Saturday, July 31, 2010

Quite possibly the dumbest dog in the world...

Our dog Papi, or "Papi the Pest" as I like to call him, could quite possibly take the award for the worlds dumbest dog.
Let me begin by explaining how we got Papi. Some of you might remember our angel furbaby, Tater Tot.

A few months after Tater Tot passed away I began looking for another dog. No dog would replace Tater Tot but I had always had dogs and hated not having a four legged furbaby to love on. Against Tony's better judgement he agreed that if I found a dog, and funded the cost of getting a dog he would coincide with a new pet. He was still sad about Tater Tot and not really thrilled with the idea but he went along with it just the same.
I found Papi at a local rescue. His ad on pet finder described an energetic male Bishon who loved kids and had a great personality, fully house trained, and completed obedience school. Let me just tell you, this dog in NO way completed obidience school, maybe he was kicked out, but not completed.
I called about him and we went through the 'adoption process.' Everything from paper work, to a home study... crazy, I know. They were more cautious about placing Papi with our family than the hospital was to let us come home with our children. Long story short we got Papi.
When we met him he was a white fluffy ball of energy! He jumped into our arms, licked the kids all over and it was an instant bond. He just fit.... in the parking lot anyway.

As we drove him the kids were thrilled and I loved holding this fluffy big furbaby in my arms. We got him home and as quick as that instant bond occurred, that is how instantly the terror began! He ran through the house, running in circles. The kids were terrified, I just summed it up to his excitement and explained to the kids that Papi was a puppy and had far more energy than our old girl Tater Tot.
The months flew by as did Papi. He ran circles in my house for months, he chewed every plastic toy that my children owned. Really all new toys have since been replaced and kept in special baskets that Papi is able to open.

About four months after we got him he began this constant itching, only on his head. He would scratch his head, mussel, and neck until he was bleeding and left with huge scabs. I must have taken him to multiple vets and changed his diet at least 20 times. He has been tested for allergies, parasites, mange... you name it he was tested for it. Everything ends up normal. The continual response we received was "It is a nervous habit and the only thing left to try is puppy Prozac."
I have tried herbal remedies to help him calm down, but I am still hesitant to put him on any kind of 'puppy Prozac.'
If you are playing with him, holding him, walking him, throwing a ball to him, if he is eating, or running he will not itch. But when the family sits on the couch to watch a movie he will start this incessant itching, any time he is not getting your attention, he is itching. We have since resorted to saving the skin on his head by requiring him to wear a cone...

...all the time.
No judgements here please. This is to prevent infection and scaring of his already very thin skin. The nut that he is does not even seem bothered by the cone, infact I think he likes it. He will come to you and let you put the cone on his head. Almost like a security blanket. When he isn't going for a walk, cuddling or totally entertained, he is wearing a cone. Turn your head for a moment and his head is a bloody mess! The white coat does not make this any easier to deal with. His white fur was a horrid shade of salmon from the blood.

We do love Papi an thank God he ended up with our family, I think anyone else would have disposed of him. That is probably why he ended up at the rescue, probably why we haven't heard a peep from his foster parents, and Tony is sure that is why the foster parents looked so joyful to see him go. I did find out they are no longer foster parents for the rescue, I can't say that I blame them.

To continue, here are just afew short stories of Papi-catastrophes that have occurred in our home. (in no particular order)

Tony got a brand new cell phone and while charging his phone Papi comes running through the house like a bat out of hell. He got tangled in the wires from the charger and Tony's laptop... pulled the laptop off the table. He got scared and continued to run dragging the cellphone and charger through the house, bashing the new cell phone into the wall. Tony was less than happy about this.
Troy was a victim of Papi's cone which commonly bashes into walls and furniture. On this occasion the cone bashed into Troy's head.

I was sending some homework online a couple days ago and Papi jumped from the bed onto the nigh stand, knocking everything off the nightstand, he leaped onto the TV tray that my laptop was sitting on knocking everything to the floor. He ran through the bedroom squealing like a pig at a BBQ.
Every time the door is opened Papi tries to run out. Today he ran out so quickly he wasn't watching where he was going and crashed into the side of the house and knocked out. I screamed and picked him up, once I picked him up he woke up and his legs kept running in my arms.
Everyday feels spastic with this dog. He really drives me insane.
After about a year, I resorted to getting another dog, JazzyBell, in hopes that having a friend would help calm him.

JazzyBell is a sweet little poodle with a calm little personality. She is gentle and soft. She is a good friend for Papi and does help him a little bit but he is still a total nut!

All I can say is Papi is one lucky dog because I don't know many people who can deal with this craziness!
Tony has since come to love Papi and Papi is 'his' dog. The dog he didn't want is now his furbaby. Papi loves Tony. He loves riding in the car with Tony, when Tony leaves the house without Papi. He will bark a high pitch bark and runs through the house in a panic, running from the door to every window looking for his Daddy. And yes, banging the cone into everything while he runs in a panic to find Tony.