Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Red shoe wearing, feet tapping, dancing, wild boy!

Well, two sick kiddies have kept me busy! I think they are down for the count -napping that is. LOL
Anyway, Saturday we went to 'A Day of Dance' it is like a nationwide day of dancing for women's health. It's like a big health expo for women with dancing. It is so much fun. The icon for the event is a red high heel. They had a red shoe contest, and Troy just so happened to be wearing his red Lightening McQueen crocs. I entered him in the competition.. I felt like such a pagent mom. LOL But guess what, he won! First place... I still don't know what he won. I guess they mail the prizes. It was so cute. He LOVES shoes. "Shoe" was actually Troy's first word. And his favorite shoes, are his Lightening McQueen shoes, so how perfect is that!? He was dancing around the stage, saying "shoooes shhhoooes shhoooes" kicking his little feet. It was perfect. Troy and like 20 other women, hysterical!
Well, I'm going to eat some icecream- great for watching my weight, huh!? :)


  1. Oh my, how funnnnnny is that! Where was the expo at? Sounds like fun, you pageant mom, you :) haha!!!!

  2. Where are the pictures!? That sounds like so much fun.
    Hopefully, your house is getting full of wellness. Sounds like your sweet heart has certainly made some astounding discoveries =)
    Ok, so where in proximity to Islamorada do you live? Cute little husband and I are probably going to get away to a very dear friends amazing house on the channel in Islamorada. They actually used to live in Miami, have the getaway in Islamorada and live here in Santa Fe. Let me know - maybe we can all get together for dinner or something. Have a great Wednesday honey!
