Monday, September 21, 2009

Love Hate Relationship

My son and daughter are so close. They love each other with every being in their body. But as much as they love each other that is just how much they fight.
Tony told me one day that police often get injured when responding to domestic violence calls and that is how he feels when he gets involved with Sophi and Troy.
I must say that I agree.
Alot of times I let them argue and just sit by and watch. I don't want to always intervene if they can resolve it themselves. I watched as Troy came by and hit Sophi on the top of the head with his hulk gloves and then I watched Sophi respond with a gentle shove as Troy feel on his behind. Then he grabbed his plastic hammer and went to swinging... I grabbed him up to put him in time out. Just as I was scooping him up he whacked her on the shoulder with hammer. She screamed! I told him "NO" and put him in the corner. He was crying... just as I turned around Sophi ran into me screaming, at first I thought it was over her 'ouchy' then I realized she had just pushed me! I said "what in the world" she was holding her hurt arm and screaming at me that I made her brudder cry and I was not nice to him.
I said, "he just hit you"
"I know but I don't want him to cry," she says with tears in her eyes.
Now, let me tell you, if he had hit me with that hammer, I'd want him to cry....

Time and time again if I put Sophi in time out Troy will go and stand with his nose in the corner right with her. They sit in time out together holding each other and crying.

They have a very strange relationship.

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