Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Great devotional book for little girls...

God's Little Princess Devotional Bible is a great devotional book for little girls!

We got Sophia this book for Christmas and started reading it just after the New Year. This has become something that she looks forward to every night before bed. It has required some discipline on my part as I have had to plan time to read this too her. Nights are so busy and sometimes all I went to do is tuck them in so I can have some peace and get started on the umpteen-billion other things on my list of to do before I can go to bed, but seeing that sweet face remind me, "We have to read my Bible" is something I just cannot resist! I am so glad that she likes it and I would recommend this to anyone looking for a good devotional book for their daughter. Also, the front cover has "real fake diamonds" and sparkles, it's glittery and everything girlie!

So- how did we hear about this book? My sister in law sent Sophia a DVD set for her 5th birthday it was called, "Gigi God's little Princess." It reminds me a lot of the Fancy Nancy series but with a great gospel message. :) Sophia loves the DVDs and they are a Bible lesson in themselves. Here is a clip from one of the DVDs, we don't have this one but they are all excellent!

So we soon discovered in the craze of Gigi.. that there were storybooks, Bibles, and devotional books all centered around the Gigi theme -

Girls long to be loved and adored, and give their heart to their hero. God is that hero! The characteristics focused on in this Bible storybook will help your little girl blossom into the princess she was created to be. Virtues to create beauty such as compassion, sharing, and truth are highlighted in fun and engaging ways. The perfect format for girls to learn about their destiny as a daughter of their King.

Also- for those of you with boys. They do make a series for boys called "Will, God's Mighty Warrior". I cannot wait until Troy is old enough for these. I would love to get him some DVDs but I have not seen them anywhere... just story books, bibles, and devotional books.. please let me know if you find the movies anywhere. :)

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