Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sophia Ann is 5

I am sick and not feeling up to this tonight but I could not let 9/8/10 pass by without some pictures and a blog about my five year olds birthday!! I can't believe Sophia is 5!!

I can't believe my baby girl is 5 years old.

Did I say that twice?

Today is her actual birthday. Although we celebrated it on Sunday afternoon. We had a great party for her. We went to her favorite ice cream shop with some of our family and close friends.

We had a wonderful day and my sister came over the night before and helped me with Sophia's massive #5 cake

She had a wonderful party and it was so wonderful to see her happy.
She is a special piece of our family.
I wanted to celebrate her actual birthday today but Troy and I were horribly sick. Tony called at lunchtime and we sang happy birthday to her. She had a special 'jumbo cupcake' and was more than happy with that. She's such a good girl.

Hoping our birthday girl doesn't get sick.

Happy Birthday Sophia Ann, We love you Baby Girl


  1. Holly, so glad her day was special for her and that cake is amazing!!!!! :)

  2. I don't know how I overlooked this blog! What an awesome little idea for her bday and you and your sis did a great job on the cake! Happy belated birthday Sophia!
