Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Valentines Day! We are going to be working on Tony's Valentines Day present today, Sophia is very excited. It's a surprise and she has been planning this all week. Now- I can't tell you what it is but pictures will soon follow. *He might read this today, so that's all about that :)

Troy has been showing quite the little temper lately. His temper has been getting him into lots of trouble and lots of 'boo-boos' too. Poor little guy.
Wednesday night I was getting their dinner. They both sit in booster seats strapped onto the bar stools in the kitchen. Troy is a little piggy and gobbled his food down before I even gave Sophia her plate. Then he got really mad that he had no more apple sauce. "EEGGGHHH!", he shrieks. A am hurrying around the kitchen trying to get him more apple sauce. I try to breathe while he is making the most horrible faces and turning red in his seat. I am says in a very calm manner "Troy why are you such a cranky baby- mommy is getting your..." BANG! Troy is gone, disappeared. He flipped the bar stool and was laying strapped into the booster seat on the tile floor. Now, I thought he was a goner. We've lost him! I see the headlines, Temper Tantrum Kills Baby in Florida. No, he was fine. I got him up, he cried for a long time, we kept him awake, called Katie's husband -he is a firefighter/EMT I call him for everything emergency related, usually about Troy. :) Sophia said the angel caught him. I believe she was right. I don't know how he fell and didn't seriously hurt himself.
This morning I put water instead of milk in his bottle and he ran around the kitchen screaming, throwing the bottle in the air, pulling all of my Valentines Day dishcloths from the cabinets and throwing them on the ground. His face was as red as his shirt that appropriately says "handsome little devil". I had no idea what was wrong. I realized when he is standing at the refrigerator door screaming "NUK NUK" -I cannot wait until he can speak English and not baby :)

Sophia on the other hand has been extremely emotional lately. Everything that makes her mad, she takes my face in her little hands and says "mommy you have appointed (disappointed) me you know, i love you anyway, but you have really appointed (disappointed) me."
Thank you Sophia. Yesterday she had a tantrum in Walmart while I was trying to shop for Valentines Day cards. Picture this...
Sophia screaming at the top of her lungs, mouth open as wide as the character from the reach toothbrush commercials, holding one hand on the cart. While Troy sits in the seat reaching down hitting her on the top of the head, messing up her blond hair. Her pink bow was down my her cheek, barely holding onto her hair. She was totally infuriated that I was making her hold the cart. I was standing about 2 feet from them by the cards. I just acted like I didn't know who they were. To my surprise the screaming child really helped me out. When I walked to the card aisle it was packed with people. About 2 minutes into the screaming fit, it was me and one other lady. Good Job, Sophia. :) After safely making it to the car I realized half of the things on my list I forgot. At this point I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep through Valentines Day. I have to say it was extremely trying to purchase a princess Valentines Day card for the one screaming at the cart, I wanted to get her a lump of coal- oh that's Christmas. :)


  1. Oh boy! I'm not even sure what to say...I had to leave TJMaxx yesterday, leaving behind a basket full of the cutest winter sale stuff for Soph's 2T winter next year because she WAS NOT going to stop screaming and saying "puh, puh, puh" translation being up, up, up. I've said it before and I think this will become my new fave..."Now I understand why some animals eat their young"
    Happy Valentine's Day my friend! give those happy, little monsters and extra tug on the cheek when you kiss 'em for me.

  2. Awwww, girl, BIG hugs for you. Hope you felt them :o) Happy V-Day!!!!!Love ya!

  3. Wow...sounds like you had quite an experience in the Walmart...can I just say that I detest Walmart! Add in screaming children and that will make a mother go crazy!!!!
    Your little ones are just adorable though!!
    Hope you had a happy Valentines Day!
