Thursday, September 16, 2010

No Balls

Sophia and Troy are gearing up for fall sports... maybe I'm gearing up they are just getting excited!
Troy has picked tball, which I believe he thinks is 'football' despite every attempt to explain to him that he cannot play football until he is at least 5 years old. So, we picked tball. He wasn't interested in soccer but he really likes the whole bat and glove thing. We went to a few college games this summer so he is pretty excited about 'baseball'.
Sophia has picked cheerleading. She wanted to do ballet but the year for ballet is so- long so I didn't want to commit to it since we may be moving at some point. I didn't want her missing out on the recital if we move. So we picked a 'fall sport' I suggested soccer and she responded, "I don't want to play any game with balls in them."
So she will be doing cheerleading. ;)
They will continue in their gymnastics class together since that is a month to month thing and really good for them and they both LOVE it! Plus, there are no balls in gymnastics.


  1. Aw, she’s going to be the cutest cheerleader EVER!!!! :)

  2. I love it! You all are going to have so much fun!
