Friday, June 12, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's off to work I go...

OK, I am overwhelmed. (Good job calling that one Kati!)
Sophia did end up having a seizure last night. It was a mild one. I believe that the medication helped to make it more controlled. and God. ;) I found her in her bed posticle. She was whining and disorienated but she was breathing fine and her color was good which makes me think it wasn't that severe. This whole thing is starting to feel like part of life. Do I say that everytime?
Troy seems to be fine today, looks like it was the whole lactose intolerant thing.
OK, well putting my family in God's hands and Tony's :)
Tony is awesome. He made me turn off the baby monitors and take a nap. I woke up and I can smell the coffee. I am going to cook dinner for my family before I go. I love cooking for them.
Did I mention that I am sick, head cold, not really looking forward to pulling my first twelve hour shift but I am excited about my first night at work. I just hope I can hang in there with these sickies...
no calling in on your first day.


  1. Holly,
    You are at work as I type this but just wanted to let you know that I said a prayer for you on your first full night shift. Praying that you could do all that you need and not be hindered by your sickies!

  2. We need to catch up! Want to know about how the job is going!! :O)
