Saturday, February 28, 2009

what a week

Wow! What a week it has been. Busy to say the least. Totally overwhelming at times, but really really good. Coming home after being gone from Tony and the kids was great. Tony really bonded with the kids while I was gone. It was great for them. Circumstances are never on accident, let's start with that. Tony and I had planned to attend the Break Through training together. He had a traffic ticket that he decided (against my judgement, LOL) to fight in court. His court date was scheduled on Thursday morning at 9. We were scheduled to be at BT that day at 930... after LOTS and LOTS of discussion with the people who run BT we decided that since Tony didn't know what time he would be done in traffic court that it would be best for him to not continue on and maybe do the seminar the next time, which is in April. I still don't know if he is going to complete the training and I hope he will but that's totally up to him. Anyway, we took the kids to my mom's house on Wednesday and had planned for them to stay there until we were done with the seminar on Sunday (longest I have ever been away from those precious angels, and I missed them like crazy!!. When it was decided that Tony wouldn't continue with the BT training he ended up going to work on Thursday after court and then on Friday, after that he took the kids for the remainder of the weekend, this was big, Tony has never kept our children overnight alone... ever! It was something that probably never would have happened had I not been busy and away. I ended up staying at the "girls house" for the training. We had lots of homework and exercises to do when we were released from the training in the afternoons so it worked out that I was able to focus and get lots of things done instead of coming home. So- back to the kids staying with Tony. It's not that I don't trust him.. it's just my controlling ways, I've always figured I "do it better" -come to find out that Tony takes care of the kids just fine. Yes, he defiantly did things that I wouldn't have done, like let Troy sleep in the bed with him, Troy fell off the bed and busted his lip (TWICE!). He did forget things that I wouldn't have (like sunscreen) my kids are still peeling a week later, but it's ok.. they are still alive and very very happy and very very much in love with their daddy. So I was pretty bummed about Tony not being able to participate, but hey- he wouldn't have had the opportunity to bond with the kids like he did, for them to bond with him, or for me to build that trust in him. He is an awesome dad! :)

So, BT was great! It was an awesome experience, difficult at times. They really push you (emotionally) but in the end it is all worth it. Seeing life through a totally different perspective, viewing yourself through God's eyes. It's amazing!! Get ready.. I am a responsible, charismatic, open, secure woman! :) How's that!!! :)

So now that I'm back home. Getting into a routine was good. I have so much more patience and I'm able to see life in a whole new way. Things were exhausting at times, having to think about your reaction to things, instead of reacting made me pretty tired. LOL - I love it though! I love the experience, the friends, and the memories... I am still on a bit of a high at this point. I keep wondering if I am going to come down or not.. I know someone who has been on the same "high" for 13 years.. LOL! I love it. I can't wait to see what is in store next.

Now, my little Sophia is sick. She has a terrible cough and runny nose, nothing I give her seems to help so we may be going to the doctor Monday if she isn't better. Poor baby! She is miserable. Atleast she isn't running a fever anymore. Well, I better go she is coughing pretty bad.. I better go check on her.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww, Holly, we really do need to get together, so you can share. Love and miss you girl!!! :o)
