Wednesday, July 1, 2009

change change change- now some of the same. ;)

A friend told me that change leaves room for growth. OK I've had enough growth for a while. ;)

We moved into our new house, new to us house. It is much smaller but so nice to have something with some security and stability. The kids really enjoy there new rooms. We have downsized so much and still have a garage full of things that won't fit in the house. Habitat for Humanity came out yesterday and we loaded them up full of lots of goodies.
Here are a few pictures of the new place. More to come as we are still unpacking and trying to figure out where everything will go.

I have been working every weekend. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. The whole job thing is so bittersweet. I miss the kids but I know I am doing something good by working and providing for them. There is a whole lot of ego in the medical field... it's different from what I am used to but it's all good. It's all a learning experience. I just wish that everyone could treat everyone with respect as one life to another life, I don't expect everyone to like everyone but treating everyone with respect and dignity is different. When I get down about it I remind myself to lead by example ;) even if no one is watching ;) It's good to experience new things and learn how you want or don't want people to view you.

Troy is finishing his summer swim lessons this week. Check out this video and see how much he has improved! He is amazing!! and no more crying!!

So proud of my boy.

Here are some extra pictures of my babies and my hubby just hanging around...
Kiddos by the kitchen window, wanting to go swimming.

Papi sleeping on my bed ;)

Tony and the kids, snuggling on the couch last night before bedtime.

Tony's possible pink eye, ya think!!!??? I got him some drops. Gotta take care of my biggest baby.

Hope I didn't bore you all too much. Had to catch up! Love you all!!!!


  1. Hey, your friend sounds wise, that was pretty good advice she gave you...haha! ;)

    I love and miss you Holly and hope I get to hug your neck again real soon!

  2. Love the pics! Gald things are going well over there in FL.
    I missed you!
