Sunday, April 18, 2010


It is a gloomy day today, rain is heading our way. Tony and I love a song titled, "Raining on Sunday". Part of the lyrics say, "When it's raining on Sunday, storming like crazy, we stay under the covers all afternoon, baby whatever comes Monday can take care of itself, cause we have better things that we can do, when it's raining on Sunday..." Before we had the kids when it would rain on Sundays after church we would come home eat lunch and hide under the covers all afternoon. We would sing this song and laugh and enjoy time the two of us. We still enjoy time just the two of us but it's far less time than it used to be, that is ok. Wouldn't trade it for the world.. but those memories are fun to think about. That carefree time...

It is true that when you have a child you forever have your heart walking around outside of your body. You feel the need to protect them, have them with matter how old they get. A dear friend and coworker of mine lost her son in a car accident this week. A terrible accident... such sadness in their home right now. I pray for strength for them. He was 26 years old, still his momma's baby. Please keep the Oneal family in your prayers this week.

Sophi went to the neurologist Thursday. Everything is great with the seizures, medication is working and she seems to be doing great as far as the doc is concerned! Whoo Whoo!! She is going for an MRI on Friday. They are hoping to rule out some possible causes for her seizures. Please keep her in your prayers as well. Pending insurance approval she may start a series of treatments for her "tippy toe walking"... I'll go more into that once the results of the MRI are done. We always thought of her as our tiny dancer... prancing around the house on her tippy toes, apparently the neurologist feels that there could be more to this. For now, we will wait on an MRI and results of a few more tests. Hoping I'll have some news to share in a week or two, whatever the results we are glad for some answers.

Troy is always such a little comedian. Full of energy and joy, always making us laugh. He sings now when I rock and sing to him at night. He sings the songs right along with me. So cute... makes me smile! "OOHHH Child, easier..." he sings. My personal favorite, he will sing, "Godspeed I'm a man, sweet dreams I a man" (lyrics: Godspeed, little man, sweet dreams, little man). Today he came in from playing outside with a Tupperware bowl of rocks and dirt with water in it. Sat down at the table and started drinking the water from the bowl. Gross! He just laughed and said, "Oh no, a mess" Gesturing with his arms like, who did it?, boys!!

Sophi pretended she was a kitty cat for two hours this morning, crawling around the floor purring... she told me that she was a kitty who was lost in the woods. She left a mean house in the wilderness, were the owners spanked her and they had a mean dog who would try and eat her. She has quite the imagination. I fixed a bowl with water and put it on the floor for her. I told her it was milk for my lost kitten. She loved it until Papi came flying through the house and knocked over her bowl of "milk".

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