Monday, March 9, 2009

i feel like the long lost blogger

Doesn't that happen sometimes when we get so busy then you come and look at your blog site and say.. oh my.. it's been so long.. well, it happens to me :)
So- time to update-
Troy ended up winning a $100 gift card for his red shoe dancing contest. Awesome right! But what is a 1 year old going to do with that? I am working a deal on craigslist to trade one of the two $50 cards for a play yard for the yard so that I can stick Troy in it while we are outside.. lol, it's big enough that I can put the slide in it and a few toys so he can play and not run into the neighbors yard after there dog. They have a nice, but big dog that is chained up outside and it barks and barks at the kids, wanting to play, but I am afraid that Troy would just walk right up to it and end up getting hurt. So- that's something we could use for Troy. The other $50 card I am giving to myself for Tony and I to go out on a hot date :) I mean if it wasn't for us Troy would have never been on this planet to win the giftcard in the first place. :)
Tony and I went camping this weekend.. here are some pictures.

And.. on Thursday the kids got two new pets. Sophia's in the white and grey one, she named her "Peas" and Troy's is the grey one, he named his "Dew". They love them! :)

Well, hope everyone is having a good week so far, I'll try and catch up on all my blog reading this week. :)


  1. Seriously love those pictures Holly and when you go out on that hot date, remember who is baby-sitting :o)

  2. So glad you got to go on your camping trip! Cute pictures - you're such a flirt with the camera ;)
    Hey now, great job Troy!
    And on the long lost blogger...totally understand. I go missing for weeks sometimes - BOO!! on chores.
    Love & Hugs
