Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm four years old now and grown up...

Sophia! She does say some of the craziest things.

We were snuggled on the couch last night and she told me that I was the best mom ever.
I said, "thank you Sophia."
She looked up at me with the sweetest eyes and said, "now you should tell me I'm the best daughter ever."
"You are the best daughter ever."

I have to take her to the neurologist tomorrow morning. Her appointment is bright at early at 8am, so it will be an early morning drive down to Orlando. The goal is to get 'official' MRI results, find out the status on the botox injections, and what the steps are for treatment at this point. I feel all to lucky that her medication has remained the same through the last visit. She has had some mild seizure activity recently. I can tell because her eye gets lazy and she starts having potty accidents. These are really upsetting to her because she does not like being a 'baby'. I try to explain to her that she can't help it but it doesn't seem to make her feel any better. On those days we just stay home. She is clingy and sleepy anyway. I noticed it worse the first few days Tony was gone, I think it was stress and lack of sleep, her sleep patterns were screwy until she got used to him being gone. Everyone seems to be adjusting. Except Papi.. the furbaby misses his daddy.

Troy is responding great to his medication. Oh, I think I totally left out that Troy has now joined his sister as a Children's Hospital patient... we went down about two weeks ago and met with a Pediatric Pulmonologist. His asthma was totally out of control we were having to do breathing treatments at least once a day. The pediatrician suggested we go to a specialist. He takes an inhaler twice a day, a few pills, and a nebulizer treatment when necessary. The doctor suggested that he does have asthma, allergies, and possibly reflux which is making the asthma worse because he may be aspirating. He throws up a lot, at least 4 times a week, sometimes more. He has always been a 'pukey' kid, I didn't realize the connection of the vomiting to his lungs though. He is on medication for reflux, which has helped a lot with the vomiting. He is also on an antibiotic right now that will clear up any infection that could be left in his lungs from the pneumonia, bronchitis, and respiratory infections that he has had the past year. The doctor suggested a lung biopsy that they could do to test for a multitude of things, but I haven't yet decided on that one. I took him for a chest Xray and bloodwork on Monday. We go back with him in two weeks. So far I've seen great improvements though. He has only had to use the emergency inhaler twice since he has been on the new medication.

Needless to say these kids have kept me busy with their medical needs but they are totally worth it. I am just so glad they are happy and active little beings. Even when they are fighting... which is why I am going to have to get off the computer. ;)

Tony is doing good, he likes the new job. Misses the familia though.. ;) We will see him Saturday night.

1 comment:

  1. I so miss you and your family, Holly!!! I just love that daughter of yours. Give her a hug for me and that sweet boy of yours too!!! :) Love you!
