Tuesday, September 27, 2011

look what God has done...

I look at the last 5 years of my life and cannot believe what God has done.
He is perfect and when we allow Him to take full control (which I don't know if I will ever be good at, but I sure try)He can make our lives great.
I literally feel Him in control of my path.
The confidence of knowing He is leading me and the security that comes with that truth would have been unimaginable to me 5 years ago.
Five years ago I thought I had it all figured out.
I thought God was leading me.
God shook me.
He wanted to show me, to teach me, that I was not allowing Him to have full control,
He gave me the chance to fully put my trust in Him,
I did.
The path has not been an easy one,
there have been many ugly moments,
things I am embarrassed of,
no one is perfect and those who know me know I'm the first one to admit my faults,
but I have the grace of a perfect God and that makes me feel pretty darn good.
We have some exciting things happening in our life (not another baby!) and I'm so excited to share with you what God is doing... but not just yet.

Hope everyone is having a great week.

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