Monday, October 5, 2009

no charger part 2

I found my charger!!
Want to know where?
In my mom's minivan.
Ready to know the weird part? I keep my laptop and the charger in a backpack that never leaves my room.
So, I am guessing I must have dropped it in there when Tony was in the hospital and the one time I took my backpack anywhere I must have dropped it out in her car while I was borrowing her van taking Tony clothes back and forth.
OK, yes, Tony was in the hospital. I know lots to catch up on...
He gave us quite a scare. We went to a CPR class together the day my laptop charger went missing. We like to stay current on this stuff, especially with Sophia Ann in our house, but really I believe that all parents need to be CPR certified when they leave the hospital with the little bundle of joy. Why worry about organic foods if you can't save your kid when they choke on a broccoli?? OK, I am going to get off this soap box.
Back to the story, we were at the CPR class and Tony said he was going to pass out. He never did but he turned many shades of grey and was feeling like he was going to puke. He had been doing this for a week and a half. He had even fainted in the doctors office the week earlier. Really passed out, the office called and told me that he was out for like a minute and they used smelling salts to get him back... I summed it up to a vagal nerve which causes some people to pass out when they get there blood drawn but he has never done this before.
This time I told him we were leaving the CPR class and going to the ER where I work so they could check him out. It would have been pretty cool to have a non responsive patient in the CPR class though :) I would have been the one doing the mouth to mouth though.
They checked him out and told us that he had an abnormal EKG and the doctor admitted him to the cardiac floor with a heart monitor and ordered some tests. It was very nerve racking to think that there was something wrong with his heart. I kept thinking about Jen and Shawn and he importance of early prevention of heart problems. They kept him over night and I called numerous times checking on him. I was supposed to work that night and would have loved to work just one floor above him but I had to stay home with the kiddos. In the morning the greatest cardiologist I know came in to see him and talked to him, sent him for an Echo of his heart but told him that his EKG looked fine and it wasn't that "abnormal" -still waiting to figure out what that means but sounds like relief to me! I got to the hospital and saw the doctor in the lobby he said he didn't realize Tony was my husband, I said "I told him to tell you!" So next time someone says "tell Dr. so and so, I'm your friend", you better tell them! He said that Tony's heart was fine! but he did think that he had diabetes and that it has been undiagnosed and that is why he has been feeling so poorly. Not eating properly for a diabetic. If he changes his diet he should be able to control the symptoms and stablize his blood sugar.
So far he has surprised me and done really great with his eating. He goes to the doctor tomorrow for a follow up appointment with our family doctor and he should be sent for the glucose test that all us preggers get to do :) Fun!
Anyway, that is his hospital story. Glad it turned out not to be his heart and he should be just fine.
Now, cold/flu season is here! I was calling the doctor this morning to make appointments for the kids to get flu-mist and then Little Miss Sophi woke up this morning sick. With a fever of 103.1, snotty, coughing, feeling like crap. Troy has been a grumpy boy this afternoon so I hope he isn't getting sick. I always worry when Sophi has fevers because of the febrile seizures that she is so prone too. She said that she had a seizure last night, but I don't think I believe her, she usually doesn't remember them. :) She will be sleeping with a monitor tonight just so I can keep a closer eye on her. Praying for no seizures tonight.
She has only ever had three daytime seizures so I worry more about night, maybe it's the dark and that she hates sleeping in the bed with us so I can't keep an eye on her. I think she knows I worry and she purposely tries to stay away from me :) Little Stinker!
We had a busy weekend. My aunt from Miami came into town for a short visit on Saturday. My family came over for a spagetti dinner on Sunday night for my dad's birthday. Troy's 2nd Birthday is right around the corner on the 18th. So much going on!!
We are very blessed with full lives, lots of friends and family.
Speaking of friends and family.. the newest arrival in our circle of friends. My good friend Kati had her new baby Cadence Olivia, aka "little Monkette", they are all monkey's in that family! A perfect little bundle of joy! Congratulations Momma Monkey, Big Monkey, and Little Monkey!!!!


  1. Girl, I guess this is what happens when I don't talk to you for awhile, haha!!! I'm so glad Tony is okay!!!

  2. Wow Holly lots' going on. Hoping the diabetes gets under control fast and he feels better. Scary stuff with sweet girl too! Hoping she feels better soon and the seizure monster stays away! Keeping you in prayer!
