Monday, April 27, 2009

Rainy Day Activites

Days that it rains.. it's like God's test to mothers.
Let's see how patient, kind, creative, and patient you can be today.
Did I say patient twice?
I don't know about you other stay at home mommies, but my children LOVE being outside. They spend about an hour and a half in the morning outside and about two hours in the afternoon playing outside. There is only so many things you can come up with to do in the house. My little darlings stand at the door crying on rainy days.
So it's up to super mom to come up with fun indoor activities for my outdoor darlings! There is only so much time that play-doh, crayons, paint, and blanket tents can fill...
Have you ever tried finger painting in chocolate pudding!?? So fun!
Only lasted about 10 minutes though.
What's next!?
Hurry, they are heading to the doors crying again!
Singing, "Rain Rain Go Away, Little Babies want to play, Rain Rain Go Away..."
Every second counts... keep singing... think, think, think...
A towel, 4 tupperware, 2 cups of water, wooden spoons, soup spoons, and about 15 seedless grapes.... oh fun!
And it lasted for 2 hours!!!!!
Just don't use all the grapes at once, add them gradually as those little children make them disappear ;)
Had to share with the other rained in angry housewives out there!

Lets Go Fly A Kite...

These pictures we took yesterday evening while we all spent some time together. So much fun!!!
Troy was so excited and Sophia loved it.

A story from Daddy to Sophi

"Once upon a time, there was a little princess named Sophia. Her Daddy was a King, a very strong brave King. Princess Sophia had two pet bunnies. One day the bunnies escaped from their cage. They were hopping all around the yard. Queen Mommy found them and called for King Daddy to rescue to bunnies. King Daddy ran into the yard and caught the first bunny. This bunny was a fat bunny and she was very slow. The other bunny was a lean fast bunny and she was harder to catch. King Daddy chased the bunny all around the yard and he finally caught her. The bunny kicked and scratched and got away. Princess Sophia was sad she didn't know if King Daddy was going to catch the bunny. But he did! Princess Sophia was so happy! The bunnies were safe and Princess Sophia gave King Daddy a big hug and a kiss. The end."

Now, I am sure you can guess what happened here on Saturday afternoon. ;)

Oh, and here is a picture of King Daddy and Queen Mommy from the beach.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

escape from reality

Life has really taken its toll on us, health, jobs,insurance, and finances... Need I go on?
We escaped from reality yesterday and took a trip to the beach, it was a trip we had planned to take later in the year and for a more extended period of time but with Tony's work and money I wasn't sure the trip was going to happen so we decided to take what we had already paid and put it towards a three day getaway and go now!
I am typing this on Tonys blackberry -which is no easy task, but I wanted to update and let everyone know why we aren't answering our house phone and why my sister's car is at my house and not the van, Lana is house sitting.
The beach is beautiful I really don't want to come back home. We stay here every year it is a beautiful little cottage we can see the ocean from our bedroom window. I hav e taken lots of pictures. Sophia ia our little travler and loves staying in new places. She loves the ocean and building sandcastles. Troy had to get used to the new place and he is terrified of the ocean but has been swimming like a fish in the pool. Jumping in the water and swimming all around people get a kick out of watching such a little guy swim like he does. We are all having a wonderful time, but it will end tomorrow and we will have to deal with life again, for now I am going to enjoy my last night in my little piece of heaven on earth.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday catch-up

Hi Everyone!
It has been a very long week. Troy is still holding on to that stinky cold. He has been up a lot at night and coughing lots. I took him to the doctor yesterday and he changed his asthma and allergy medication. I was hoping he'd give him an antibiotic but I guess he didn't think it was needed. The doctor thinks his allergies are aggravating his asthma but so far the medicine isn't really helping. Well, it is a bit but he still isn't sleeping.. at this point I just want him to sleep! Good Night do I want some sleep!

Sophia has done great on her medication this week. She is a tad bit more emotional but that could just be coincidence. We are really pleased with how she is doing.

Anyhow, I have some pictures too share...
Here are my babies the other day at the farm. Yes, they are naked.. taking a bath in a bucket. Farm children!

This is Troy helping Tony mow the grass yesterday. How cute is he with a pink mower!!??

Tony's brother is coming into town tomorrow so we will be spending the day at Tony's parents house. Tony has two younger brothers and when the three "boys" get together they act like "boys". So funny how grown men can sooo revert back to being boys when they are together. It will be nice to see Tony's brother, we haven't seen him in a while. We will miss his wife and kids though! Just a quick trip, he will be leaving Monday morning.

Hope everyone has a good Saturday!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sophia upped her medication dosage today. We went from one pill in the evening to two pills, one in the morning and one in the evening. She is still not at a 'therapeutic level' but the doctors are going to continue to monitor her closely as we continue to slowly raise the dosage over the next two months.
She goes back to the doctor on April 30Th, for another EEG, and they are going do blood work to check her liver function and blood sugar. Her liver has had to work overtime since she was very little because of all the medication that she has been on. Last time her liver enzymes were extremely high so our new doctor is going to monitor that close. Have I mentioned how much I love our new doctor!!??? The blood sugar is just to check because when she has seizures it causes her blood sugar to go high so we like to keep check on it when she isn't having seizures just to have something to compare.
She seemed to do good today with the extra pill. She doesn't really like taking medication but I am glad that as she is getting old (3 and a half) she is understanding that she has to take it to keep her healthy. She cried yesterday and said that she hated to take medicine but she hated the doctor in the hospital even more than the pill so she'd go ahead and take it. Poor baby. I wish she didn't have to take any pills. I am just so thankful that so far she doesn't have any side effects from the medication. She doesn't seem any more tired than normal, not as moody as when she was on Trileptal.. I am hopeful but I also keep reminding myself that she is only on a very low low dosage and that can change.
If the medication controls the seizures though we are on the right track.
I just can't believe we are back to this place again. I was so positive that she was done having seizures.. 8 months was her longest stretch and it was a good run! I am also... thankful to God for a solid diagnosis (even though it wasn't what I wanted to hear I am grateful that we know have a name as to what the problem is).
Oh, keep my friend Megan in your prayers. Her son had a facial seizure on Sunday and they found out that it was from the ammonia levels in his blood being high from problems with his kidneys. They are at children's hospital until they can do further testing to figure out the problem. My heart goes out to her.. I know how it feels to sit in that hospital and wait and wait for an answer. Lifting up baby Colt tonight.

Very Blustry Day Today!

It is very windy outside! I need to go get diapers but I'm afraid the wind will blow Troy away! ;)

Here are some pictures from Easter that I wanted to share.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter ReCap...

There is no greater example of faith around me better than Sophia. She is so bright so sure of her faith. No question. I love the way she celebrated yesterday, "Jesus got dead, and today is when we celebrate that he got undead." Isn't that just perfect!?
We went to church, went to my mom's house for brunch, swam in the pool, then came home and rested. We had a nice day. It was a day of celebration!
My brother took all the pictures so once I get them I will post them.
Here is what I have so far...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone.

May God Bless your family today.

God was watching out for me, I got to sleep from 10pm-6am with NO interruption!!!
I'll include my latest chalk art that was done yesterday while the kids and I were outside waiting for daddy to get home from work. ;) Can't you see the attention to detail... LOL.

6am, and I'm up making a bow for Sophia's hair for church this morning... I have turned into my mother!
Sophia was so excited about the Easter bunny that she wouldn't even let me sing her to bed and she was in bed by 745 last night.
Troy was completely worn out. Now that he isn't as congested one of the symptoms of this cold is fatigue, he has been taking 3 and 4 hour naps. And he was begging to go to be at 7pm.. he's still sleeping!!
Tony who has the cold now too, was sleeping by 8pm.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Boy Brains

Have you ever heard the phrase "boy brain"?
Well, I used to hear my mother say this when I was younger. I then started telling my daughter this when she would get upset about something her brother did.
Now, my 3 year old looks at her brother and says, "what's wrong with him?? it's he's boy brain again momma!" (Yes, we are working on the pronouns)
A few days ago it dawned on me, just how destructive little boys are. I was preparing my home for guests to arrive. Not that I live like a pig or that things must look perfect but I do want things to look nice when company comes. Now, I understand that my daughter is two years older than my son but even when she was his age she was not near as destructive as my son. He climbs on everything and if he gets his grubby little hands on something consider it ruined! So, while I was running around cleaning (where was "M" who knows!???) my daughter sat quietly with a book on the couch and my son... climbed onto the table and threw a coffee mug off the table. Yes, it got all over the floor but this child is precise in his aim, it went all over the tile, the carpet, the wall, and the ceramic cup even hit his sister on the foot! She screamed and I ran over to check her foot. While I ran to check and make sure there was "no blood" my son climbs off of the chair and proceeds to lay in the coffee and smear it all over the ground.
What is wrong with him!!!??
Oh yea, it's his BOY BRAIN!
I won't stress you with more boy brain stories but one more just for proof the boys are completely different creatures!
I was occupied a few weeks ago taking my daughter to the potty (always the "potty distraction", that may be the next blog). I accidentally left the pantry door open and in the short few moments that I wasn't watching him he got into the pantry and opened a giant bag of rice and dumped it all over the pantry floor. He didn't stop there, no no.. I caught him running through the kitchen and living room and dining room with handfuls of rice throwing them into the air like he was celebrating at a wedding. It looked like he was in fast forward (remember those hallucinations?). Zooming around the kitchen with his tiny legs carrying him as fast as they could, his hands grabbing rice and flinging it across the house.
What's wrong with him!!!??

Food for thought:According to Producer's Rice Mills,(, there are over 29,000 grains in a pound of long grain white rice. This was a 10lbs bag.... that's over 290,000 grains of rice that were all over my house.

doubts and the devil...

Lack of sleep does lead our thoughts to grow dark at times. The devil will use anything he can to fill our minds with doubt to cause us fear. Even taking advantage of a mother's lack of sleep, I am just going to say it, what a yellow bellied coward that devil is! Fear is not from the Lord. I keep reminding myself of that... fear is not from God. Repeating it over and over in my head.
You know, I have my strong moments and I have my weak ones. Most of the time I do just like Sophia says, "I am brave, because God is with me." I remember her saying this and I say it, most days this does the trick.
The unknowns are so difficult to deal with sometimes. Last night was a long night. I don't know if Sophia had a seizure and if I found her after or if maybe the medication made her disoriented and she was trying to wake up and couldn't... either way it was a long emotional night. She woke about 11:30am and was up and down until I finally brought her to my room at 1am, she was laying on my recliner saying her tummy hurt and her head hurt.. I just can't bear to leave her alone when she complains of this anymore. I sat on the floor next to the recliner, praying, and every time she moved I would look at her. She was laying there rubbing my arm and saying "do you know I love you mommy?" "don't worry about me mommy" "mommy are you scared"... she does this talk when she has had a seizure. It's like she can read right into your mind. I was sitting there in the dark in the quiet and she was revealing all of my thoughts to me. She is no doubt a gifted child. She finally feel asleep sometime around 330am, I brought a blow up mattress in my room and let her sleep on it. She doesn't like sleeping in the bed with Tony and I, part of her independence I guess. So this worked great. She was right under my nose while I slept but she still thought she was in her 'own' bed.
She was grinding her teeth so loud it woke up Tony.. I hate when she does this.
The night two weeks ago keeps playing in my head. I went to check on her and she told me "mommy, I'm ok my head still hurts come back and check on me in a little while" I said ok and then what did I do... I went to sleep! Then what happened... I woke up only to find her having the worst seizure yet. I get it, that I couldn't have known.. but if I had just gone back to check, or paid more attention to her ailments. I know better than to beat myself up over this but I do on some level feel guilty, like I've let her down.
So many uncertainties for her future. Sometimes I let those negative thoughts creep into my mind, especially when I haven't slept! ;) Hopefully at nap time everyone will sleep and I can lay down.
There are blessings on tough nights like this, Troy slept all night. Well until 6am, when he woke up and stood in his crib yelling "pooo pooo" I changed his diaper and he went right back to sleep.
Now, I have written my fear, my weakness, the parts that I try and block off.. and I am debating do I want to "publish post", part of me doesn't, but part of me feels I should. If for nothing else for me to remember..
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.John 14:27

And within my doubts maybe someone will benefit.
Don’t you be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. -Isaiah 41:10

And then remember...
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.- Ephesians 6:16

Friday, April 10, 2009

Two Kids, One Mom, and a Gas Station Bathroom

The title alone, I am sure has put fear in the minds of mothers who are reading this.
Let me tell you my friend, fear isn't the word.
Going a bit stir crazy we decided to venture out today. Me and my two little darlings ventured out to the local mall and saw the Easter Bunny. My daughter, who I am sure is going to be a politician, must have talked to everyone in the whole entire mall at least one time. There were moments when we would walk past people and she would say "Didn't I just see you in that other store?" I don't know how many people she asked, "Do you know my name?" Ah!
After our exciting outing we started the journey home. This would not have taken very long had it not been for the terrible road construction that added an extra 1/2 an hour onto our drive time. So there we sat, stuck in traffic and my gas light comes on; yes I am aware that I shouldn't have let it get that low but these things happen. So, we sit, I begin to pray.. pray that the car doesn't run out of gas. Then my daughter... "this chocolate milk is hurting my tummy, I think I have to poop".... oh no. As I quickly navigate the road construction I find a gas station! Hurray. I pump gas and my daughter sits in the car and says, "I'm gonna poop, I can't wait till we get home!" Ok, so I load the kids out of the car... "hold hands in the parking lot" off we go. Yes, into the gas station bathroom; better than pooping her pants.. I guess. We proceeded to the bathroom where I informed my children "don't touch anything" I really should NOT have spoken those words to my 1 1/2 year old son who seeks every oppurtunity to defy anything I say.
I thought if I let him hold the keys it may keep his hands occupied so he won't touch anything. WRONG! As soon as I was lifting my little girl onto the potty that I had covered in toilet paper he tossed the keys into the trash can and speared his clean, innocent little hands down the side of the trash can. AHHH!!!
My daughter screamed "He's Hands Have Germs!" I grabbed him and held his hands in the air. While I told my daughter to hurry and finish so we could get out of there. Poor girl, I mean really, you can't rush these things. He then proceeded to look at me smiling that evil little 'I'm not listening to you' smile, and rubbed his hands all over the wall. Worst of all... while I was occupied helping my baby girl get off the potty and he..
you ready moms..
he sat on the bathroom floor and rubbed his hands on the ground!
Well, all I have to say is THANK GOD for antibacterial hand soap. My daughter was mortified! Crying about the germs on her bubba's hands.
We ended up exiting the bathroom with my son soaked from the broken faucet that sprayed him while I was trying to wash his hands and my daughter completely disgusted at her brother's behavior.
So, at all costs, avoid gas station bathrooms with children!!!

my kiddos....

I have really been exhausted lately. Troy's cold has had him up during the night. His asthma has been acting up so he's been using his breathing treatments which has kept him pretty wired. Last night I put a Vics Waterless Vaporizer in his room and it was a Godsend!! (Shan, you may have to look into one of these for Marie.) He slept from 8-330am, then went back to sleep until about 7am. He is awake now but I am going to type this real quick before I go get him up. He is so sweet. He got up at 330am, I went in his room he says "oh momma, nigh" and lays down with the bottle I brought him and went right back to sleep.
Yesterday, Sophia Ann was in quite the mood! I told her to get to bed at nap time and she didn't. I then said "Sophia get in bed right now" I said it in a stern tone and she looked at me and said (in a high pitch voice) "oh yes, your highness, your majesty, anything you say"... she runs and jumps into her bed.
You know when things like this happen I really don't know what to think!!??

Thursday, April 9, 2009

sleep deprivation

Night after night after night after night of being awaken by children,
by the dog,
by a snoring husband,
by the neighbors dog.
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever sleep the night through again.
I have been extremely sleep deprived as of recent, ok, maybe not as of recent maybe from the last 4 years!
I have done all kinds of crazy things in my sleep deprivation.
I have put the telephone in the freezer.
I have put a carton of milk in the microwave.
I have seen my son put a waffle in the DVD player and not even get off the couch to stop him.
I have told the mechanic that called to tell me my car was done that I loved him and I'd see him soon... oh, the embarrassing things I have done from sleep deprivation.
I have even hit the mailbox. I just continued to drive while the mailbox scratched the side of my car, all the while my daughter sat in her car seat and said "mommy, you are hitting the mailbox!" I my brain just couldn't tell my foot to stop pushing the gas petal.
All because of sleep deprivation.
I even revealed "M's" true identity in the last paragraph of the last blog. I guess the secret it out... It's Tony. I'm Holly. ;) Thank you Anonymous for drawing this to my attention. I guess I can import my blog now, I've been sick of having two accounts anyway. Somehow I knew I wouldn't be able to keep this up for long. ;)

strength, patience, endurance, joy

Colossians 1:11
We pray that you will be strengthened with His glorious power so that you will have all the patience and endurance you need. May you be filled with joy-"

How beautiful is this. Often times in life we find ourselves at a loss, what do we need to help us, what do we pray for. I have found that when I don't know what to pray for I remember this verse, I repeat it over and over again. When asked to pray for someone I remember this verse.

For myself and for you today I pray for strength from God's glorious power, that we may have the patience and the endurance that we need, and that we may all be filled with joy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

cold day activity

Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
-John 6:35

I love those little hands. I adore my babies. No, we weren't making bread, but it was a good verse to tell my girl while she was elbow deep in flour and water.

Here are some pictures of our fun time together inside during this cold weather, yes in Florida, 60 degrees is cold!


Thought I'd share this with you...

%50 off Easter bows. $2.50 on the Easter "Bunny" Bows and the Easter "Ducky" Bows

waking up...

I have been soooo tired lately. It must be this cold and the fact that Troy is up during the night more than normal. Anyway, I am sitting in the kitchen drinking my coffee. Troy is sitting here at my feet with the portable DVD player watching Elmo's Wild Wild West Show. Sophia is upstairs watching Sid the Science Kid. Funny how the mornings are here when it is just me and the kids. We definatly have our little routine in the morning... Sophia is slow about waking in the morning, rather grumpy, so alone time is her until about 9am. I am pretty worthless until I get a second cup of coffee. And Troy, he is happy to sit in his rocking chair with his blanket and a waffle until us girls are ready to get moving.
I totally forgot that Sophia had ballet last night, so we rushed over so she didn't miss her dance class. Next week is spring break so no dance, that will be nice. ;) Her recital is getting ready to come, the first week in June. She is really excited and was telling me that "some people are making my costume in a kitchen, they are cooking it up in a pan so that it will be ready for me to wear it at my show." She is so funny.
Tony did good at his first day at work. He seemed happy about it. I am proud of him, glad he has a job. Thankful for the blessings.
Well, I'm going to finish this coffee, lots and lots of laundry waiting on me today. Lots of housework that has gone unfinished and even more laundry....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Angry Housewife: On Hallucinations (you know you've had them!)

I was in desperate need of a trip alone to the grocery store (see Angry Housewife: on what a break really is), I knew I wasn't going to get a day at the spa so a trip to the grocery store would have to do. On this particular day, "M" was off work. I waited all day, literally from 8am-4pm for him to stop cleaning the garage so that he could watch his children so that I could go to the grocery store alone. Yes, a clean garage is nice, but for an angry housewife,who is in desperate need of a trip alone, the garage can wait when a child-free grocery trip is in order. So the day wore on and on and on and on... sidewalk chalk, bubbles in the yard, nap time, more sidewalk chalk, more bubbles... ok, I'd like to go to the grocery store, NOW.
At this point, I was planning which route to take to the grocery store would take the longest to travel, which in mommy world equals more time alone. I had it figured that I would go to Walmart instead of my normal hot spot because it was farther away and would require more time spent wondering the aisles. Now, if he had just let me go in the morning like I wanted; he wouldn't have to worry about me traveling 17.2 miles to get groceries.
I decided to feed that kids and give them their bath. I was dressed and ready to head out to the grocery store, yes, I got dressed up to go to the grocery store.. I don't get out much, this was a big deal. After feeding the children, my dressed up, was dressed dirty; applesauce in my hair, banana mush on my jeans, and I smelled like a hot dog. I was furious at this point, I marched into the garage to find out exactly how many more hours, minutes, seconds he was going to be in there... we decided that I was going to bathe the kids and when I got them out he'd be inside and ready to take over (Take Over, means sit on the couch with two feed, bathed children, watch cartoons until mom gets home to put them to bed). After the bath, my dressed up which was then dressed dirty was now dressed wet. Completely soaked my hair was frazzled, my shirt was wet, my jeans had banana mush and baby soap, and yes after all of that I still smelled like a hot dog.
At this point I began hallucinations; yes I hallucinated. My children, both naked, ran into the playroom screaming and laughing like wild Indians. They were jumping on the couch and then flying in air landing on the bean bags. I started to try and control the madness when it consumed me. My beautiful fresh smelling little cherubs appeared to grow wings from their shoulder blades and fly around the playroom screaming. Their big brown eyes turned a fire red color. They reminded me of other creatures from the Wizard of Oz, you know the ones who worked for the witch?? I had to get out of there! I left the clothes and diapers on the floor, walked down stairs, grabbed the keys and the cell phone and told "M" I was leaving. He didn't question me, he just said "have a nice time"; He knew better! ;)

Complimenting My Intellect

Now, my darling husband. This blog is for you.
I am always flattered by your compliments, really I am.
However- you had to know there was going to be a however; when we are standing in the laundry room and you mention how smart because I clipped a plastic bag to the side of the dryer to be used as a trash bag for you to empty the lint catcher, that is NOT a compliment. Has my intelligence been limited to the lint catcher and a plastic bag!
Why not compliment how smart I am that I have a degree in Education, just because I am currently not using it doesn't mean that I don't have the knowledge.
Yes, I am smart enough to pretend that the spatula is a surgical tool to save the life of a my little pony.
I am smart enough to remember everyone in this family birthdays, anniversary, and special events.
My brain retains the information of height, weight, age, shirt size, pants size, shoes size, sock size, and underwear size of every person living under this roof.
I remember things like how old the kids were when they got their first teeth, said their first words, took their first step... if that isn't a compliment of one's intellect I don't know what is.
My brain retains more information than GOOGLE, my dear.
So my darling husband, the next time you feel like complimenting how smart I am, please refrain from using the plastic bag attached to the dryer an an example.
I do adore you though, my sweet love. ;) And thank you for all the compliments ;)


Yes, there was a short hiatus, but I'm back and more angry than ever! ;)

Great job Tony!!

Tony Tony Tony.. always comes through. He went a few places yesterday and came home with a job! ;) Very proud of my husband!
Now, myself and my darling son.. we are sick! We both have yucky colds and coughs.
I knew it was coming, we have been soo incredibly busy with no down time. It was only a matter of time until we got sick. I am going to clean the guest bed because Tony may be sleeping in there since Troy and I are going to probably be taking over the bed with all of our sneezing and coughing.
I have cleared our schedules and we are going to rest for the next few days. Other than a trip to the grocery store for orange juice we aren't going anywhere! Oh did I add that it was in the 90s this weekend and it is 60 today! No wonder we are so sick. I hate weather changes in Florida!!
Well, I am going to go get some coffee before my children get up.
Sophia at the yard sale.

Troy riding his motorcycle.

Monday, April 6, 2009

another day

Today Tony goes for an interview. I just pray that if this is the right thing that it will all work out and if it's not that it won't! I don't want him to start something that isn't God's will for his life. Not that I want him to be jobless, but I'm willing to sit in God's plan while Tony figures out what it is he is supposed to be doing. I do not think that any of this happened by chance. It is all God's plan.
Now, enough said on that topic!
Today, my soul sista' Danielle is here visiting and I must say just knowing she is here in this house gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling. She lives in NY and I would love to say I can see her anytime I want but I can't so until I get her to move here, when she is in town I have to smoother her with my presence. :) She also has an interview today. Yes, I told you I was going to get her to move here. :) I am also trying to get her to start a blog, she is an excellent writer. She is really an awesome person and a great friend, I'm lucky to have her.
Well, I gotta get going, another busy day-
I am going to make breakfast, take Danielle to her interview, take the kids to the park, pick Danielle up, come home, take Danielle to the airport (sad), then come home, make dinner, bathe, feed, and put the kids to bed! ;) Lots of driving here and there today.
Yesterday Tony had a yard sale and made a whooping $120. We met his parents at the fair in the evening. I got to see my nieces, my brothers, and my mom and dad, who were also there at the county fair enjoying the festivities. Sophia was not going to leave the fair without riding on the Ferris wheel. I kept my feet on the ground while Tony took her on the ride. This is what popped up on my cell phone while I was watching the wheel spin around and around, praying that they'd stay safe. ;)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

happy thoughts..

I love this picture. Tony took it on his cell phone so it's kinda blurry. But this is my children at there most darling. This was Friday morning, Tony's official day of no job and we made the best of it. Staying home as a family, playing outside, and of course resting! Tony made his famous grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and his even more famous grilled peanut butter and honey sandwiches for desert ;) I'm not telling you that the secret ingredient is pink sugar sprinkles for Sophia ;)

Sophi was in my cousin's wedding today and oh my love she did so good! I think I was far more nervous than she was. The anticipation of waiting for her to walk down the isle was almost too much to take.. I can't imagine how I'll feel at HER wedding! She was such a pro.. threw the petals in the air, walked so brave with such confidence -I mean really what else did I expect. I'm sure I'll have pictures of her to show soon.
I do have a picture of Troy. Tony snapped this before the wedding.

He looks like a little stinker! He did great during the wedding although I did have Tony sitting in the very back with him, just in case. After the wedding though he had enough, the reception he was a total BOY! In ever sense of the word. My mom bought him the most adorable plastic tool set, great gift idea for a boy, terrible gift for a wedding reception.. He went around hitting the back of people's chairs and backs with the hammer until we got it out of his death grip. ;) He throw carrots like they were darts at his sister.. until Tony finally took him for a walk. They found a tennis court with a fence and Tony said he closed the gate and let Troy run around on the court while he laid on a bench and took a rest, that's a daddy's way of babysitting if I've ever heard... LOL
It was a beautiful, very traditional wedding.. just like my cousin. I am sure she is going to make a wonderful bride, wife, and maybe someday a mother.. I'm always up for little ones to hold! ;)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

Funny that I got up this morning and it's raining... I have been saying "when it rains it pours" all week. Not to be a downer but I must say that is exactly how this week has felt. Sunday, was the seizure. Tuesday, was the doctors, test, diagnosis..etc, Wednesday, Tony was told as of Friday he would be laid off (yes, no job)...
Tony then joins the long list of people who lost there jobs in this economy. One good thing, my Tony is a go getter! He called and says, "Honey I've lost my job, but I'm going to an interview on Monday". Praying he gets the job, even if it means a substantial pay cut at least he will have a job.
We have good family, good friends, and a strong support system behind us and I'll tell you I am so grateful for them (you) always, but especially right now. Your thoughts, prayers, emails, phone calls, they don't go unnoticed.
Sophia has started on Lamictal only at night for the next two weeks. She seems to be her normal self so far. I am very grateful for that. In the midst of all this rain we have so much to be grateful for. So much to praise God for...
Thank You Jesus, for life.
Thank You Jesus, for family and friends who are family.
Thank You Jesus, for the trials in life that only bring us closer to you.
You Alone are God. Thank you for your Son, your Grace, your strength.
Thank You for your broad shoulders.

(an hour or so later....)
The rain has stopped. Troy is awake pushing his bin of cars around the kitchen. Tony is outside walking the dog and feeding the bunny rabbits. Sophia is watching Cinderella while she wakes up- not a morning person. I'm sitting here at my computer drinking my coffee, trying to wake up too ;)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I slept all night and woke up tired. I can't remember the last time I slept ALL night. Troy slept, Sophia slept, the dog slept. :) I know lots of you are checking up on here for updates so- to make a very very long day short....
Sophia went to the doctor, they did an EEG, it showed abnormalities (unlike anything before), as she is getting older her epilepsy is able to been seen more on the EEGs, this was a grand mal epileptic seizure and because it lasted so long it is not safe for her to not be on medication. They started her last night on Lamictal. She will take one pill at night for 2 weeks, then move up to one and night and on in the morning. We will go back to the doctor in one month.
There is a lot more to this.. lots involved, lots of emotions, but quite frankly, I am worn out and completely drained so I will write more, but it will have to be later. I just wanted to update those of you who are checking in for updates.
Thanks guys. Continue to pray for her. We didn't realize the severity of this situation and there was comfort in ignorance up until now. Today will be a day to rest and adjust to this new concept. It is all very frightening. We will pray that God will intervien and he is the ultimate healer, we also need to accept and care for her properly so today we are switching gears so to speak.
God Bless you all and thanks so much for the phone calls, emails, and letters.