Saturday, April 3, 2010

One overtired Momma

I have been so overtired lately. Why am I blogging when it is close to midnight then? It is just that this is the only time a lone I have. Time to gather my thoughts, conclude the days events, plan for tomorrow. This mommy thing is overwhelming at times.
I worked last night, got home at 8am this morning, went to sleep for about 45 minutes got up, got the kids ready for a birthday party about an hour away. Went to that until about 2, we went to my mom's house to color Easter eggs. The kids had a blast. We got home at 5, I slept for an hour and a half. Got up, ate a great dinner (black beans, white rice, corn tortillas, thank you Tony!), then got the house clean, kids in bed, then started baking for Easter Sunday. So I am thinking in the last 36 hours I have slept for about 3 hours. I will get some good sleep tonight but yes, this midnight blogging is the only relaxing time I have had recently.
I remember about two years ago I heard a friend of mine say that she was exhausted but was forcing herself to stay awake and watch a movie because it was the only alone time she had to herself. I completely understand what she meant.
Things have been so busy around here. This next week is looking good for some much needed down time! Ahh...


  1. Hi sweetheart! I finally changed the name of your bloglink on my page so I can get to you easier =)
    Let's see, today is Wednesday so I'm hoping that your lack of blogging for this week is because you ARE resting; much, much needed rest!
    Hope you guys had a great Easter Holiday and that all of you are staying in good health.
