Friday, January 21, 2011


My children are some outdoor loving fools! Today is a rainy day in the sunshine state. Lucky for me, Sophia had some schoolwork to keep her busy, we had to change our schedule because of co-op, so we are having "school time" on Monday, Thursday, and Friday mornings now. Troy participates somewhat during "school time".
He usually does the "welcome" part of school. During this time we sing songs about the days of the week, months of the year, remembering our address, and some quick alphabet/shape/number/color recognition games.
Then he is off to watch Spider-Man cartoons while Sophia and I do reading, math, and history or science.
Then Troy joins us again for art. (Today they could pick from a variety of art supplies and make a picture of their favorite thing to do.) Sophia used every medium offered and made a picture of herself playing with her dog, Jazzy-Bell. Troy used a white sheet of paper and a black marker, made a few scribbles and a long line. After they are done we sit on the couch and I let them take turns telling about their art. Sophia went into an elaborate story about how she loves playing with her dog, and how she is "the best dog in the whole wide world". And Troy stood up, held up his picture, and said, "I like poking spiders with sticks".
They had some computer time, navigating (which I love).
Then it was the "end of school" song and off they went to play in their rooms.
I wasted some time on the computer, my sister came over and we played on the Wii, then time to make lunch.
After lunch the kids normally go outside and they were pretty discouraged to see that rain falling from the sky. So I got out the animal flash cards and we played "zoo keeper". I hold up a card and they pretend to be that animal while I read facts about the animal they are pretending to be...
We talked about the anteaters very long spiny tongue that they use get down in the ant tunnels,to eat ants. (Sophia and Troy stuck out their tongues and crawled around on the living room floor.)
We talked about the giraffes being the tallest animal, the babies are 6 feet tall when they are born, we measured it out with a tape measure. We talked about how they have to spread their front legs wide just to put their heads down to eat the grass. (They crawled and made themselves appear as tall as possible).
Howler Monkeys... wonder what the neighbors thought we I read that the howler monkeys howl can be heard up to three miles away?
Fun Times!!!
Then of course- we had to play "momma bear" -I crawl around with them pretending to be their momma bear, we go from the cave (Troy's bed) to the meadow (the living room) and my baby bears are quite mischievous, seems I can't get away without playing that with them. They love it!
Well- it is nap time now. So I need to take advantage of this time, get a shower and great ready to take Troy to karate this evening. *More on that later, but he is pretty excited to be going to karate.

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