Wednesday, September 30, 2009

no laptop charger...

Poor Poor Pitiful Me! I lost my laptop charger.. I am using Tony's computer right now. I don't know what to do!!!?? It is really lost. I don't know where it went. I never take my laptop out of the house so I have no idea where it went!!!?? You can bet tomorrow I will be searching high and low for that thing! Hope everyone is doing well.
Love you All.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Show and Tell

My little darlings- Troy is starting to look like a little man to me ;) I love his hair!!! and Sophi, always the little mother!

Show and Tell was my favorite thing about preschool I remember after kindergarten I was so sad that there was no more show and tell. Once my mom even brought my pony for show and tell and gave all the kids rides on him! So, now my darling daughter has show and tell, every Thursday and it has to go with the theme for the week. Last week was the first show and tell, this week was their "A" week. She insisted on bring a black stuffed cat, how appropriate. I told her that is was supposed to go with the letter "a" and then I made a "AAA-" sound.
I hinted that, "AAA-, apple starts with A, can you think of something else maybe to bring that starts with a?"
"I'll bring my cat." She said.
"OK Sophi do you understand that cat, CCC-, cat starts with C, not AAA-, A right?"
"Yeah, mommy, but you and daddy are AAA- allergic to cats."
I guess she is smarter than I am. So she took her cat to school and told everyone that she loves her cat, it is the only cat she can have because her mommy and daddy are AAA- allergic to cats.
This week is shapes and colors week, I wonder what she will bring this week!? I am going to over my pumpkin with the triangle shaped eyes but I don't know what she will decide to bring and ultimately it is her choice.

This would be my show and tell, I bought this on clearance at Lowes, it so sooo dying. I do NOT have a green thumb, but I managed to bring this back to life! So pretty!

Troy had tumbling today. We took Sophi to school and then went to his gymnastics class. He loved it. He bumped his head on my tooth while we were stretching though and cried a little bit about that. I am the one who should have been crying though, my tooth still hurts.
Last week we missed the beginning and he was so confused when they first got out on the floor and started running... he ran by me fussing for me to hold his hand. He was looking around at all the kids and holding my hand so tightly while we ran with the class.

This is why Troy is so good in gymnastics, he's a monkey! Here he is climbing the fence at church and my arm reaching to grab his shorts as Tony flashed a picture.. yes, he was shirtless at church! He is such a rebel!!

Sophi has gymnastics tonight. I have lots of laundry to fold. Tomorrow I am working, in the morning however my mom is coming to stay wtih Troy and take Sophi to school because Tony and I are going to get recertified in CPR. We both were certified and we both let it lapse, it is a requirement for my job at the hosptial so we are going together to take the course in the morning.

Then I am working for a long stretch. I unsually work 3/12 hour shifts from 7pm-7am.. this week I am working 4 days on 1 day or 1 day on. Reson being.. Tony is leaving for TN next week and I need to work my two weeks worth of nights in 6 days. Then me and the kids for 5 days without Daddy. We are already dreading him being gone, Sophi told me she doesn't want him to fly away. I told her he will fly back :) The kids love airplanes and Sophi says she wants to fly with him. She may try to go in his suitcase. :)

My kids love their Daddy.. here they are in Sophi's bed before bedtime.. Troy was reading a book.. LOL

OK, well, off to finish that laundry!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

blogs blogs and more blogs...

So I have had another blog for a while now.. it is one that I use to remember little humorous stories about the kids, to vent frustrations about motherhood. It has had many names and now I have finally figured out how to import it to link it to this blog. So... barefoot with a baby on my hip is up and going. Check it out.
For those of you who had it saved under 'angry housewife' that blog no long exists - some of you have asked where it went and I can honestly say that I don't know what I did to it!!?? I couldn't access it either!? Oh well, I got it figured out now... although there is a new name and new web address. ;)

Love Hate Relationship

My son and daughter are so close. They love each other with every being in their body. But as much as they love each other that is just how much they fight.
Tony told me one day that police often get injured when responding to domestic violence calls and that is how he feels when he gets involved with Sophi and Troy.
I must say that I agree.
Alot of times I let them argue and just sit by and watch. I don't want to always intervene if they can resolve it themselves. I watched as Troy came by and hit Sophi on the top of the head with his hulk gloves and then I watched Sophi respond with a gentle shove as Troy feel on his behind. Then he grabbed his plastic hammer and went to swinging... I grabbed him up to put him in time out. Just as I was scooping him up he whacked her on the shoulder with hammer. She screamed! I told him "NO" and put him in the corner. He was crying... just as I turned around Sophi ran into me screaming, at first I thought it was over her 'ouchy' then I realized she had just pushed me! I said "what in the world" she was holding her hurt arm and screaming at me that I made her brudder cry and I was not nice to him.
I said, "he just hit you"
"I know but I don't want him to cry," she says with tears in her eyes.
Now, let me tell you, if he had hit me with that hammer, I'd want him to cry....

Time and time again if I put Sophi in time out Troy will go and stand with his nose in the corner right with her. They sit in time out together holding each other and crying.

They have a very strange relationship.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

wine wine wine.. I whine!

Awesome movie.. ok not awesome, but informative
So I know nothing about wine. My husband however loves it! He has books about it, he really enjoys wine.. different types.. he acts so sophisticated about it. So, I decided that I wanted to know more about wine.
I looked at his books, didn't like them.. boring! But... I was searching netflix in the 'special interest' section and found the most awesome movie about wine.
John Cleese's Wine for the Confused
If any of you out there are totally confused by wine... watch this movie!!! It's the most interesting thing to get information about wine that I could find.. I am pretty excited about it, although I still don't like wine. Atleast I understand it a bit more..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My tumbling Kids!

Hope everyone is doing good.
The kids are signed up and loving gymnastics! Sophi goes to gymnastics in the evenings on Wednesday and Troy is going to a mommy and me tumble class in the mornings. Sophi really is the little ballerina but we just couldn't get it to fit in our schedule this year. Gymnastics is good for her, she is so weak in her skinny little arms. It was precious to watch her on the bars last night. Troy is my little monkey man. He loves running and tumbling. He loves the rings and can hang for soo long. He is so cute! I will have pictures of his class next week, but here are some pics of my girl!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

birthdays birthdays birthdays!

What an amazingly busy week we had! Monday was labor day and two BBQs, Tuesday was Sophi's birthday and first day of school, Wednesday I had to work, Thursday I had to work, Friday was my birthday, Saturday was Sophi's bday party day, and Sunday was church, football, family, plus a quick trip to the grocery store.
Now, I am sitting in the living room listening to Troy scream 'Daddy.' Tony went to a mens fellowship tonight at a church about an hour away. He has been going to a weekly mens bible study there on Monday nights. Troy is not used to Tony not telling him good night and this is tough on the little guy. He loves his Daddy to tuck him in. I just called Tony and he is at least an hour away from being home. I can't let him stay up that late. Sophi has school tomorrow and there is no way that I can keep Troy quiet to let Sophi sleep and him stay up. I think he is settling down now though. Nothing worse than hearing your baby cry.
On a brighter note: Here are some pictures from Sophi's Bday party!

Post this link in your browser to see all the pictures..
What a fun day!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Grumpy Morning

What a great day!
I got up and really didn't want to. I was kind of stressed and didn't sleep well... it was one of those days when you just want to stay in bed as long as possible with your head under the covers. I felt just like this...

Then.. the phone rang... I looked at the clock and it was 8:23, that was sleeping in. The kids were awake, I could hear them in their rooms but they were content playing in their beds. I answered the phone trying to sound awake, I didn't want whoever was on the other end knowing that I was being so lazy as to not be up and moving at 8:30. It was the preacher man from our church, wishing us a good week. I guess it was like God's little reminder to get up and be grateful for even the littlest blessings.
I got up and remembered that I had told my friend Lisa that I would walk the 3.2 miles around a lake close to our house. She was going to be over to get me at 9:30. Tony was home so he watched the kids for me so I could go. I got the kids up, feed, dressed, and there was Lisa right on time. I ran out to her car and we headed to the lake. We walked around the lake and my hips were throbbing, I was hot and wanted nothing more than to go home and jump in the pool with my favorite little monsters!
So, when I got home I got the kids ready and we went to the pool. We had a good time. Tony went to the store for dog food and diapers. When we got home we feed the kids and naptime. So, my tired, lazy, morning ended up being rather productive. Now, energized I sat on the couch and played on the computer for a little bit. I was chatting with our friend Bradley and we decided that the best thing to do this evening was for Tony and I to load up the kids and go have dinner at their house. We have been friends with them for two years now and we have never been to their house. I know that sounds strange but they had a dog that I was severely allergic to so we always had them over to our house. Their dog passed away a few months ago, God Bless Amos, but I was really glad that I could come over to their house now! ;) Kati is one of my dearest friends and I really enjoyed her company. We had a great time. The kids played and had a great time! They have a little boy who is just a few months younger than Sophia. She loves him. She told us tonight that when she gets up she wants Paul to be her boyfriend. Troy adores Paul, he is the big brother Troy will never have. They are great friends and we had a great time. Not only is she a good friend but she is very very crafty, I'd call her an artist!! Check out her etsy shop. I ordered a few things from her for Christmas gifts. The bean bags are darling! She is having a baby in just a few weeks so if you want any custom orders before Christmas you better hurry! ;) We got home late and the kids were very tired and ready for bed... so to bed they went and to bed I am going...
So my grumpy morning ended being an awesome day.