Sunday, January 15, 2012

my take on Tebow (don't hate me for it)

I am involved in the most amazing Bible study right now.

Beth Moore's "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things", the title is nothing new everyone falls short, everyone fails and through GRACE we can kneel at the foot of the cross and start over new... every single day.

We read last week in Hebrews how Jesus was temped in every way, but He never sinned. Of course He never sinned, He's Jesus.

Now, I'm going to switch gears here for a minute so try and follow me...
from Jesus to football.. well really Tim Tebow.

This fascination, call it Tebow Mania, Tebowism, whatever... many people love him or hate him you know who he is. I have seen photos pop up on my facebook feed of people 'Tebowing', status update after status update talking about what a great example Tebow is for our youth, for men, for Christians, for everyone.

I haven't commented a lot about him, because I wanted to make sure my words were clear, I've waited to say anything- I don't want to exalt this young man but I don't want to speak negatively of him either.

He truly does stand for something amazing and I believe God is using this young man to share the truth.

I read an article that said when Tebow wears '3:16' on his face 92 million searches on the world wide web searched the verse, John 3:16.

I believe God can use all of us for His glory and I'm proud and glad that people, maybe not being saved (only God can do that) but they are seeking because of the statement that Tebow desires to share.

That said, Tim Tebow is human, he sins just like all of us. He is tempted and he falls short. To put him on this pedestal like he is super human is not fair to him, most importantly to God. I cringe to think about the day Tim Tebow is involved in a sex scandal, accused of steroid use, faces DUI charges, paternity tests or even a much smaller issue- that I guarantee the media will blow up saying "ok Christians, look at your precious Tebow now!" How happy would Satan be, I promise Satan is working hard to see that man fall, publicly. I hope that doesn't happen but he is a young man, not young Jesus and he faces many temptations, being in the NFL I bet the temptations are far more than we could imagine.

I support the message he stands for, I think he has done a great job and I pray for him because I cannot imagine the pressure he is under. People have put him on a pedestal while others are waiting for him to fall.

When Tim Tebow, "Tebows" he is praying... the message is not to mimic a fun stance.. the message is to ask God for strength, courage and his will to be done, always in thankfulness, it is about God. Why is it easier for people to "Tebow" than to show hands folded in prayer?

Again, I am not hating on Tebow. These are just a few observations I've made that I think it is something to consider.

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