Tuesday, February 16, 2010

no cooking today, prayers please.

Not so much cooking going on. Tombstone pizza for dinner tonight.

Sophia is sick, she has been running a high fever and had more seizure activity than normal. I was doing school work last night and I thought she was awake in her room playing with a plastic toy, it was her grinding her teeth. Eww.. she did this during her 4 day EEG when the monitor would show seizure activity. I knew something was not right. Sure enough she woke up later in the night with a fever. She had a seizure. The medicine is controlling it quite a bit, it was not near as intense as they have been. I am happy for that.
She is on lots of medication to help control the fever, the coughing, the seizures. Her seizure medication has been upped. She is getting lots of tylenol and motrin round the clock and a prescription cough suppressant to help her sleep more sound... not much sleeping going on, until after the seizures, that wipes her out but I don't know how restful that is.
No antibiotics yet, the pediatrician thinks it is a viral respiratory infection for now. If she is still running a fever on Thursday we will start on antibiotics and then go for some blood work. She had had quite a few respiratory infections this year. She has never had breathing trouble, since December 27th, she has been on 3 separate rounds of nebulizer treatments and steroids. As far as I know they are wanting to check and see if she has any bacterial growth in her lungs... pending that the fever doesn't come down by Thursday. The fevers could be from the seizures so if we can get the seizures to stop, the fever reduced then go from there.
Troy is sick too, coughing and runny nose, no fever though. He is ok.
It is so different with the two kids.
Troy gets sick and I feel bad for him. I give him lots of fluids, he gets lots of rest, movies and playing with his Thomas the Train toys on the couch, lots of snuggles and hugs and kisses.
Not like Sophia though...
I worry so much more about her. She seems so fragile compared to Troy. I guess she is, maybe just my thoughts. She is strong too though. She is one tough cookie. She has been very lethargic and coughing a bit but other than that she doesn't complain.
It's not her being sick that is worrisome, it's the complications of her being sick.
Tony leaves tomorrow for Miami until Thursday night, so it will be me and my little sickies.
Please keep us in your prayers, pray the fever resolves and she stops having seizures. She cried tonight that she had a headache. She is having lots of 'aura' from the seizures, saying her stomach hurts. She is having some photo sensitivity as well. I hate that she hurts. Her eyes look tired. She has "bravery lights" (Christmas lights) in her room above her head board and she asked Tony to turn them off because they were hurting her head.
Pray that Tony has a safe trip down to Miami and a safe trip back on Thursday evening, lots of driving for him.

Hope everyone is doing good. God Bless. Maybe I should post how I cook my tombstone pizza on 450 for 25 minutes. ;)

Well, I am going to get back to my school work and go check on my babies..


  1. Thinking about you guys. You are a great mom. Just remember that! God will take care of you and the kids. You are doing a great job and the worry is of course normal. Let us know if we can do anything. Love you!
