Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wonderful, Hectic, Busy Day.

Tomorrow and Saturday we will be slowing things down a bit! This has been a busy week. We were going to head down south to see Tony but I'm glad we decided to stay home. I have some unpacking to do since we decided to post-pone the move for a while. Also we need to catch up on our 'desk work' this week we have been very hands on with our schooling. We went on the field trip to Sea World and gymnastics on Monday. Tuesday, Tony came down for the day and Sophia had a lunch date with a friend then they played at the house for a while. Wednesday, Tony went back down south, the kids and I went to the library and the playground. Today Troy had Toddler Time at the library this morning, then we came home for lunch and a siesta, then Sophia went back to the library for Crafty Kids, then the grocery store... needless to say we need to chill out tomorrow.
I just finished my homework for tonight. I got my grade for my last course, B+, which I was NOT happy about.. my second B but I'll take what I can get, the class was difficult and I'm just glad it's over. I'm in my second week of my new course and so far I have a 100%, I'm hoping to maintain that... hoping. ;)
Well, I hope everyone is having a great week.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, Monday...

Just another Monday... not exactly...
This is our first week of homeschooling that I am a stay at home mommy again! Hurray! Not working is a huge weight off my shoulders, I am so grateful to be home with them again full time. This is something I really did NOT appreciate until I had to go to work. I am proud that I was able to help my family through my job but I so- love being home with them. I am so glad it is a new season and I plan on enjoying every moment with them.
We got up this morning and did some 'desk work'... I try not to do a lot of 'desk work' but sometimes it is necessary, most handwriting practice. We do lots of coloring and crafts too... but sometimes that 'boring' pencil and paper work is necessary. We did some letters, numbers, and spelling... a few color sheets. And then it was off to our first 'official' field trip. We are covering the letter "I" in our reviewing this week so are also studying the animals that live where there is ice... so we went to Sea World's Wild Arctic. This was fun! Before we left we read some about puffins and emperor penguins, and the most favorite walrus! We found out that a boy walrus is called a bull and a girl is called a cow. We also found out that their teeth can grow to be 3ft long! Sophia was mesmerized by the size of the walrus we saw once we got to Sea World. There was also a giant slab of ice for them to touch... in Florida, that is a huge deal!
So Wild Arctic was fun then we hit up Shamu's Happy Harbor and went on some rides. Just me and the kids at Sea World.. it was actually NOT as exhausting as I imagined. I actually noticed that we meandered around more than normal... talking about colors we saw, animals, shapes... we noticed flags and ducks and ponds and employee only entrances ;) It was fun to adventure around and kind of loose ourselves with no real agenda (after Wild Arctic that is). We went and saw an awesome show with dancers and gymnastics... I think it was called 'call of the ocean' it was neat and the kids loved the special effects. Sophia said that she would like to study 'special effects' next week so I am going to see if I can't find some books about that at the library this week.
We loaded in the car and Troy feel asleep on the way home, I was stunned that Sophia did not fall asleep. We got back into town and Troy woke up crying because he was hungry, we really hardly ate all day so a chicken nugget dinner was in order. We got in town and we were just in time of gymnastics. I offered to take them, because I had packed their clothes, although I really doubted that they would want to go after a full day... they were so excited to go... ugh, ok, gymnastics it is... I changed them in the car and in we went. They did great at gymnastics, Troy listens more and more... the structure is good for him and Sophia loves being with the other kids. We got home and... washed the car and emptied all of our junk.
Tony is coming home tonight and Sophia asked me, "Are you cleaning your car because Daddy says it is gross"
Well, not exactly but thank you for your input Sophia. I wanted to tell her that my car is gross because of her and her brother and all their crap.. but I didn't.
We got inside and had a quick bath, a snack, two books, and bedtime!
It was a perfect day! A few tears, a little bit of sass, but ultimately it was a great day. Love them!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

No Balls

Sophia and Troy are gearing up for fall sports... maybe I'm gearing up they are just getting excited!
Troy has picked tball, which I believe he thinks is 'football' despite every attempt to explain to him that he cannot play football until he is at least 5 years old. So, we picked tball. He wasn't interested in soccer but he really likes the whole bat and glove thing. We went to a few college games this summer so he is pretty excited about 'baseball'.
Sophia has picked cheerleading. She wanted to do ballet but the year for ballet is so- long so I didn't want to commit to it since we may be moving at some point. I didn't want her missing out on the recital if we move. So we picked a 'fall sport' I suggested soccer and she responded, "I don't want to play any game with balls in them."
So she will be doing cheerleading. ;)
They will continue in their gymnastics class together since that is a month to month thing and really good for them and they both LOVE it! Plus, there are no balls in gymnastics.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Our Adventures in Homeschooling

I had mentioned before that we were going to be homeschooling this year, or maybe just that we were considering it. Well we began Week 4 of our homeschooling adventure and what an adventure this is. My whole idea of how this was going to work has been tested, challenged, and changed numerous times. I am sure this is not the end of it but we are finally getting into a groove with everything. Sophia missed the cut off for Kindergarten by 7 days because of her birthday. Which I am totally OK with but since we decided to home school this year we are combining some preschool and Kindergarten activities this year. We are having a good time and she is going much quicker than I anticipated. It is a struggle to keep the work interesting and challenging, not too easy so she doesn't get bored, yet not to advanced so she doesn't feel defeated. Keeping it fun, yet staying on task... we are having a great time with it.
I love being able to add in some 'faith talk' to our lessons. This week we are working on the letter Gg, Hh. The numbers 6,7. We are talking about God's girl being Thoughtful. We are on the 4th president of the USA, James Madison. And our theme for the week is 'family'. It has been very fun! Tomorrow we are going to make a family of finger puppets and Sophia and Troy will perform a finger puppet play for me. We are also going to a playdate at the Splash Park. Fun!
Sophia takes her school work very seriously and calls me, "Teacher Mommy" which I find hilarious. Troy mostly plays but when he wants to participate I always have something fun ready for him to do with us.
I have really enjoyed this special bonding time for the three of us. Seeing my daughter in this 'school setting' is something I am really enjoying. Watching her handwriting change in the last four weeks. Watching her eyes and her hands work steady on projects. Listening as she figures problems and finds the right answers. It is a different part of her that I am so glad I am able to experience. It is far different from anything I have ever done with her. Don't get me wrong do a lot of reading and playing and learning in our home, but this 'school time' is different. Some days she is stubborn and strong willed and other days she is easy going up for anything.
Today we went for a walk (which Troy was all about it and Sophia protested the warm weather the entire way), when we got back we ate lunch, and I read them a story about God's girl being 'Thoughtful'. When we were done I asked them ways they could be 'thoughtful'. Sophia responded by telling me she could share her toys with Troy and kiss him. Troy said, "I thoughtful, I tickle you!"
Ah- I love it. I seriously soak in every second with them and enjoy each moment.
Here are some pictures from our school time.

Also, for a quick medical update on both kids:

Troy was sick last week and through the weekend. Other than some runny nose and continued respiratory congestion he is doing much better. This was the first time he has gotten sick since the doctors have mentioned cystic fibrosis as a possibility and while we still haven't done the lung biopsy that is necessary to confirm this diagnosis they are treating him as such. My first thoughts were: antibiotic. Which was not necessary and the pulmonologist assured me it would not help the situation. Troy had a yucky cold and it just had his breathing all kind of nutty. His daily steroids were doubled until he is well then we can go back to his normal dosage. He is using a nebulizer treatment every 4 hours for wheezing. He is fine though, it is just a cold. I was sure he had some kind of respiratory infection or something but the doctors (pediatrician and pulmonologist) assured me it was just a cold but because of the CF he has lots of extra mucus in his lungs. So he was puking from that mucus as well, and I have NEVER seen a child pee so much! ;) I am glad he is doing better.. I guess I just have to get used to the new way of treating him. Before we always treated him with antibiotics, for upper respiratory infections and pneumonia. The doctor has ordered a chest xray if he isn't better by next week- but he is alreayd much better and I'm sure he'll be fine but next week.

Sophia never did get sick! Hurray! I ran a high fever one night and all I could think was, "God please don't let her have this fever!!" Still praying she doesn't get sick and Troy and I are still croupy. I did talk to her doctor this week though and please pray that we make some good decisions with some upcoming medical choices. Although she is VERY high functioning cerebral palsy one of the affects of that is that she walks on her tippy toes. Her tendons in her legs are a bit contracted and sometimes worse than others. In an attempt to correct this we are having to make a choice between doing a series of botox injections or having her feet casted so that the tendon will be stretched and then corrected. We are working with a physical therapist and in the near future we will be going to a pediatric orthopedic specialist as well. Her pediatrician and her neurologist say that if we do nothing that she will eventually need surgery to correct the problem and it could lead to hip, knee, and back problems -so letting her just be a tippy toe walker is not really an option; plus kids can be very cruel and I have already heard other children ask her why she walks on her toes all the time. So- keep us in your prayers while we research our options as to which way to correct this issue. She has continued to do excellent and not have any seizures.. I love her medicine! The doctor is very pleased and we will go back at the end of October for another EEG and follow-up before meeting with the ortho doc at the beginning of November.

Friday, September 10, 2010

So much fun...

I really can sum life with these two kids up into three words...
They are really a handful but I love spending every moment with them. We are still sick and battling the snots, coughs, and fevers in our house. Troy and I are anyway... Tony is sick but down south... and Sophia, well, as she told the doctor this morning, "Everyone is my family is sick and I feel great!"
She is very proud of her five year old immune system.
The doctor is always so happy to see her talking and laughing.
It was Troy's appointment this morning, he has a cold but with his respiratory issues he is on steroids and breathing treatments. The doctor said no need for an antibiotic right now but he will need some help with his breathing. So they doubled his daily steroid dose and they increased his breathing treatments from as needed to every 4 hours until he stops wheezing so much. He seems to be feeling better as long as he is taking his medicines. I have still had fevers and chills, such a nasty bug.
We went to Target to get prescriptions filled and we had lunch in the mall food court. The kids are so funny. They hold hands and Sophia tells him that she will be too sad to come to his wedding because she loves him but since she is his sister she knows he will not marry her. She said, "Troy I will be happy for you but I can't see it, it's too painful."
I don't know where she gets this stuff... she is so funny. Troy was just strutting through the mall and he responds by holding her hand and saying, "ok sissy, I love you sissy." I wonder if he really understands what she is saying. They are so funny.
While we were having lunch Sophia was not happy with the noise level in the mall. She was looking around, eating, holding her ears. She said, "I'm not happy with this noisy place." I told her there were lots of people in the mall and it was loud, but it was fun to watch all the people. She said that she was going to stand on her chair and yell that there was a fire so everyone would run out then we could "eat in peace."
She is really funny. She is so charismatic and mischievous. I love her personality... I just pray she uses it for good. ;)
We have plans to go to see Toy Story on Ice for my birthday tomorrow evening. I hope we are feeling better by then. I really want the kids to enjoy it. I figure worst case we can take our medicine and our blankets and watch the show and snuggle.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sophia Ann is 5

I am sick and not feeling up to this tonight but I could not let 9/8/10 pass by without some pictures and a blog about my five year olds birthday!! I can't believe Sophia is 5!!

I can't believe my baby girl is 5 years old.

Did I say that twice?

Today is her actual birthday. Although we celebrated it on Sunday afternoon. We had a great party for her. We went to her favorite ice cream shop with some of our family and close friends.

We had a wonderful day and my sister came over the night before and helped me with Sophia's massive #5 cake

She had a wonderful party and it was so wonderful to see her happy.
She is a special piece of our family.
I wanted to celebrate her actual birthday today but Troy and I were horribly sick. Tony called at lunchtime and we sang happy birthday to her. She had a special 'jumbo cupcake' and was more than happy with that. She's such a good girl.

Hoping our birthday girl doesn't get sick.

Happy Birthday Sophia Ann, We love you Baby Girl