Monday, August 31, 2009

Speaking of Sleep Deprivation...

Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen...

Here is the dumbest thing I think I've ever done. Now, in my defense, I don't think I would have done this had I not been so tired. Remember the stories about sleep deprivation? This could go right under that topic.
I stumbled into the house last week at 7am, no I wasn't out all night partying like a rock star, I was working. It had been a long night and all I was wanting in that moment was my bed.
However, I was the only one home on this morning so I had to take the dog out and take a shower, keep in mind I work in a hospital, I must take a shower and disinfect when I get home!
Upon getting out of the shower I put my toothpaste on my toothbrush and began to brush. Although the toothpaste didn't suds up like normal. I spit and my tongue went numb. I grabbed the toothpaste tube and realized it was anti fungal cream!
I spit, and spit, and spit, and grabbed the crest and began brushing my teeth faster and harder than ever!
It was all I could do to read the back of the anti fungal tub and read the follwing " if swallowed contact poison control immediately".
I felt like my tongue was swelling, my throat was closing... I felt faint. I grabbed the phone book, looked up the number for poison control.
Multi-tasking, I rinsed my mouth with water and dialed the number.
It was ringing... my mind was spinning... what would I tell them, "yes I just brushed my teeth with athletes foot cream" NO! So, I did the same thing that any honorable woman would do. "Poison Control, How can I help you?"

"Yes, my daughter just tried to brush her teeth with anti fungal cream, I don't think she swallowed it but is there anything I need to be concerned about?"

"What exactly is the cream, mam?"

Oh NO, they know it was me..

"Equate, Anti fungal Cream, for athletes foot 1% anti fungal"

"How old is your daughter mam?"


"How much does she weigh?"

"One hundred.... I mean forty pounds" I almost lost it... I hope that's how much a four year old would way? My three year old weighs 32lbs so I thought that sounded about right.

"OK, mam, let me look this up for you."

I waited, feeling like my throat was closing, I couldn't feel my tongue, I may not be able to talk much longer.... was my voice horse?

"OK, looks like everything is going to be fine, go ahead and give her something to drink and rinse her mouth, call us if you need anything else...."

Instantly, my symptoms disappeared, just what I wanted to hear. I was going to survive. Ahh....

I gargled with Listerine and fell into the bed... I called Tony and told him what happened, just in case I died in my sleep. I can see the headlines "Mother found dead after brushing her teeth with athletes foot cream."

end of summer whoorraaahh!

New Splash Park

Sophia starts school next week so we are making the most of this last week together. Today we went to the new splash park. It was really nice. A great addition to the city. It wasn't too busy because most of the schools started last week. It was $2 to get in, the area isn't to large, there are benches so you can watch your children which was very nice. The only thing that I didn't like was you have to pay even if you are the parent just sitting on a bench watching your kids. Tony had his swim shorts so he went in with the kids I sat out to take pictures and watch. Good thing I did though because Troy was less than thrilled. The water was a bit too cold for him and I think he is so short so it splashed him right in the eyes. Poor little guy. Sophi loved everything about it though. She also loved having her daddy all to herself. So Troy and I wondered over the park next door. He loved the slides, swings, and the spaceship with the wheel in it. I was sure, him being the water baby that he is, that he would love the water.. but no sir! He wanted nothing to do with it.
Here are some pictures from this very fun morning..
Me and My Hunny

Sophia who would not stand still long enough to get her picture taken...

Troy who stood very still...

Lastly her is a video I took of Troy at the park.. he was getting annoyed with all of my repetitive questions but it was so funny..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

a new look...

Notice a new look on the blog ;)
I thought it was time for an update.

So, my mom called this morning, while I we were still sleeping and asked if we wanted to go to Target with her. I figured since the kids and I were going to be stuck home all day (Tony had the car) we should take advantage of getting out and go with her. So, we went over to Target and walked around for a few minutes and got some breakfast and Starbucks. My mom got Troy a neat little floatie for the pool. She got Sophia a Little Mermaid toy for the pool, so then we had to come home and go to the pool. ;) She also got my niece the coolest present for her 3rd birthday, which is this weekend. I can't say what it is because my brother may read this, but I am sure there will be pictures to share. ;)

So mom dropped us off at home and the kids played playdoh for a bit, then we went to the pool. Here are some great pics of the kiddos from our morning at the pool visit.

Now the kids are napping. Well, Troy is in his crib screaming... "Momma" "Sissy" "Momma" "Sissy"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

watching the rain

It has been storming just about every afternoon for the past week. The grass and flowers have never looked so good. The kids and the dog are scared of the thunder. Sometimes it does get very loud. The dog and the kids run through the house fussing and whining. Three wimps! ;)

Sophia is getting ready to start school in a little over a week. She is very excited. I am sure she will do great. Her birthday is coming up soon too. She will be 4 years old on Sept 8th. We are planning a Garden themed party for her. We decided to let her have over about 5 little girls and do a very girly party for them. We are going to let them decorate pots and then plant flowers. She is happy to have her party and has been talking and talking about it. She is as dramatic as ever! I don't think that will ever change.

Troy is talking more and more lately. He says "I love you" -it is the most precious thing that I have every heard!! He is still loving his crib. When he is tired he climbs in it and says "night night" and asks for him "bah bah". His favorite show is Hi-5 on Discovery Kids. He wakes up in the morning and runs into the living room and screams "hi fi" at the television. When you turn it on he jumps around and dancing to the music and does somersaults around the floor.

Tony has been working a little bit the past week or two. I am really hopeful that he will be able to start working regularly again soon. I really have been struggling with working lately. Not that I don't like my job just I miss the kids. Most of the times it doesn't get to me but sometimes I really do miss how carefree our lives used to be. We were very blessed, and we still are. This defiantly is a new kind of normal though. I never understood Tony's stress with work and the financial pressures that go along with it, but I defiantly understand now. I was very naive to his stress and the pressure that he dealt for our family, I am also very happy that I can take some of that burden off of him. We can both weather this storm together.
I was only scheduled to work part time this month and I am going to try and pick up some extra shifts but that was a blow to my feeling of security with my job. I am going to take some classes this month to make myself a bit more marketable in the medical field, some short courses and classes that I can take to open up some possible opportunities later on.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Long Time No Blog

Where have I been!!??
It has been really tough getting used to juggling working, home, family, and friends... I am starting to get used to it now though. My house has never looked so terrible. My children are starting to get used to things. It's nice to feel settled, something I have wanted for a very long time.
Speaking of long time... I have the wedding pictures from when Sophia was the flower girl in my cousins wedding!!! WHOO HOO!!!
Look at my sweet baby. She is so perfect.

We had a really fun playgroup this morning. We called it "Bring your wheels" playgroup. All the kids brought something to ride and we walked/rode over to the pool and the kids swam then we came back for lunch. Troy rode his big wheels, he looks like Yoshi from Mario Cart. hehe. Sophia rode her Princess Scooter. It was so fun. The kids really enjoyed themselves. I loved being with my children but I can say that I appreciate and treasure every moment with them in a way that I never did before. I really adore these babies. It has taken a lot for me to get used to all of this.
Now, nap time!! I love nap time. I want to take a nap today but it is storming outside and my kiddos wake up scared when they hear the thunder so I don't want to fall asleep.