Thursday, June 4, 2009

a moment of silence...

Dear God,
I humbly ask you, Lord, on the eve of Sophia's first ballet real ballet recital and on the day of the first dress rehearsal, that you please bless my daughter with obedience. That you grant her wisdom to make the right decision. That you don't let her body start dancing like Hannah Montana on the stage while the other obedient dancers follow instruction of Mrs. Valerie. Please take away her need to stand apart from the others, on just these nights. Although this is a trait that I admire, I would like to see her dance in uniform with the other ballerinas. Please let her not be so vain as be the last one to look in the mirror, especially since she is the first one to be on stage. Let her feet follow the routine that she has learned. Please giver her kind words when she asks for more lipstick, let her be respectful to the people working backstage. Let the respect that I have ingrained in her mind show tonight. As she is tempted to act like a rotten spoiled princess... that the temptation away. Let her dance like a nice little girl. Let her have joy. Give her grace. Let her exhibit kindness, patience, and self control.
Thank you God for the bottom of my heart.

OK, prayer warriors- pray with me tonight! I am about to wake up the princess and get her ready for the dress rehearsal. She has told me all day that she is going to 'jam out' so that everyone will look at her and not the other dancers.

Yes, I have resorted to bribbing her with chocolate and ice cream to get her to stay in uniform. I tried explaining to her that to see ballerina's dancing together like one is a beautiful thing and she said "no, I want them to wook (look) at me because I am the mostest beautifulest ballerina on the stage" -God Help Us All!!!!

I'll update you all soon.

BTW, yesterday's practice.. she walked out 'jamming out' not heel,toe,heel,toe..and then she did the pagent wave while the others where dancing. She spun in circles while the others were swaying.. she swayed while they were spinning... she knows the dance! She is trying to sabatage the others so that everyone will look at her. This is definatly going to a problem. We will just pray that chocolate and icecream will do the trick. ;) I know it is an embarassing parenting trick but really... who hasn't tried it?? Don't lie!


  1. Oh my goodness...Sophia sounds like such a delightful little girl! I love this post! My favorite so far :)
    Praying for your little princess to share the limelight with the other delightful little girls!
    Can't wait to see pics of the princess in her ballerina getup...

  2. Hahahahaha! She is such a little spitfire - I LOVE HER! For Mama's sake, I hope the bribing worked and little Miss Sophia was an elegant, well behaved, perfect example of a ballerina ;p
    Let us know!
