Tuesday, October 6, 2009

a very small rant...

I ran into the Dollar General yesterday. They had this cute little ironing board and iron set for kids, only it was pink and purple. I wasn't in the purchasing mood but Troy would have loved that set.. I would not have bought him a pink ironing board though. But why is the ironing board pink? Is an ironing board only meant for little girls?
Then they had a pink vacuum and a purple broom and dust pan. Now this is starting to bother me, then right next to it... a black grill with a grey little lounge chair.
They might as well sold this with a plastic 12 pack!!!

Is there something wrong with this?

I continued on my shopping and went over to Publix. I noticed something that has never occurred to me before this day... the "feminine products" and the "cleaning products" aisles are right next to each other. Oh how convenient for us women to have our tampons and our mildew remover so close together.

I continued shopping and I was over in the pancake aisle getting some syrup and I heard a man on his cell phone afew aisles over.. he was in with the "cleaning products"...
"well, if you would come to the store and do your own shopping we wouldn't have this problem"
He was obviously talking to his wife. It was my observation that he had probably gone shopping for her. Bought the wrong thing, and she sent him back to get the right thing, and he was going to give her a run for her money that he couldn't find it.
That was just my observation.. but my husband tells me that women are way more observant than men.

He was fussing at his wife for a few minutes. While I wondered over to this aisle to listen... I pretended to look for Comet as I listened. He continued to argue with her about how Publix must not carry the product she was looking for anymore and questioned her about using something else instead. I could hear her describing the products label to him, I looked over, I noticed as he argued with her, he wasn't even looking at the products on the shelf, he was just focusing on arguing with his wife. Had he stopped rolling his eyes he may have noticed the product directly in front of him.

She was looking for Scrubbing Bubbles

My husband has told me that men aren't good multitaskers... they can't argue on the phone and look for something at the same time.
While I was standing there with my two kids, listening to this man, while pretending to look busy, and checking off my list... it is possible I was on my cell phone at the time too, I found the product his wife was looking for.

I just grinned as the wife told him to forget it and she would come back and get it herself. He slammed the phone down and went to walk away. He probably thought to himself, "I taught her."
I picked up a can of scrubbing bubbles and handed it to him. I considered handing him Comet, which he probably would have trusted me that is the correct item, I felt I'd to a favor woman to woman and give him the correct item.

He looked at the can, looked at me, and said "thank you, see that's why women should do this stuff"

He totally meant this as a compliment but after the pink ironing board, pink iron, purple dust pan and purle broom at this point I didn't take it as one.

Maybe if we put the "cleaning products" with the beer men would better know the difference between scrubbing bubbles and soft scrub.


  1. Ha ha ha ha ha!! Men can be very silly. I was actually watching on the Discovery Channel than mens and womens brains are wired very differently. Women's brains are able to do left and right side thinking at the same time, men can only do one side at a time ;o)

    I, like you, get bugged every once in a while when certain toys are geared toward boys or girls. I guess if people haven't changed their thinking by this day and age - they never will. There really is such a thing as a "househusband"

  2. Ohhhhh, hahahaha.....love it!!!! :)
