Monday, February 20, 2012

soooo over this...

Why is it young children are obsessed with bodily functions?

Now maybe my daughter gets it from the influence of her younger brother, because I cannot for the life of me imagine she would come up with these things on her own...

we've had a lot of sickness going around our house in the last few weeks, which may have spurred their new found interest in bodily functions

Either way... they are discovering bodily functions everywhere and telling me all about it.

They found a tissue box at the pediatricians office that gave all kind of facts about snot and as long as we waited to see the doctor that day we read and reread all of those facts over and over again, which only spurred their interest.

From sneezing, burping, tooting, spitting, urinating, pooping even crying... if it comes out they want to know who? what? where? when? and why?

They want me to "come and see" every time they blow their nose, go to the bathroom or spit on the ground.

This is one part of raising these monsters that I am not enjoying....

The only good thing about it all, they are gaining a whole new understanding of why we wash our hands!

well, Sophia just blew her nose... gotta "come see this!"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

who me? not me?

Hey, what are you doing?

Oh cool, me? I'm hiding.

From the kids. I'm in the bathrooom, well, the shower to be honest...

No, I'm not taking a shower, I'm hiding in the shower, with my cell phone and a bag of cookies and Sophia's silly putty.

I just need a moment and this is the only place they won't find me.

Oh sheesh.. I gotta go Troy is calling me...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

planting new roots

It's different here lately.

New air circulating (and I don't mean our repaired A/C)

There is a feeling in our home, a presence that wasn't there before...

it was there just not as strong as it is today.

My husband leading our family, spiritually speaking, it has relieved me, I am able to serve my family, my husband and my children in a new way, better, more Biblical way. I'm not doing the job that he was supposed to do, I have relinquished that to him, that is his role and his job and it feels so good to have a partner in it all.

I was planting flowers a few days ago and I was contemplating our new roots.

As the kids rode their bikes around the cul-de-sac, I heard them laughing and playing with each other.

Tony was at work and I was home, making a home.

It isn't really what I never imagined I would do, I never thought I'd be a wife or a homeschooling mom who was an involved in her church, have a relationship with my Savior that I have today.

I thought I would love God, I thought I would have children (at some point), I wanted to be a flight nurse, a professional, do amazing things, visit far away places... and sometimes I dream, it's fun to dream, but their is no where I would rather be.

And as for amazing things... I think I witness amazing things everyday, in the lives of my children, myself, my husband, the community around me, the good in people, the God in people, I do see amazing things.

Back to working in the yard...

As I prepared the soil for the new plants, as I raked away leaves, dug my hands into the Earth I began to sift through the dirt.

I found roots from things planted before, they were dead and dry, I tossed them into a pile

Sometimes it was hard work pulling those old roots, they were planted deep.

As I was preparing the ground, preparing to plant new roots, bright and alive...

I thought about how in our own life, in our hearts and our minds we must uproot the things from before, the old, the dead and dried up- what our life was

and we must prepare our hearts and minds for the new, bright and alive.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

everyday moments...

Sophia was "training" the dog today.

Remember Mt. Laundry, the never ending mountain of laundry??

Today Sophia was squealing in delight as she had "trained" the dog to climb the mountain...

What mountain you ask?

Mt. Laundry of course.

Nothing like a 6 year old to humble you...

she then informed me that "Jazzy-Bell was far to scared to stay on the top of the mountain because it is way too tall, but she did go up and down"

Yep, humbled...

you know what I'm am doing tonight? Folding :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

hard part

Today was ruff day, no pun intended ;)

We miss Molly girl, even though we didn't get to see her everyday as we couldn't steal her away from the farm, knowing she's not running down the dirt road to swim in the water trough on a hot day makes me sad.

There is a running joke in our family that when a tradegy strikes mom won't tell us kids until weeks later. From the time we were little it's been this way.

When my pony died when I was little, she told me for weeks that he was on the other side of the property.

When my dog died she tried for days to tell us that she was down at the barn.. failing to mention she was buried at the barn.

Even when our great grandma died, she didn't tell us until after the funeral, she wrote it under 'deaths' in our bible and handed it back to us during the communion at church.

She just has never been good at passing on bad news... if we weren't there to hear about it right away she didn't tell us, not right away anyway.

So, when mom called me this morning she said, "I know you say I never tell you, so I'm telling you..." and the tears came I knew... she didn't even have to say it. I knew Molly wasn't going to make it.

It's ok mom, you don't have too...

As I gathered myself I knew I was going to have to face my own sweet ones and let them know Molly had died.

I tried three times to walk out of my room, down the hall to the living room where they were watching cartoons.

Three times I turned back and sat on the bed, crying...

and then laughing.. thinking to myself... this is why she didn't tell us.

I could seriously go about my day and just not tell them.

But I did... they met me down the hall and before I could even finish the sentence Sophia said, "Molly died huh!?"

Yes baby, she didn't make it.

Sophia melted onto the floor crying and Troy just stood there finally saying, "Today is a berry sad day Momma"

Lots of tears shed for a really great dog today.

And tonight I tucked them in and Sophia started to cry again and I thought...

yep, this is why she wouldn't tell us... she wanted us to be happy all the time...

sweet momma, we all laugh at you but I understand.. it is the hard part.

"it's a berry sad day"

I'd like to believe that there is a special place in heaven for the great dogs.

We lost a great dog today.

The injuries were too great and she fought hard, her wagging her tail until the last days, our sweet Molly girl.

She was a good girl and will be missed very much.

Troy said it best, "it's a berry sad day"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

something to pray for

Some exciting things are happening in the life of our girl.

I don't want to share just yet but I am asking you to be in prayer for a big trip we are taking at the end of this month.

It's just me and the kids, I'm a bit nervous about traveling alone with them, being away from Tony for a whole 6 days (not my thing).

But I know this will be good, my mom says it's an answer to prayers.

I'm not ready yet to post the who/what/where/when and why but I will say that the last few days have been peaceful ones and we are preparing our hearts and our minds for the days ahead.

"Sophi-girl" is a blessing to our home. I treasure her, although I don't always understand her. She is stronger than she knows, stronger than most people realize. Her life, very the first moments challenged me to accept that things won't always go my way, my plan may not be His plan and that is ok.

With this trip we are seeking options, answers and understanding.

A second opinion so to speak... it will be good. It's going to be good.

Tonight I'm nervous, I've been peaceful and I'm hoping that peace returns.

Asking for prayers.

"what are you wearing?"

I called my husband today and asked, "Hey babe, what are you wearing?"

He laughed and I could tell there were people in the room as I realized what I had just asked him...

he responded with a serious tone, "khaki's and blue shirt"....

Yes, life sure has changed...

reason I was asking...

I was I was trying to determine if I should wait and wash his work clothes now or when he gets home... darks or lights that is the question. :)