Monday, April 19, 2010

Intentional Memories- Sophia Ann

I love intentional memories, a smell, a trip, pictures, blogs. I think so much is lost in time and if we can record some of the small things to have for later we can benefit from them later on.
So today I will write about my little Sophia Ann. I want to remember the little things...

I want to remember that Sophi wants to marry her daddy and be her little brother's girlfriend when she grows up.
I don't want to forget that she insists on having her nails painted the same shade of hot pink with glitter sparkles.
I want to remember that at this moment in time that she loves watching Disney movies even if they scare her to death. She waits for the happy ending, torturing herself through the scary, sad, and angry parts of the movie so that she can see the prince kiss the princess.
She is a romantic little one, always dreaming of elegant stories that she is the princess waiting on her "Prince Sharmin".
She is a caretaker and hates to hear her brother cry, even more if she is the reason he is crying.
I don't want to forget how much she loves the men in her life; her Daddy, Poppa, Uncle Map, Uncle Gabe, Uncle Darrell, her Grand Daddy, and her Great Poppa. She thinks they all adore her, and they do.
She is passionate and doesn't understand when others aren't as passionate about something as she is.
She loves animals and is always pretending that she is some furry little pet.
I don't want to forget that when she plays pretend she will stop one hundred times and tell you how to act, what to say, and what to do next, then she will continue her 'game' but only when we "pretend" the exact way she described.
She is bossy and loving at the same time, she tries to make Troy obey, threatening him with timeout or that she will take away his toys. She must think she is much older than he is.
I want to remember how she loves to go adventuring with her Daddy. I want to remember how she likes to be the leader but only if he is right behind her.
She is brave and wise. She has the best memory and never forgets when someone or something hurt her or made her sad; she remembers the joyful things as well and tells us that it takes 7 happy moments to cover up one sad moment. No one we know has ever told her this; She says her angel told her.
I want to remember that we believe her.
I don't want to forget that she loves to color, especially with markers, but she is content with crayons. She is easily hurt when you don't know what she drew. We have to be careful to say "tell me about your picture?" instead of "what is that?"
She would rather color on a blank sheet of paper than in a coloring book and that she never colors in the lines.
I don't want to forget that she hates to have her hair brushed and screams while I brush through the tangles, only to look in the mirror after and tell me how beautiful she looks.
She thinks that her daddy thinks she is the most beautiful girl in the world, and he really does.
I want to remember her perfect little hands, so feminine and gentle.
I don't want to forget how she dances through life.
I want to remember how she clinches her tiny fists when she is mad.
I want to remember her soft cheeks, her sweet hugs, and how she always thinks of nice things to say when you are sad.
She is a sweet little girl with a tender heart.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


It is a gloomy day today, rain is heading our way. Tony and I love a song titled, "Raining on Sunday". Part of the lyrics say, "When it's raining on Sunday, storming like crazy, we stay under the covers all afternoon, baby whatever comes Monday can take care of itself, cause we have better things that we can do, when it's raining on Sunday..." Before we had the kids when it would rain on Sundays after church we would come home eat lunch and hide under the covers all afternoon. We would sing this song and laugh and enjoy time the two of us. We still enjoy time just the two of us but it's far less time than it used to be, that is ok. Wouldn't trade it for the world.. but those memories are fun to think about. That carefree time...

It is true that when you have a child you forever have your heart walking around outside of your body. You feel the need to protect them, have them with matter how old they get. A dear friend and coworker of mine lost her son in a car accident this week. A terrible accident... such sadness in their home right now. I pray for strength for them. He was 26 years old, still his momma's baby. Please keep the Oneal family in your prayers this week.

Sophi went to the neurologist Thursday. Everything is great with the seizures, medication is working and she seems to be doing great as far as the doc is concerned! Whoo Whoo!! She is going for an MRI on Friday. They are hoping to rule out some possible causes for her seizures. Please keep her in your prayers as well. Pending insurance approval she may start a series of treatments for her "tippy toe walking"... I'll go more into that once the results of the MRI are done. We always thought of her as our tiny dancer... prancing around the house on her tippy toes, apparently the neurologist feels that there could be more to this. For now, we will wait on an MRI and results of a few more tests. Hoping I'll have some news to share in a week or two, whatever the results we are glad for some answers.

Troy is always such a little comedian. Full of energy and joy, always making us laugh. He sings now when I rock and sing to him at night. He sings the songs right along with me. So cute... makes me smile! "OOHHH Child, easier..." he sings. My personal favorite, he will sing, "Godspeed I'm a man, sweet dreams I a man" (lyrics: Godspeed, little man, sweet dreams, little man). Today he came in from playing outside with a Tupperware bowl of rocks and dirt with water in it. Sat down at the table and started drinking the water from the bowl. Gross! He just laughed and said, "Oh no, a mess" Gesturing with his arms like, who did it?, boys!!

Sophi pretended she was a kitty cat for two hours this morning, crawling around the floor purring... she told me that she was a kitty who was lost in the woods. She left a mean house in the wilderness, were the owners spanked her and they had a mean dog who would try and eat her. She has quite the imagination. I fixed a bowl with water and put it on the floor for her. I told her it was milk for my lost kitten. She loved it until Papi came flying through the house and knocked over her bowl of "milk".

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Calm Down Chair"

If you have been following this blog back when it first began with you may remember the 'calm down chair'.

The 'calm down chair' was recently reinstated in our house for Sophia Ann. This is a technique... I don't know where it came from... maybe a combination of a number of things I had seen on television from Super Nanny or Nanny 911, but it is a place where children, Sophia, can go when life is just spinning out of control. When she can't seem to "get a grip"she can go to this spot. A comfortable spot, away from noise, people, distractions. She can sit here with her blanket, her favorite stuffed animal, and maybe a cool drink of water. It is relaxing and she is supposed to breath and calm herself down to a place where life will make a little more sense.

We use this because our overwhelmingly dramatic daughter can have mood swings from her medication. I don't feel comfortable disciplining her for something that she may not be able to control 100%. I don't though, want her to think that the behavior is OK or something that is rewarded. So she can go sit in her 'calm down chair' away from the activity going on until she is ready and Tony or I tell her she can join back in whatever we were doing.

For Sophia the "calm down chair" is a little wooden rocking chair in the corner of her room. It has a pink blanket that stays in her chair. She sits with her pink stuffed pig. Sometimes I will bring her a cup of water to drink. I normally turn the lights off, leaving her 'bravery light' on (we will talk about this one later- but it's multicolored Christmas lights, strung on her headboard of her bed). I close the door and walk away.

This is good for both of us, it reinforces that she will not get attention for this behavior. Teaching her a way to calm herself down. All the while, the 'calm down chair' removes the screaming four year old from under my feet.

Personally, I think everyone needs a 'calm down chair' and I may be using Tony's recliner to do just that during the kids nap time today! I think everyone needs a spot to go and breath until the world makes a little more sense. Heck, I may sit here all afternoon.

Friday, April 9, 2010

me rest!?

I really tried to relax on Monday, but it didn't feel like me. haha! I felt lazy and depressed.
So after a boring Monday morning, the afternoon was filled with errands, housework, and some homework. Even though it was a lazy morning, it felt good to get the house cleaned. The rest of the week has been a blur, between work, school and the kiddies!
Yesterday, we took the kids to Sea World. We love that place. I got a really excellent deal on a 2 year passport to Sea World, Aquatica, and Bush Gardens from my work, so we decided to take advantage of the nice weather and the free time to use our passes. It was a fun day.
Troy has been having terrible allergies lately. His skin is itchy with eczema. His nose is snotty, he is congested, his eyes are itchy. To top it off his allergies have his asthma acting up again. Poor little guy. He seems to do best with hydro-cortisone cream, Benadryl, and breathing treatments. He has been having trouble sleeping though because he gets itchy and his nose is stuffy. I told Tony "we traded cold and flu season for allergy season." We had him back to the pediatrician today. They are going to try another allergy medicine but if this doesn't work he may have to start allergy shots. He also got a RX cream for the REALLY itchy spots. Poor little guy, he's just like his mommy! I have been having allergies as well but my medication helps me, I couldn't imagine feeling as crappy as Troy does and getting no relief.
Sophia has been really enjoying spring break this week. She has slept in until 9 most days. She spent this morning painting with her new Dora paints that my mom brought over for her this morning. She has a small scratch on her ankle that has been causing lots of complaints in the past two days. I really can hardly see it, but that hasn't stopped her from telling everyone about it.
We are going to a birthday party tomorrow. It's just girls so I guess the boys will take a nap since it is right around nap time. It is one of Sophi's little friends. She is having a princess party so all the girls are going to dress up. They will be serving Mac N Cheese at the party too! Yummy!
Sunday we are planning on going to church and MAYBE taking advantage of the Florida resident deal at Gator Land. If you are a Florida resident you can get in for $9.99.
Check out Also, if you are active or retired military you can get in for FREE! Just show your military ID.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

One overtired Momma

I have been so overtired lately. Why am I blogging when it is close to midnight then? It is just that this is the only time a lone I have. Time to gather my thoughts, conclude the days events, plan for tomorrow. This mommy thing is overwhelming at times.
I worked last night, got home at 8am this morning, went to sleep for about 45 minutes got up, got the kids ready for a birthday party about an hour away. Went to that until about 2, we went to my mom's house to color Easter eggs. The kids had a blast. We got home at 5, I slept for an hour and a half. Got up, ate a great dinner (black beans, white rice, corn tortillas, thank you Tony!), then got the house clean, kids in bed, then started baking for Easter Sunday. So I am thinking in the last 36 hours I have slept for about 3 hours. I will get some good sleep tonight but yes, this midnight blogging is the only relaxing time I have had recently.
I remember about two years ago I heard a friend of mine say that she was exhausted but was forcing herself to stay awake and watch a movie because it was the only alone time she had to herself. I completely understand what she meant.
Things have been so busy around here. This next week is looking good for some much needed down time! Ahh...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sneaky Chef

I am not the best cook, nor the organic, health food only mom. But I like a variety. I do enjoy cooking, even though I don't think I'm that great at it. I like quick easy recipes, healthy, but I do let my kids eat chicken nuggets and hot dogs on occasion.
My class this semester is health and well being of children and families. It has sparked a desire in me to have my kids be healthy; physically, emotionally, nutritionally, academically... healthy. Health is more than nutrition; there is so many parts of a person that can be healthy or unhealthy. Now, no, my kids are not unhealthy, but when studying a subject you do realize things that you could do to improve your life. So- in my quest for health. I'd like all of us to eat more vegetables. We don't eat enough veggies. This is not a new revelation, I have been thinking about this for a while. I personally don't like veggies myself and I don't blame my kids that they don't like them either. It is a terrible thing that I have passed onto my kids. Troy is a little more open, more like Tony that way. Troy loves tomatoes, salad, green beans, he's more open than Sophia. Sophia doesn't like an veggies and the only reason she eats green beans is because Tony has her convinced if she doesn't eat vegetables her "butt will get clogged"
(constipated). Lovely right?
So, I heard about Sneaky Chef, actually Deceptively Delicious was the book that I was told about. I went to Books A Million and looked at Deceptively Delicious. It was on clearance for $6.95, score! But the recipes all looked really in depth, and I'm all for quick and easy. One of the sales associates came over to me and suggested Sneaky Chef, apparently it was the original recipe book for sneaking veggies in foods. I looked at Sneaky Chef which was on clearance too, for $5.95, even better! I ended up getting this book because the recipes were easier and I liked the way the book was laid out.
So tonight I made boxed mac n cheese, added orange puree *which is sweet potato and carrot puree, the kids had no idea and LOVED the dinner. We also had chocolate pudding with hidden spinach which was GREAT!
So, I have a new favorite cook book! If you are trying to get your children to eat vegetables and having as hard of a time as I do try the recipes in this book! And yes, I too am loving the recipes and I'm so glad I can eat vegetables and mask the taste, not just for the kids, but for myself!
I can't wait until someday when Sophia asks me for my mac n cheese recipe. Muahhahhahha...