Thursday, August 27, 2009

a new look...

Notice a new look on the blog ;)
I thought it was time for an update.

So, my mom called this morning, while I we were still sleeping and asked if we wanted to go to Target with her. I figured since the kids and I were going to be stuck home all day (Tony had the car) we should take advantage of getting out and go with her. So, we went over to Target and walked around for a few minutes and got some breakfast and Starbucks. My mom got Troy a neat little floatie for the pool. She got Sophia a Little Mermaid toy for the pool, so then we had to come home and go to the pool. ;) She also got my niece the coolest present for her 3rd birthday, which is this weekend. I can't say what it is because my brother may read this, but I am sure there will be pictures to share. ;)

So mom dropped us off at home and the kids played playdoh for a bit, then we went to the pool. Here are some great pics of the kiddos from our morning at the pool visit.

Now the kids are napping. Well, Troy is in his crib screaming... "Momma" "Sissy" "Momma" "Sissy"


  1. Awesome pics Holly, Wow I cannot beleive how much they look alike right now! Very cool!

  2. Troy is looking like such a big boy...the pics are very cute! Looks like you all had a fun day :)

  3. I love the new look. Precious pictures and Troy is getting so big and his hair looks so dark when it's wet, haha!! :)
