Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tony and his cleaning techniques.

OK, now, I don't want to offend Tony or his 'cleaning techniques', if that's what you want to call it. He does help me around the house, occasionally. He does clean, occasionally.... and I am VERY grateful for when he does help.
That said... today after a great lunch as a family, Tony went to wipe off the table. He got the vacuum cleaner and was going to vacuum the table! There were pieces of hot dogs, lettuce, pickles, and shredded cheese... and he was going to try and VACUUM it up!!!
Now, it may just be me, so I need some input on this one.. but I have never and would never vacuum up that kind of food! OK, crackers in the carpet, vacuum. But hot dogs, lettuce, pickles, and cheese!!?!?
Whooo taught him to clean!!??
I have seen his mother's house and I know she keeps a spotless house so I don't know how this could have happened!
Now, I really want to hear your stories about your 'cleaning husbands'
GO FOR IT!! I want to hear!!

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