Monday, February 20, 2012

soooo over this...

Why is it young children are obsessed with bodily functions?

Now maybe my daughter gets it from the influence of her younger brother, because I cannot for the life of me imagine she would come up with these things on her own...

we've had a lot of sickness going around our house in the last few weeks, which may have spurred their new found interest in bodily functions

Either way... they are discovering bodily functions everywhere and telling me all about it.

They found a tissue box at the pediatricians office that gave all kind of facts about snot and as long as we waited to see the doctor that day we read and reread all of those facts over and over again, which only spurred their interest.

From sneezing, burping, tooting, spitting, urinating, pooping even crying... if it comes out they want to know who? what? where? when? and why?

They want me to "come and see" every time they blow their nose, go to the bathroom or spit on the ground.

This is one part of raising these monsters that I am not enjoying....

The only good thing about it all, they are gaining a whole new understanding of why we wash our hands!

well, Sophia just blew her nose... gotta "come see this!"

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