Friday, January 30, 2009


I'll tell you what. I feel like I am a new shade of white. I remember when my tan faded after my first child was born and I thought to myself I need to get in a tanning bed or out in the sun quick. Then baby #2... then white turned to porcelain and now... I'm practically glowing.
I used to go to the beach, lay out by the pool, tanning... brown was my middle name. I loved having a tan. I got out of the shower this morning and why is it that the mirror has to catch you at the worst moments. I realized how incredibly white I am. Like a prisoner who hasn't seen the sun because they've been incarcerated for the past three years. I am some shade of pearl white...
And really, who has time to lay in the sun or go to the tanning bed?

deals, dos, booboos, and yikes *pictures*

I got this table, the chairs, and the china hutch for $100 on
Not my favorite but for 100 bucks and with distructive little boy like mine who run Hot Wheels on my furniture and an artistic little girl who paints and colors on everything, it works! :)

This is Sophia after I had this crazy desire to give her a 'wild new do.' She loved it. :) She would, haha!

Here is Troy's latest 'ouchy' I guess Tony was watching the kids and he fell off a chair or something and hit his ear. This was one week out and the swelling and the discoloration was pretty much gone too. The little ear is healing well.

This one is Troy at the zoo. He was terrified of the emu.

That's all. Hope everyone has a good weekend :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

husbands and quiet

Now, I know I am not the only one who has a loud husband.
But doesn't it seem like they get even louder when the children are sleeping?
All mommies know, never wake a sleeping baby, but daddies?
I don't think they know.
I can walk through a baby gate and never make a peep. "M" can walk through the same gate and it sounds like it's 100 years old and a bull just tried to push through it. I can put away dishes in the kitchen while the kids are sleeping and you'd never her a dish click. "M" can't even shut a cabinet without a bang. Walking up and down the stairs... he is soo heavy footed. I try not to fuss at him to much but my goodness. He is so loud! I don't think he knows what quiet means.

sleep deprivation

My sister-in-law said the other night, "I should not be driving." In reference to how sleep deprived she is raising her preteen son and her two toddlers who don't sleep through the night. I am sure most of us mommies can relate to this feeling. I remember when Sophia was born and I thought it is a level of exhaustion that I never imagined. It's true right? As of recent the kids are sick, I am sick, the dog is sick. Tony tells me that he must have a great immune system because he didn't get sick. Well, Tony, that's because you are gone 90% of the time from this germ infested house and you sleep at night! I was up last night ten times... actually more, I just quit counting after ten. Now, yes I could have woke Tony to help.. and yes, he would have gotten up... but the good wife I am- He has to leave at 730 for work so I'll let the sleeping husband sleep. :) I don't know how he sleeps through it all but he does. Now, back to the driving statement. I hit the mailbox. I was checking the mail and just drove off with the mailbox. Now, it didn't hurt the mailbox but it did damage our favorite family vehicle my Quest. Poor thing has a scratch down the whole side. Now, you'd think that once I knew I was hitting the thing, I'd stop driving... but I didn't. Now I guarantee that someone who gets a full 8 hours of sleep per night would have stopped driving. Also, you should see some of the emails that I send people... asking the same questions 5 times. You've done that right? You've done that right? You've done that right? Oh- and yesterday I was trying to scramble eggs and I cracked an egg right into the sink- oh that will cook it.
Needless to say when you are on the roads, on the phone, checking emails... look out for those sleep deprived mommies.
Just a side note: My sick babies are dancing around the livingroom and coughing while "Womanizer" by Britney Spears is blarring on my ipod. HAHAH!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Devotional worth sharing.

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25 NIV.)

My son’s band teacher posed this question to the class: “Which is better, to play the right note at the wrong time or the wrong note but with the correct timing?” It doesn’t seem like either would be pleasant to hear, but as the teacher explained, a note – any note – at the wrong time is a much more obvious error in an orchestra than a wrong note played within the perfect rhythm of the song.

That concept was reinforced when my daughter was learning to play the violin. It was important for her to practice playing to the rhythm I set by clapping.

I think keeping in step with the Spirit is like that. It is to hear and agree with God’s timing, to walk in sync with God’s will.

It requires, first of all, admitting that I don’t have or understand perfect timing. I must therefore, be constantly referring to the one in charge, adjusting my speed to the tempo the leader has set.

It is easy to rush ahead of God, making big plans and thinking surely God will join up with my great idea.

Opposite to that, but equally simple to accomplish, is lagging behind God – not living up to what we know. There will always be shortcomings in our lives, areas of sin that we aren’t aware of, but that is no excuse for not following through on the things God has already made clear to us.

Friday, January 23, 2009

my beautiful ones

I have been playing with my photography and editing software lately.
I couldn't wait until 'wordless wednesday' to share these. :)

Why some animals eat their young

because animals are smarter than humans.


I really don't know if I can live with this child for another 18 years. Tonight she was full of piss and vinegar. I put her in time out tonight for talking back and being disrespectful. I sit her on the bottom step of the stairs and tell her that she has to sit for 3 minutes. I walk back into the kitchen. Tony and Troy were upstairs. Sophia sitting on the bottom step starts screaming at the top of her lungs, "I CAN'T BREATHE! I CAN'T BREATHE!" Pulling her pajama shirt, screaming... I stood there for a moment concerned that something was wrong. Then I realized she is fine and just having a tantrum. She takes the tantrum to a whole new level. She was screaming "Daddy, Daddy, I can't breathe" He comes to the catwalk and tells her to calm down and he will talk to her when she is done with her timeout. "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!" She screams. She continued the whole three minutes. I went to her and asked her why she had to sit in timeout. She said "I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU DO THIS TOO ME!?"
I respond, "When you figure it out let me know and then you can get up."
"OK OK", she says, "because I wasn't talking nice when I asked for my cup."
Oh, this child takes the drama to a whole new level.
I called my mom and told her. She says "I think we should call someone" -I'm thinking, yes the crazy house. She says "no some kind of acting coach, that child could make us rich." HAHAHA!! I don't know what's more funny, that mom said that or that I thought she really meant the crazy house. :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ~My Loves

*obviously I'm starting a new blog tradition, but I can't write about it because it's wordless Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Definition of a break

A break is not going to the grocery store with no kids. The grocery store is a chore for us mommies. Yes, it is incredibly nice to not have to grocery shop with children but in no way does this constitute as a break or time off, this is still work, with or without children. A break is not a 15 minute trip to Walgreens without children. Yes, I get to listen to my ipod instead of the Backyardigans but in no way does that 15 minutes mean I've gone on a luxury trip to Walgreens. So when I get back you cannot complain about how long I've been gone or what you've had to deal with while I was gone - I deal with it all day. -The kids don't mysteriously become screaming indians when you walk in the door, they've been like that ALL day long. Just because I offer to go to the store and buy milk for the baby at 10pm does not it mean I am leaving for rest and relaxation... I just want 10 minutes alone. Most times I leave the house I am leaving with a diaper bag and two kids in tow. Me leaving at 10pm to go buy milk is not a break!

A break -
is a morning at the spa; manicure, pedicure, hair, and a facial, shopping for a cute little dress and new heels, then dinner and cocktails with friends. This day will involve no phone calls from the husband, who is home with the kids. No calls asking, where the bottles are, what time the kids nap, where the clean underwear is or when I will be back. The only acceptable phone call on this day is a call around noon to tell us that the children are fed and happily napping in their beds, everyone is well, love you honey, hope you are having a wonderful day and I'll see you soon. Wouldn't that be nice?

Oh, and coming home to a clean house and clean children.. you might just get some. ;) ooooohhhhhh....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday Monday

Today was a rather busy day in our house. My friend Katie came over with her little boy. They spent the morning visiting with us. OH- and Troy gave his first real, non-forced hug to Paul, Katie's son. It was so cute. Sophia was in the bathroom and the boys were standing outside of the door and Troy walked towards Paul with his arms wide open. At first I didn't know what he was doing. Then I told Paul, "I think he wants to hug you" Paul reached his arms out and Troy laid his head on Paul's chest and hugged him. When Paul let go Troy reached in for another, and another, and another until Paul was done with all that hugging. It was really sweet. Troy as only hugged on command, when he hits, pinches or bites his sister he will hug and "say sorry" not really but it's good practice. It was really cute. The kids played, ate lunch and had a great morning together.
They left right before nap time. The kids napped and I cleaned house a bit.
When they woke up we went to the strawberry patch. It was so fun. I didn't realize there was one so close to our house. It is really all of 6 minutes away. We are going to go again next week. We walked through the field, picked our strawberries. Then I let the kids play on the playground for a little while. Picking the strawberries was fun.
I watched Sophia - very gently bend down and move the leaves side to side trying to find any strawberries that were ready to be picked. She was so sweet and careful. She told me and anyone around who would listen that the strawberries were dirty and we were going to take them home and wash them so that we could eat them. She told Troy how he could only pick the berries that were red not the green ones. She knew just which ones she wanted to pick and she was so incredibly careful with each berry and she would lay it in the basket. Troy didn't seem to interested in picking berries. He followed Sophia and tossed a few leaves and dirt into the basket. He didn't seem to care, that is until he realized that he could eat them. Once he realized that he could sneak a few into his mouth when I wasn't looking the fun was over for me. He was running down the row of berries and grabbing leaves, berries, and dirt and shoveling them into his mouth. I was sure we were going to get kicked out or that he was going to destroy all of the crop. You would think that I never feed the kid. When I finally pulled him to the end of the row he was screaming and digging his feet into the ground trying to get back into the field. My sweet daughter, she was clean, her hair was neatly in place and she was so happy walking around the field. Troy was filthy and running with his jacket half off and his shoes untied. Both of them, not a care in the world but defiantly totally different. :) Then it was off to Walgreens and to pick up chicken nuggets for Burger King -so guess who didn't have to cook dinner tonight. :)
It was a wonderful day.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

pay it forward

Back at the beginning of December or end of November we went to the Gaylord Palms ICE display. It was beautiful. Really amazing. I can't remember how much I wrote about it but it was a really fun experience. For those of you who have never heard of ICE. It is a display of amazing ice sculptures. This group of artists, really artists, from China (I think) come to Orlando, FL and they sculpt these amazing and intricate ice sculptures. Some looked like Christmas ornaments, their were rabbits, bridges, and all kinds of cool stuff. My favorite was the beautiful clear ice Nativity scene. It was breathtaking. Sophia loved the giant ice slides. She even went down the biggest slide all by herself. She really surprised me with her bravery that day, she normally isn't into doing things by herself. But she was all about these slides. She was the littlest one in the place and I think she was having the most fun. When we finished at ICE we went over to the resort atrium to collect our free hot chocolate. We were having such a great day. We walked and walked, then we found the hot chocolate. Just as we sat down the alarm in this huge atrium started going off. Tony went and asked it we should leave and the people working at the hot chocolate place said it was nothing to worry about and it happens often. We just stayed and drank our hot coco. Not thirty seconds later people started running from the area where the guest rooms are. Then the shopping stores in the atrium closed their doors and we saw workers evacuating people from the building we followed the crowd to the nearest door. Now this is a pretty popular event and it's a popular hotel and there were hundreds of people being evacuated. Then they ushered us out a side door that was a narrow stairway leading down to the pool. Now, we have the kids and a double stroller. Up until this point I was carrying Sophia and pushing the stroller and Tony was holding Troy and our bags. There was no way to get down this stairway with the stroller without buckling the kids in and carrying the stroller down the steps. There were people rushing all around us. In the chaos we for such brief moments encountered such kindness. In the time it took us to put the kids in the stroller three men stopped and asked if they could help us. All three of these men had wife's and children with them. While their wives and children continued on and were ushered out the door these men stopped to ask if they could help us. We had it under control but what kindness in such a nervous time. I think everyone was thinking bomb threat, fire, who knows... those were my thoughts and what I heard people talking about. While Tony and I were carrying the stroller down these narrow steps two other men offered to help carry my end. I don't know what happened that day that caused the alarm to go off. We saw fire, ems, police, and other emergency vehicles going to the Gaylord Palms that day but other than that the resort still stands and ICE was never shut down. We got down to the pool area and then figured out a way back to our van.
But, those five strangers who showed such kindness in that moment - what a lesson and an example for our family. I bet not one of them recall asking if they could help us. It definatly made an impact on me. Pay it forward I guess.
It happened a while ago, I had really wanted to write about this earlier but this was the first chance I got. I don't want to forget it.

Family Outings

Family outings are as wonderful as they are exhausting, just like parenting. We have decided as
part of our "Family New Years Resolutions" we are going designate one day a month a "family outing day". Goes along with my need to build intentional memories while my children are still little and why they can't protest going out with mom and dad. I am going to live it up and enjoy it while I still have them at my will.

Today we went to the zoo. I love how "M" just gets up, gets dressed, puts the kids in their car seats and off we go on our way. He thinks that's just how easy it is. And he thinks he helped because he carried two dressed, feed, and clean children to the car.

Now, I got up and extra hour before everyone so that I could get ready in peace and pack a bag for the kids with diapers, change of clothes, cups, snacks, diaper rash cream, wipes, and any other items that may be needed for a day out with toddlers. And now that it's over I have another load of dirty laundry, a double stroller that needs to be cleaned because a beautiful little girl of mine spilled a chocolate milkshake in it. I may have "M" take the whole stroller and just pressure wash it in the driveway. =)

More than that though, I have a day full of fabulous memories of taking my 3 year old and 1 year old to the zoo. Never again will I experience my son seeing monkeys with the eyes of a curious 15 month old. Or see my daughter stare into the eyes of a snake who she swears is looking at the scratch that her brother gave her two weeks ago when he scratched her nose. Yes, there will, God willing, be many more family outings, but never again will I walk under those zoo signs with a 15 month old curly headed little boy and a 3 year old little girl with hearts on her size 3T denim jeans. Or see my husband hold the adoring hands of his son and daughter while they walk through the sand and mulch leading to the boardwalk meanwhile I struggle behind pushing the stroller loaded with jackets, bags, cups, snacks through the thick sand and mulch, but I notice at my feet a set of two tiny footprints with his big daddy prints right in the middle. So for all the preparation and work that goes into a family outing, in the long run it's defiantly worth it.

But in reality, it's a good thing we are only doing this once a month, I think any more may be the death of me in 2009. One down only eleven more too go.

We are home, the children I am sure will sleep great tonight. While I may very well pass out here at the kitchen table while I type this. I better get the coffee pot going ;) I sure do wish I had the endless energy that my son displays all day long and the imagination of my glorious little girl.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Laundry Rant

I know it's not just me who feels that the laundry is never ending. You know why I'm not the only one who feels this way? Because it's not! It's always happening, somethings always dirty, something always needs folded, moved into the dryer, put away, or stain treated.
My husband, we will call him, "M", he told me, the other day when I was complaining about the laundry never ending, "Well, I help do the laundry sometimes."

I respond, "no you don't"

"Yes, I do. I did a load the other day." He says.

Now, I think back, racking my already over stuffed brain trying to think of when he did a load of laundry... I can't remember. Then a small glimpse of him putting a load of towels into the dryer so that he could wash his black work pants. If he counts that as doing a load of laundry I guess I may remember that.

Now let me add that the reason he was washing his black work pants is because they were hiding somewhere in the abyss of dirty laundry and I must have missed them. When he asked me if they were clean, I remember responding that if he couldn't find something else to wear he would have to wash them on his own. How is it that he can't remember when I need him to take our kids to school but he can remember one pair of black pants that just happen to be the only pair of black pants that I didn't wash, when he must have 10 pair of black work pants, clean and hanging in this closet.

Oh yes- so he did do a load.. if doing a load means tossing the clothes that are in the dryer onto the laundry room floor and putting towels over and loading his pants into the washer. Now, who do you think picked up, folded and put away the clothes that he tossed onto the floor? Who do you think folded and put away the towels? Who moved the pants over into he dryer so that they would be dry in the morning? Let's just make it clear that it wasn't "M".

Now, I love "M" very much. My high school sweet heart, but I must say I never knew he was so dumb. I mean really, how can you say you have "done" a load of laundry.

Laundry starts and finishes... their is a beginning middle and end. Men are very literal creatures, not much reading between the lines for them, it's black or white, not grey. So let me lay it out so that all the men in the world can understand.

Doing A Load Of Laundry Means: You go into all the bedrooms, bathrooms, and any other place that may house dirty laundry and sort out a full load. (I don't know who made medium and small load options on washing machines but I defiantly don't need it!) Then you must put the full load in the washer, add appropriate amount of soap and water. Turn it onto the necessary setting. When it stops spinning you must then return back to the laundry room and put the full load into the dryer. (Sometimes "M" will move one article over because he will need it and leave the rest in the washer he says the reason he does this is because if you dry one article at a time it will dry quicker -NO! and if for some reason you do this, you must go back and put the other items into the dryer when you are done with your one article drying experience.) Now, before you start drying the load you must empty the lint catcher add a dryer sheet, set the appropriate dryer settings, (not everything is cotton/high) then turn on dryer. Oh no boys, it's not over with that. When the dryer stops and everything is dry, sometimes you have to turn it on again, you must then get it out, fold, hang, and put everything in it's rightful spot.

If you add extras of the never ending laundry saga then you must also include folding, hanging, and putting away the items that are already in the dryer. Also, sort and start another awaiting load. Talk about never ending.

Now that is how you do a load of laundry.

I wonder if "M" would think that he has every "done" a load of laundry now? Aah... you know he would more than likely say yes. =)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hump Day Update

Grandma's service was beautiful. It was perfect, just how she would have wanted it. She was a Jewish woman so it was obviously a Jewish service. It was wonderful. The Rabbi did a great job explaining the traditions and why they did what they did. He spoke of Grandma's life and how important family was to her. She had 5 children, 16 grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren. She really was the glue that kept our family close and she will be missed. No matter what she wanted us to love each other, so love each other we will. :)
It was wonderful to see all my cousins. I miss them and am hoping that we will all keep in touch now that Grandma isn't here to keep us all updated with one another. I am sure we will.
It was a day of healing, forgiveness, and love.

Now, this world moves doesn't stop spinning...

Sophia has been a total handful lately. I believe she is having a little bit of Grandma coming out of her. Can you say ATTITUDE? We started a behavior chart, which really seemed to be working out great, then I think the "coolness" of it wore off and she could care less about her chart. I'll post pictures of it and how we made it later this week, it really is a good idea. I am going to encourage her to get to the top of her chart today. Kind of reintroduce it to her, Tony didn't do much with it while I was in Boynton Beach. I am sure me being gone has a lot to do with the -tude I've been getting from her.

Troy is sweet as ever. Always busy into something. If I didn't lay him down for a nap I bet he'd never sleep. :) He is such a little sweetie. He lays his head on you and is such a cuddlier. He is really into cars right now. He has a bin of them and drives them on the walls, the window, the floor, his belly, his crib, everywhere.

Tony is working and back in school now for the spring semester. He said this morning that he didn't want to go to work and Sophia responded something (I can't remember what) and he said "I am thankful that I have a job". Now coming from Tony, that's deep... HAHAH! :) It was nice to hear him be so positive. I guess for me it really is the little things in life that make a difference. I find thankfulness/gratefulness to be a very attractive quality ;)

Me- same old same old. Taking care of the kids. The funeral has really worn me out. Emotionally I feel drained, but in a good kind of way. I have some projects that I need to wrap up this week and then I have two more chapters to finish in medical terminology, which has kind of taking a back seat since the move and the holidays. I really want to start running in the mornings. I wanted to start this morning, but Troy was up and down last night and it was freezing cold so I just didn't want to get out of the covers! The kids slept until 8 and it was nice to rest a bit. Our new subdivision is a beautiful area to run, country, trees, and lakes, and nice houses to look at.

OK- I've done enough rambling for everyone...
Have a Happy Hump Day!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Healing In Pain

My grandmother passed away early Friday morning, about 2:30am from what I hear. I had gone to see her Thursday in the hospital. She looked small and fragile, but the same firey personality that she always had. I am so glad to remember her like that. Tomorrow me, my sister, and my mom will travel down to Boynton Beach for the funeral services. This will be the first funeral I have been to since my father's funeral 6 years ago -that still feels like nothing but a dream, it still doesn't feel real. In some ways I feel like, again, we are going to lay our father to rest.
The two of them were so much alike. I felt him when I was around her. She said she felt him when I was around... funny how it was like that.
My stepfather, Keith, is no less my dad. He raised us from the time I was right around 9. He has done a wonderful job loving me and I love him. He has shown true, deep love from one human to another. He has shown me how blood is thicker than water, and love is thicker than blood. <3 I love you Daddy.
But this is my father and his family. I loved him very much despite his faults and his addictions. He was a vibrant man with a childlike personality. Always the life of the party. He could make you laugh until you cried. I am a lot like him -I know it. :) He taught me to love and to hate. He taught be to be strong and to be weak. And in Grandma's death, she taught me to forgive.
With her death, it is like loosing him all over again.
It hurts but in the pain there is healing.

Friday, January 9, 2009

God Lives Under The Bed

I envy Kevin. My brother, Kevin, thinks God lives under his bed. At least that's what I heard him say one night..

He was praying out loud in his dark bedroom, and I stopped to listen, 'Are you there,God?' he said. 'Where are you? Oh, I see. Under the bed...'

I giggled softly and tiptoed off to my own room. Kevin's unique perspectives are often a source of amusement. But that night something else lingered long after the humor. I realized for the first time the very different world Kevin lives in.

He was born 30 years ago, mentally disabled as a result of difficulties during labor. Apart from his size (he's 6-foot-2), there are few ways in which he is an adult.

He reasons and communicates with the capabilities of a 7-year-old, and he always will. He will probably always believe that God lives under his bed, that Santa Claus is the one who fills the space under our tree every Christmas and that airplanes stay up in the sky because angels carry them.

I remember wondering if Kevin realizes he is different. Is he ever dissatisfied with his monotonous life?

Up before dawn each day, off to work at a workshop for the disabled, home to walk our cocker spaniel, return to eat his favorite macaroni-and-cheese for dinner, and later to bed.

The only variation in the entire scheme is laundry, when he hovers excitedly over the washing machine like a mother with her newborn child.

He does not seem dissatisfied.

He lopes out to the bus every morning at 7:05, eager for a day of simple work.

He wrings his hands excitedly while the water boils on the stove before dinner, and he stays up late twice a week to gather our dirty laundry for his next day's laundry chores.

And Saturdays - oh, the bliss of Saturdays! That's the day my Dad takes Kevin to the airport to have a soft drink, watch the planes land, and speculate loudly on the destination of each passenger inside. 'That one's goin' to Chi-car-go! ' Kevin shouts as he claps his hands.

His anticipation is so great he can hardly sleep on Friday nights..

And so goes his world of daily rituals and weekend field trips.

He doesn't know what it means to be discontent.

His life is simple.

He will never know the entang lements of wealth of power, and he does not care what brand of clothing he wears or what kind of food he eats. His needs have always been met, and he never worries that one day they may not be.

His hands are diligent. Kevin is never so happy as when he is working. When he unloads the dishwasher or vacuums the carpet, his heart is completely in it.

He does not shrink from a job when it is begun, and he does not leave a job until it is finished. But when his tasks are done, Kevin knows how to relax.

He is not obsessed with his work or the work of others. His heart is pure.

He still believes everyone tells the truth, promises must be kept, and when you are wrong, you apologize instead of argue.

Free from pride and unconcerned with appearances, Kevin is not afraid to cry when he is hurt, angry or sorry. He is always transparent, always sincere. And he trusts God.

Not confined by intellectual reasoning, when he comes to Christ, he comes as a child. Kevin seems to know God - to really be friends with Him in a way that is difficult for an 'educated' person to grasp. God seems like his closest companion.

In my moments of doubt and frustrations with my Christianity, I envy the security Kevin has in his simple faith.

It is then that I am most willing to admit that he has some divine knowledge that rises above my mortal questions.

It is then I realize that perhaps he is not the one with the handicap. I am. My obligations, my fear, my pride, my circumstances - they all become disabilities when I do not trust them to God's care.

Who knows if Kevin comprehends things I can never learn? After all, he has spent his whole life in that kind of innocence, praying after dark and soaking up the goodness and love of God.

And one day, when the mysteries of heaven are opened, and we are all amazed at how close God really is to our hearts, I'll realize that God heard the simple prayers of a boy who believed that God lived under his bed.

Kevin won't be surprised at all!


Friday, January 2, 2009

my heart sank...

I heard on the news John Travolta's son died today, apparently it is believed that he hit his head during a seizure while in the bathroom while the family was in the Bahamas. I read "Actor John Travolta's 16 year old son died today in the Bahamas" my heart sank, as it does for any parent/family who looses a child. I clicked the link that went into say that he died for an apparent seizure. My heart sank even farther. This happens all too much. Child with history of seizures, they don't even have to be life threating seizures, and then they are gone. I read a year or so ago about a 19 year old girl who was taking a bubble bath and had a seizure and her dorm roommate found her in the tub. They considered her a drowning victim not a victim of epilepsy. Terrible. My heart goes out to the Travolta family and and other family who is reminded of a similar loss of their child or loved one. It happens all too much. If nothing else I hope this bring knowledge to what can be very scary reality to all seizure sufferers.
Reminds me of the seizure Sophia had while sitting on the potty. I can't help but wonder if I hadn't been there to hold her up what could have happened. Makes me worry about the independence that she will have the older she gets.
Don't mean to be a downer...