Thursday, March 25, 2010

Miami here we come!

I knew this week would be overwhelming.. I feel like this week has been about two weeks long. Tony's birthday was just Monday and it feels like atleast two weeks ago. I am sitting at my computer in the dark, listening to Troy snore, yes Troy, not Tony, Troy... poor kid, asthma has kicked his butt this week.
So I worked the last two nights. Sophia had the firetruck come to her school on Wednesday, totally cool! Thank you to my good buddy Sheryl who was there to take pictures because I was snoozing.
I started my new class, I love it, just wish I wasn't so tired when I was reading, writing, and studying it. It is all about health and wellness of children and families... I can already tell we will be changing some things that we do in our house. Lots of good ideas in my book!
We are getting up at 4am and heading out for south Florida in the morning. We should be down south around 2ish, just in time for the rehearsal, then the dinner. Saturday morning is the wedding, Sunday we will be driving home.
I was looking forward to a short get away even if we would be busy most of the time, but my little boy is so incredibly sick I just want to curl up in the bed with him and sleep for the next three days.
I got a phone call from Tony at work last night that Troy was sick with asthma. His allergies have been really acting up lately causing his asthma to give him trouble. I came home from work at 7am, got Sophi ready for school, called the doctor and made an appointment for Troy to go to the pediatrician. Tony said that Troy was crying "I want to go Doctor" all night. His right eye was swollen shut and his was snotty and wheezing all morning. So.. I slept for two hours and got up to take my little man tot he doctor. I was already thinking that there might be a possibility that we wouldn't be able to go on our trip. I would hate to miss seeing my little 'flower tot' in action but I could send her with my mom if need be. I didn't want to do that though.
Luckily, the doctor saw him and got him fixed up.. he is on the mend. I'm hoping he will be ok during our trip. He has pink eye, an ear infection, serve allergies from pollen, and asthma. He is on breathing treatments every four hours, steroids, antibiotics, and eye drops. You should see the plastic bin of medication that I have packed for this kid.
Well, I am going to go get some packing done and go to sleep. Hoping to be in bed at midnight, wonderful, four hours of sleep! geez!
Pray that we have a safe trip and that Troy has some relief from his asthma please. Thanks friends!
Talk to you soon.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A busy week ahead.

My final paper is due tomorrow for my first class. Then the very next day my next class starts. Those five weeks went by very quickly. Right now I have a low A, I'm crossing my fingers that it will bump up to a high A after I turn in my paper.
Tomorrow is also Tony's birthday! 31 years old! He said last night that turning 30 didn't seem so bad, but 31.. haha, I wonder what he'll say at 40? He is such a turkey. I'm planning to have family over for pizza, cake, and ice cream.
Then work Tuesday and Wednesday...
Thursday I will be doing homework for my new class then packing for Miami.
We are going down south for my cousin's wedding. We are leaving Friday morning at 5am, to be there for the rehearsal at 230pm, then the dinner at 5pm. The wedding is Saturday morning, beachfront at 10am. It will be beautiful I am sure. My little Sophia is going to be the 'flower tot' as she calls herself. Her dress should be here tomorrow. She is very excited about another chance to be in a wedding.
It is a rainy day today. I was doing homework but I needed a break, so I figured I'd update my blog since I don't know if I'll get a chance this week.
We went to church this morning, heard a wonderful sermon, as always. Then I went to lunch with my sister, she is going back to college this week. She has been home all week for spring break. Came home, got the kids down for a nap. Cut some strawberries for their snack and now I'm working on this stinkin' paper! Not much planned for this afternoon, it is rainy and cool outside. We will probably just do laundry and watch a movie, color, maybe make some playdoh if I can find all the ingredients in the house. Low key afternoon, that's how I like it.
Tomorrow morning I have to hit the stores to find something to wear to the wedding. Cross your fingers I find something!
Well, back to homework.
Hope everyone has a great week.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patrick's Day 2010

What a wonderful day we had yesterday!
I came home from work at 7am, got Sophia dressed for her St. Patty's Day party at school. She wore a little green shirt that said, "Everybody loves an Irish Girl" she worse little capri's and a green bow in her hair. She had green and pink socks, with green and pink shoes. Troy wore a green shirt with a monster on it that said, "Feed Me." I took a shower and went to bed. Tony took Sophi to school then he came back for the party at 10am. When they got home from school around noon I was still sleeping... I got up at 1pm and went to the grocery store. I got all the stuff for our St. Patrick's Day dinner; I got all of the things I would need for corn beef with red potatoes and carrots, sauerkraut, and corn muffins. When I got home Sophia Ann was wide eyed- not napping! So I let her help me make the green cupcakes for desert. I was just about to add the green dye to the mix when Troy got up. I told him to come look while I mixed the color in, he peered into the bowl and said, "eww yuck momma!" and took his blanket over his shoulder and went to lay down on the couch. Not exactly the reaction I was looking for. The kids went outside to play and I decorated the dining room with a green table cloth.
Tony did some research about St. Patrick's Day and why we celebrate it. He gave a little speech at dinner time. He loves history so it was nice for him to show off his interests.
Here's a short bit of what he told us....

Patrick was born in Roman Britain. When he was about sixteen he was captured by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Ireland, where he lived for six years before escaping and returning to his family. He entered the church, as his father and grandfather had before him, becoming a deacon and a bishop. He later returned to Ireland as a missionary, working in the north and west of the island. Legend credits Patrick with teaching the Irish about the concept of the Trinity by showing people the shamrock, a 3-leaved clover, using it to highlight the Christian belief of 'three divine persons in the one God'. St. Patrick died in 493, and by the eighth century he had become the patron saint of Ireland.

The food was delicious.
My mom and sister came over for a plate too. We invited Tony's parents but they were unable to make it. Tony's mom has been selling Mary Kay and she has become quite successful. She had a meeting to go to, so they couldn't come over. My grandma had cooked at her house already so they weren't able to make it either. It was nice though. The kids ate early then they watched a movie that Tony had picked up for Sophia. Tony and I ate together, very nice. I like eating with my hubby and not having to worry with the kids and their mess. By the time we ate, their messes were cleaned up and they were sitting quietly on the couch. Then, my mom and sister came over for their plates on the way to the mall.
It was a late night but very fun. The kids went to bed around 9, then Tony and I watched a movie and went to bed.
Tonight, I have a ton of homework that needs to bed done. I am delaying the inevitable, so I better get to it.

Hope everyone had a very happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 15, 2010

We moved...

Please come with us...

You can keep up with us HERE.

Welcome to the new blog.

Welcome to the new blog!
As our lives have changed, we have reinvented ourselves, why not our blog?
I created our family blog to encourage and reach other people with children who had epilepsy. I used it to document seizures and medication changes. I used the blog to update our family and friends about our lives. I used it to journal daily adventures with the kids and all of the little things that didn't seem to matter at that time. I used it to cope during the hard times and celebrate during the joyful ones.
This blog will be the same, only new.
This is a quote by Harrison Ford, "We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance." I like to think that this time in our life is like our second chance.
Change is constant, everything is still changing, still evolving, but we have learned to go with the flow.
I have learned to live in the moment, not just hope for the future. I am not perfect at it but I try a lot harder than I used to.
Sorry to make it tough on you, if you would save this website, I won't be using the other.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Where does the time go!??

I have been missing my bloggy friends.
Sickness has been holding our hand thus far into 2010. Still a better year than 2009 though. Between being sick, school, work, and family we have been busy. when I'm not work, doing homework, playing with the kids, or loving or fighting (we go both ways, haha) with the hubby, then I'm sleeping!

Sophia is doing so good. She has continued to be seizure free since the last bout that I blogged about. She is receiving the highest dose of medicine but she still continues to do good with it. She has a 'big ole' swollen lymph node in her neck but we are just watching it for now, more than likely from all the sickness. She is writing her name so good now. She is interested in reading (I think I'm going to get her a tag reader) and loves playing on the computer, with supervision of course. I think it makes her feel grown up.

Troy is doing great. Talking more and more everyday. Sometimes I can't understand him but we are getting there. He is started to show interest in potty training. He still loves his 'bah bah' obsession. He loves for me to hold him like a baby. This is something I struggle with people telling me he is too big for a bottle and all those 'baby ways'. You know what though, he is my baby, he is my last baby and if he wants his 'bah bah' and his mommy to wrap him in a blanket and hold him in the rocking chair I'm gonna do it! There will be a day he won't want me holding him and kissing him so I am going to enjoy it. Anyone who has a problem with that can just take their own kids bottle away and deny rocking their own kids to sleep. Leave my baby alone ;)

I am getting into the swing of things, starting to go back to play dates and story time... doing the fun things that I used to enjoy doing with my kids. Just scheduling it all in with work and school is hard but totally worth it. I am looking forward to Sophia's spring break, not that we are going anywhere special, but just being home together! I miss her when she is at school. It's only until noon but I miss her in the mornings. I am enjoying the time with Troy but I know he can't wait until we go pick sissy up. He gives her the biggest hug when I bring her home. ;) I love that he adores her.

Hope you are all having a good week. <3