Sunday, August 29, 2010

wanna talk about my boy...

My little bright eyes, not even a year old...

Momma's Boy!!
What an amazing little guy he is.
He has stolen my heart and I don't think I'll ever have it back again.
He is running through the house with his Tonka Dump Truck he runs it into my feet and gives me a big kiss and runs away again.
He is twirling his curly hair with his fingers which is a sure sign he is tired.
He will never admit he is sleepy but he will be sleeping as soon as his head hits the pillow.
He still loves being rocked at night and his, "I'll rock you momma." has become an appropriate, "Will you rock me?"
He likes to make a mess and watch me, "Freak Out!" He loves to drive me crazy... and he does!
Still my little bright eyes, curious as ever during his 2 year photo session...

I cannot believe that he will be three next month. I'm so glad that he is a big boy who is happy and learning and talking and jumping and running and full of life... He really is a cool little guy. And he will tell you, "I'm a cool guy" We know Troy!

(That naughty little smile was a result of the knife was reaching for while we were taking the picture, he really is a dead give away when he is trying to be sneaky.. )


  1. How is he going to be three!!!?!?!?!?! Ahhh!!!! :)

  2. I just love that sweet boy!!!!!!

  3. What an awesome little duo you have between him and Sophia! You are so blessed, they are great kids, and both super cute!! I can't believe he will be 3. It seems like just yesterday I was looking at your preggo pics.. :) Miss you!!
