Friday, October 2, 2009

four not fourteen

I have a, newly turned, four year old, not a fourteen year old! What is wrong with her lately!!??
She is so bossy, moody, it is like toddler PMS.
This morning I was getting her dressed and everything I pick out for her doesn't match or isn't cute enough. My word! When did my little girl become such a fashionesta!? I guess my whole life I have been mismatching my clothes and apparently I have never looked cute.
Let me just remind her how she choose to dress herself just a few short years ago...

She would gasp! She has always had a mind of her own. Yes, she wore this get up to the grocery store one afternoon. But I did insist that she wear her shoes and not her daddy's. What would she say if she knew I let her go out like that.. haha! This is defiantly going to be one of those senior yearbook pictures!

This morning upon request I put a braid in her hair. She ran to the mirror to look at it when I was finished and started screaming in the bathroom. I ran in thinking she had gotten hurt some how. There she was staring into the mirror screaming in horror at the sight of one little stray hair that was too short to fit into the braid. For those of you who braid little girls hair.. you know that at this age there are lots of those little short baby hairs, she is lucky it was just one that was poking out. I smoothed it down with some water and she ran into my bathroom for the hair spray. I considered ignoring her request but you know her hair is really important to her. So I went ahead and helped her.

It brought back memories of her first haircut. She ran to look in the mirror and started screaming, you cut all my hair off!! We cut like three inches. She slept with her swept up hair in a ziploc bag for three nights after that incident. Since then she has had her hair cut once.

My sweet darling fourteen year old, I mean four year old. <3

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