out what was going on. So we went to the pediatrician to talk to him about everything last Friday. He ordered some blood work and was going to make the appointment for the pulmonologist for Troy. Then- blood work came back and the levels of nutrition in Troy's blood were very low. His body isn't absorbing nutrients in food. He ordered more blood tests (luckily they did those off of the blood they already had) and turns out Troy has Celiac Disease (sounds scary, but it means he needs a gluten free diet because the gluten in foods prevent his body from absorbing nutrients- that's why he isn't growing). The stool test of Celiac and C.F. are the similar, measure the fat content in poo, thus the positive stool test. So yes, he has asthma and breathing issues but at this point the doctors have ruled out C.F. and instead discovered that Troy has Celiac Disease. Which is great news because it can be controlled with a strict diet. So again, life is changing... Troy is on a Gluten Free diet and in a few weeks he should have no more "bowel issues". HURRAY! There is a ton more to this but I am totally tired of typing.. and I'm sure you are sick of reading. :)
Oh- this is a genetic thing... and once Troy was diagnosed, I requested the blood test as well, yes- I have some "bowel issues" (which I am lactose intolerant so I always related it to that)I have always thought this was just a part of life.. well- my test came up positive as well. So Troy and I are on the special diet together. Sophia has never had bathroom issues so there is no need for her to be tested, but she and Tony are changing there eating habits when they are at home because for Troy and I it is not an option. It is important that I take care of myself, and Troy is growing, his brain is developing, all the more reason he needs to follow the diet so his body can use the vitamins and minerals in food. We are only on day 3 of this so it is still very much a learning experience but I'm so glad there is hope for no more tummy aches! And- Troy should start growing again!!! :) My little man! :) Oh baby- am I going to have some hilarious cooking stories for you in the coming days! ahaha!
Troy is doing great though. He is loving gymnastics class and karate. He is really into super heros, he loves Hulk, Ironman, and Spiderman... I think Troy lives his life to the Ironman theme song.
Yes- Tony is still around :) Good old man! His birthday is this month and if I had not spent wayyy to much time updating everyone on the kids I'd blog about Tony :) But, I'll have to save it for another day.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sophia's Cheerleading Half Time Dance.

I figured this was appropriate to post after the video of Troy at karate :)

She's hard to spot... they all look the same. She is in the front row, next to Abby ,the tiny one, the girls are side by side and it's hard to see them because Coach Kelly kind of blocks them :) She's got purple Nikes and her hair is in a pony tail, if that helps :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Yesterday was Dr. Seuss' Birthday. So we read lots of Dr. Seuss books...

We baked a green cake, in honor of green eggs and ham... I knew they would never eat green eggs and ham... we colored the cake instead.

Sophia helped me make red icing so we could make a cat in the hat themed cake...

Troy watched...

And then we finished... it may not be pretty but it tastes good. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuess...

And my favorite quote from Dr. Seuss...
"I've heard there are troubles of more than one kind, some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I've brought a big bat. I'm already you see,
now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

what's next?

Sophia has been doing excellent in her studies! She is so smart and so witty. We are having a lot of fun homeschooling and have decided that this "trial year" has gone so well we decided to continue again next year. This year was Sophia's Pre-K 4 year, she missed the cut off for Kindergarten by 7 days, but we have been doing a mix of Kindergarten and Preschool activities. I haven't wanted to hold her back, but I don't want her jumping to far ahead either, I didn't want her to be bored if we decided to put her into a Kindergarten class next year.
A few things led us to make the decision to continue homeschooling, a few of the things are major reasons and the others are just bonus reasons that make us feel very comfortable with our decision.
The most important reason we decided to homeschool is because the school system will not give the anti-seizure drug to her should she have a seizure while at school. You see we keep a medication called Diastat (Diazepam)that we give her when she has a seizure. This is a valium that stops the convulsing and allows for healthy oxygen flow to her brain. We only give this when she has a Grand Mal seizure that lasts more than 4 minutes, or if she has Grand Mal seizures one after another, cluster seizures. The goal is to stop the seizures so that her brain is not deprived of oxygen. This medication has always worked and we haven't had to give it to her in a while, but it is important that whoever is with her knows how to use it and has it available should it be required. Sounds simple enough right? Wrong... the school does not handle this drug because it is given rectally, just like a rectal thermometer or a suppository and they "don't want to be put in a position to have to give this drug." YES- I realize that I could argue this, but from what I have heard, if she was in school she would be put in a special needs class due to her medical needs, which is not necessary because until this point academically Sophia is right with other children her age and does not have learning disability.
There are other reasons that we feel comfortable with homeschooling and have already considered this as an option for our family.. this is what we are going with.
I love being with my children and I believe that no one will care of them, nurture them, and take the time to educate them based on their individual learning styles.
I feel confident with my degree and experience as an educator that this is a task I am qualified to do.
We have meet a lot of friends who homeschool and this year we established ourself with an awesome co-op that we love spending time with so I am not concerned with socialization as a major factor. The kids have lots of friends, they are both involved in sports, and we are apart of a great church community with plenty of rugrats!
I feel like this day in age parents have to be advocates for their children's innocence, with the influence of world views, standardized testing, and demanding schedules I take this role very seriously and my goal is to let our children be children.
I don't know how long we will homeschool for but at this time this is the best option for our family... and I am proud of my children and their enthusiasm about staying home with mommy and I'm excited to watch them enjoy learning.
That said, I do not take this decision lightly, I have a commitment to my children and to their education, I take this seriously and it is a heck of a lot of work! :) But there is nothing more rewarding than instilling them with a love of learning and a personalized, quality education. So here we go...

And Miss Sophia, she loves nothing more than to do her school work with her best pal in the world, Jazzy-Bell :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

a little something for Troy...

Well, this was intended to be a crate for Sophia to put her beanie babies... however she insisted on me putting "S-O-P-H-I-A", even the smallest letters available we could only fit "S-O-P-H-I", which I explained to her spells "Sophi" which is what we do call her for short, but she was not interested in that being on her crate. So she suggested I make one for Troy instead, so... a crate for Troy is what I made.

He has been putting his trucks in it... surprise surprise. He loves it and for that I am very glad. It turned out quite nice, if I do say so myself :)