Thursday, July 5, 2012

random summer blog

I really love NeedtoBreathe, like every song they have ever made! They are on my Pandora radio right now.

Speaking of music, praise team has been given two weeks off, I've seen a number of praise team members around town and we are all missing our fellowship with one another. What an awesome group of people who love God, love music and love praising Him, so glad to be apart of this ministry. Can't wait till next week when we resume our normal schedule!

I'm blogging in between researching and writing an essay for school, that is due at midnight... I call it multitasking... some might call it ADD

Tony's allergies are the worst they have ever been, don't know what  has him going but he's been snotty and coughing for a few days now... thinking we need another good rain to wash away whatever it is that has him clogged up.

We (me and the kids) went to the beach Monday with my friend, Jessica, too much fun and I love living in Florida! I have been missing holding a baby lately, maybe because lots of my friends are pregnant or just had babies, but I'll tell you at the beach I so enjoy having children! They run and jump and play and don't eat sand and sheltering them from the sun isn't a constant concern.

Fourth of July was great, we spent the day at the farm- cooking out and swimming, playing games and just being with family and close friends. Wouldn't you know I brought my camera and left it in the bag the whole time! Sophia has been begging for a camera, I'm half tempted to get her one just so I'll have pictures since I can't seem to remember to take them anymore!

I did contact the doctor regarding Sophia's seizure episode last week, he agreed that it was probably because of the change in her routine, although he did agree that such a relatively small change should not cause a break through seizure, that is the point of the medication, so when she comes in again he will order blood work to make sure her levels are therapeutic. She is due for an EEG and MRI in September, although I'm not thinking we will see a change in anything.

I haven't blogged much this summer, we've been outside living it up- or inside during the thunderstorms... either way we've kept busy, sometimes too busy. I remembered last week how quickly I forget that Sophia's medical needs are sometimes greater than I think- I mean why can't she go to reading camp in the morning come home take a nap and then hit VBS at night? She is good for me, she reminds me to slow down... and then sometimes I remind her.

My trouble now is when we are inside, slowing down, I'm not near as productive. I told myself come July I would start getting up early and getting myself back in the school routine.. since I slacked all of June- sleeping in and wearing pajamas as long as I could get away with it, but that July 1st deadline has come and gone and I'm still sleeping in and wearing pajamas as long as I can get away with it.. but Monday- Monday is the day I begin breaking the bad habit of sleeping until the kids need breakfast!

Don't laugh- well I know you are going to... Tony bought me... 'The Brazilian Butt Lift' I had been wanting it and he surprised me with it last week. I haven't cracked it open yet (get it butt lift, cracked it open, ahaha) but Monday- Monday is the day!

I'm going to need lots of prayers come Monday!

Did I mention that I found a farm, a farm to get organics from! Beef, pork, chicken, eggs, etc.  We have always purchased about 70% of our food organic but now, now I have found a cost effective, supporting local farmers, kinda way to eat organic and I am shouting it from the roof tops! Also, we are apart of an organic produce co-op so that makes getting produce way easier and affordable too.

So from NeedtoBreathe to organic food... you have been somewhat updated on the happenings around here, I'm off to love on the big sneezing guy in my bed who probably has toilet paper stuffed in his nostrils, so attractive don't ya think!?

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