Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cinderella must be God's mommy.

Tonight I was putting Sophi to bed. We prayed (including her cousin Caleb's diaper rash.. which she stated "God heal Caweb's butts"... anyway..) when we were done I said do you know who we pray too?
She responded "God and Jesus"
OK... then I told her that Jesus was God's son.
She said that Mary was Jesus' mommy. Yep.
Then she said that God needed a mommy.
I told her in the best possible way to explain to a two year old... "God was here first and he made all of us."
She contemplated my words for a moment and responded, "Cinderella must be God's mommy because she is so awesome to make God."
The conversation ended soon after.. because Cinderella must be God's mommy.


  1. I love that! She sounds like such a sweet princess, herself. Little Miss must be right. Hope you guys had a great weekend!
    Blessings, Michaelene

  2. Holly- This is a beautiful page and you have a precious little girl. God has a great plan for her and for your whole family. She's very lucky to have a mom like you, and God must have known she would need someone like you :) I would love to keep in touch with you and still want to get together with you sometime and would love to meet Sophia sometime. My e-mail is or I don't have Myspace anymore, so this is how you can contact me!

