Friday, April 9, 2010

me rest!?

I really tried to relax on Monday, but it didn't feel like me. haha! I felt lazy and depressed.
So after a boring Monday morning, the afternoon was filled with errands, housework, and some homework. Even though it was a lazy morning, it felt good to get the house cleaned. The rest of the week has been a blur, between work, school and the kiddies!
Yesterday, we took the kids to Sea World. We love that place. I got a really excellent deal on a 2 year passport to Sea World, Aquatica, and Bush Gardens from my work, so we decided to take advantage of the nice weather and the free time to use our passes. It was a fun day.
Troy has been having terrible allergies lately. His skin is itchy with eczema. His nose is snotty, he is congested, his eyes are itchy. To top it off his allergies have his asthma acting up again. Poor little guy. He seems to do best with hydro-cortisone cream, Benadryl, and breathing treatments. He has been having trouble sleeping though because he gets itchy and his nose is stuffy. I told Tony "we traded cold and flu season for allergy season." We had him back to the pediatrician today. They are going to try another allergy medicine but if this doesn't work he may have to start allergy shots. He also got a RX cream for the REALLY itchy spots. Poor little guy, he's just like his mommy! I have been having allergies as well but my medication helps me, I couldn't imagine feeling as crappy as Troy does and getting no relief.
Sophia has been really enjoying spring break this week. She has slept in until 9 most days. She spent this morning painting with her new Dora paints that my mom brought over for her this morning. She has a small scratch on her ankle that has been causing lots of complaints in the past two days. I really can hardly see it, but that hasn't stopped her from telling everyone about it.
We are going to a birthday party tomorrow. It's just girls so I guess the boys will take a nap since it is right around nap time. It is one of Sophi's little friends. She is having a princess party so all the girls are going to dress up. They will be serving Mac N Cheese at the party too! Yummy!
Sunday we are planning on going to church and MAYBE taking advantage of the Florida resident deal at Gator Land. If you are a Florida resident you can get in for $9.99.
Check out Also, if you are active or retired military you can get in for FREE! Just show your military ID.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. We need to get together pronto. I miss your family!!!!!! Love you :)
