Thursday, February 2, 2012

something to pray for

Some exciting things are happening in the life of our girl.

I don't want to share just yet but I am asking you to be in prayer for a big trip we are taking at the end of this month.

It's just me and the kids, I'm a bit nervous about traveling alone with them, being away from Tony for a whole 6 days (not my thing).

But I know this will be good, my mom says it's an answer to prayers.

I'm not ready yet to post the who/what/where/when and why but I will say that the last few days have been peaceful ones and we are preparing our hearts and our minds for the days ahead.

"Sophi-girl" is a blessing to our home. I treasure her, although I don't always understand her. She is stronger than she knows, stronger than most people realize. Her life, very the first moments challenged me to accept that things won't always go my way, my plan may not be His plan and that is ok.

With this trip we are seeking options, answers and understanding.

A second opinion so to speak... it will be good. It's going to be good.

Tonight I'm nervous, I've been peaceful and I'm hoping that peace returns.

Asking for prayers.

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