Saturday, December 24, 2011

thankful heart is a happy heart...

It is so easy for me to fall into the 'holiday blues' this time of year.

I don't know why it is, seems like since the death of my father in 2002 the holiday season just doesn't feel the same.

I catch myself every year, the same feeling...

We were all pretty sick the last few weeks and since it was all I could do some days just to sit on the couch and watch movies with my sick kids it felt easier than ever to let Satan invade my mind with sad and lonely thoughts.

I always go along with the motions of the holiday season, but this year more than ever between sickness, stresses of moving and just the general yuck in this dark world it was easier than ever to fall into that slump.

I heard my sweet boy the other day singing along with his Veggie Tales CD, "a thankful heart is a happy heart, I'm glad for what I have that's an easy place to start"

The weather may not be cool, my family may be out of town, I may be feeling overwhelmed facing a move just a few weeks after Christmas, the budget may be tight but... I can walk barefoot in the grass, feel the sunshine on my face, call my family on the phone, know they are all well and safe, rejoice in the blessings of starting over in our new home, find contentment in knowing that Christmas is not about how much or what is under the tree, rather the gift that is Jesus Christ.

Instead of focusing on the things that aren't "right" about this Christmas season I choose to focus on the reason we celebrate, the birth of our Lord. The gift of Jesus, salvation and light. Choose to focus on my husband, children, all that is good in my life.

As my focus changed... my mood changed... a thankful heart is a happy heart... and if you don't know where to start think Veggie... be glad for what you have that's an easy place to start.

Thank you God for sending messages once again through my little monsters, when I say they are a blessing I truly mean just that. :)

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