Friday, May 30, 2008

loves riding not swimming

*Sophia riding her pony 'Amazing Grace' yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday was such a great day. Sophi was thrilled to ride horses and she was so happy when she came home last night. It was nice to have some good days. Wednesday and Thursday were pretty great days with her. It was nice to have a break from a strand of bad days; the last week or so was pretty difficult. I was talking to our pastor on the phone yesterday and joked (in a I really mean this kind of way) that I was afraid it was the calm before the storm... today Sophi was having another great morning. We went and saw her Great Grandma (had a great visit) before swim lessons and Aunt Lana came to watch Sophia and Troy in there lesson. Sophi was really excited to show "Aunt Lanny" how she swims (she normally doesn't like swim lessons, but with all the water around it is important that she learn). They were doing some new things with her today and she was crying and being her normal self. She got to the side and asked to go to the bathroom... I thought it was her attempt to get out of the pool, but not wanting to risk an accident I took her into the bathroom. (Good thing Aunt Lana did come, Troy was still in the pool with his teacher- thanks for being there Lana!) She was sitting on the potty crying for me to not leave and she froze up, eyes fixated to the left, she had a short "absence seizure" few seconds went by and I just held her up (she was on the potty remember) she came too and started shivering, then blah- puked up some water... I ran to grab her towel and covered her up. She is fine now, sleeping like a little angel in her bed. It is just so frustrating, she wanted to show her Aunt how good she was. I am so proud of her. I just wish her body could tolerate stress better than it does. It breaks my heart for her.. she didn't even act like she realized anything happened (I am sure she just can't explain it). She just wanted to be held and said she was tired. Well, just another 'episode' to share with the neurologist. People were asking me if she was ok, I told them she was fine.. I didn't want to publicize what happened, but I wanted them to stop asking, but I was glad they cared.. another roller coaster. My sweet baby; she is fine and I am grateful for that, that's all that matters in the end. I am so thankful for the fun time she had riding the horses; that's something we can talk about when she gets up.. I am looking forward to that conversation with her.

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