Friday, September 10, 2010

So much fun...

I really can sum life with these two kids up into three words...
They are really a handful but I love spending every moment with them. We are still sick and battling the snots, coughs, and fevers in our house. Troy and I are anyway... Tony is sick but down south... and Sophia, well, as she told the doctor this morning, "Everyone is my family is sick and I feel great!"
She is very proud of her five year old immune system.
The doctor is always so happy to see her talking and laughing.
It was Troy's appointment this morning, he has a cold but with his respiratory issues he is on steroids and breathing treatments. The doctor said no need for an antibiotic right now but he will need some help with his breathing. So they doubled his daily steroid dose and they increased his breathing treatments from as needed to every 4 hours until he stops wheezing so much. He seems to be feeling better as long as he is taking his medicines. I have still had fevers and chills, such a nasty bug.
We went to Target to get prescriptions filled and we had lunch in the mall food court. The kids are so funny. They hold hands and Sophia tells him that she will be too sad to come to his wedding because she loves him but since she is his sister she knows he will not marry her. She said, "Troy I will be happy for you but I can't see it, it's too painful."
I don't know where she gets this stuff... she is so funny. Troy was just strutting through the mall and he responds by holding her hand and saying, "ok sissy, I love you sissy." I wonder if he really understands what she is saying. They are so funny.
While we were having lunch Sophia was not happy with the noise level in the mall. She was looking around, eating, holding her ears. She said, "I'm not happy with this noisy place." I told her there were lots of people in the mall and it was loud, but it was fun to watch all the people. She said that she was going to stand on her chair and yell that there was a fire so everyone would run out then we could "eat in peace."
She is really funny. She is so charismatic and mischievous. I love her personality... I just pray she uses it for good. ;)
We have plans to go to see Toy Story on Ice for my birthday tomorrow evening. I hope we are feeling better by then. I really want the kids to enjoy it. I figure worst case we can take our medicine and our blankets and watch the show and snuggle.

1 comment:

  1. Holly, that girl of yours truly always makes me laugh by the things she says. Love her! You will never know how much I learn from people like you, the kind of mother I want to strive to be someday. You’re awesome at your role as mother and your kids are blessed! Love you tons and miss you!
