Sunday, September 13, 2009

birthdays birthdays birthdays!

What an amazingly busy week we had! Monday was labor day and two BBQs, Tuesday was Sophi's birthday and first day of school, Wednesday I had to work, Thursday I had to work, Friday was my birthday, Saturday was Sophi's bday party day, and Sunday was church, football, family, plus a quick trip to the grocery store.
Now, I am sitting in the living room listening to Troy scream 'Daddy.' Tony went to a mens fellowship tonight at a church about an hour away. He has been going to a weekly mens bible study there on Monday nights. Troy is not used to Tony not telling him good night and this is tough on the little guy. He loves his Daddy to tuck him in. I just called Tony and he is at least an hour away from being home. I can't let him stay up that late. Sophi has school tomorrow and there is no way that I can keep Troy quiet to let Sophi sleep and him stay up. I think he is settling down now though. Nothing worse than hearing your baby cry.
On a brighter note: Here are some pictures from Sophi's Bday party!

Post this link in your browser to see all the pictures..
What a fun day!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad Sophi had a wonderful birthday!! Did you get my text on your birthday?? Love and miss you!!! :)
