Monday, June 1, 2009


Yesterday was a good day. I love Sundays at church then home for family time!
At church our pastor has been doing a lesson on parenting. It has been so good. It has given me sooo many good ideas! One of them I want to share because I think it is exceptional!
Think of a group of people who you can surround around your child (same gender as your child and all different ages), have them commit to praying for your child and you as a parent, yearly ask them to write your child a letter, once your child is at an age that they would be able to understand have the people meet with your child as a group and talk about their walk wtih God, their struggles and triumphs in life. These are people that your child can go to who represent you, people who your child can come to when they don't want to come to you- someday they won't, ahh! I just loved this idea. A group of women who are committed to praying for my daughter as she grows. A group of men who will surround themselves around my son and he can learn from their experiences. LOVE IT!!
Yesterday we went to my mom's house after the kids got up from their naps. They played at the barn, Sophia brushed her pony. Troy chased the dogs... we always joke and say he is part of the pack'. Then we went swimming and had a great time.
Troy LOVES the water. He jumps in off the side and swims around. He was making Sophia laugh because he was humming and walking on the step then he'd fall into the water and keep acting like the was walking. Once he realized it was making sissy laugh he kept it up for a good 10 mins. Tony bought Sophia a 'magic swimsuit'. It really upset him that she can't swim and she is scared of the water. She likes it but she is afraid. He bought her this crazy looking suit with a ballerina skirt and a built in vest. She swims all around the pool in that thing! She loves it! It makes me so happy to see her enjoying the water. Good Job Daddy!
Sophia has ballet every day from Wed-Saturday this week, this is their recital week so it is going to be a busy one. LOTS of driving!! Ugh! She is excited and is going to dance beautifully!
Hope everyone has a blessed week.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Was just catching up on your posts! You've had a lot going on lately. Congrats on the house and your new job! When I get sad that I work, I often think of all I'm providing for Jenna, health insurance included! That is so huge!!!
