Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here!!

Lots to write about.
No, my space bar has not been repaired, I have just gotten really good at using it like this. What took me 5 minutes to write now takes me no time at all. Funny how we adapt to things.
Sophi was quite the mouth today. She has gotten pretty quick with that tongue. She reminds me very much of her daddy. I guess me too. She comes by it naturally. Tony is good with his words, which can sometimes get him into trouble. Yes, I've been known to get into trouble with my tongue too. Well, looks like Sophi got her daddy's gift. She told some adult at the park last week, "what are you doing on that toy, that is a kid thing, and my brother is a kid, and he wants to use it! And you are smoking here, do you know that will make you die!? Kill us all with that smoke." I was mortified. I tried to tell her that we can't talk to adults like that, speaking to her very loud in front of the man so that he would know I was dealing with this mouthy child. Even though I totally think that jerk deserved it! Troy was standing there while this big man smoked his cigarette in the park leaning on a rocking toy that Troy was looking at saying "share, share". Poor Troy. I'm glad Sophi stood up for him, but I can't tell her that.
Well, Sophia is always keeping me on my toes.
We are getting the medication all worked out she is almost back to her regular strength of medication. We are one pill away from her being back where she was before we got all screwed up. But that one pill is going to have to wait because now she is having abdominal pain which the pediatrician thinks is not related to the change in medicine but a side effect from this or other medicine in the past. This has been going on for a little over two weeks. It is intermittent when she complains about it. She will be playing and fold up grab her tummy and say it hurts. When she is quiet she complains more so I don't know if it is a constant or what. At first I thought it was that stomach flu she had afew weeks back that was lingering causing some gas pains or something. Then I thought maybe she was faking it, I often wonder because when she was younger she was on Trileptal which did upset her stomach but she learned that she could use that excuse to not have to do things she didn't want to... so I just blew it off. Then we had the few episodes last week where she had some pretty long nights. She spent the night with my mom Thursday and Friday and my mom said she complained about it there too. Now, my mom babies that girl to no end so I am sure she played up the dramatics while she was with my mom but no doubt that her stomach is bothering her. Saturday and Sunday were the same, she would randomly complain that her tummy hurt. So, Monday morning she woke up and was really fired up saying her tummy hurt and she was very frustrated that it wouldn't stop hurting. I told her I was going to make her an appointment to see the doctor. She went to school and I picked her up early and took her to her pediatrician. He examined her and said that everything sounded good, pushed on her tummy, she had no pain, but he wants her to have an abdominal ultrasound and blood work, possibly following up with a pediatric GI doctor. There are lots of side effects to the medication she takes one of them being ulcers, he suspects that may be the case but said not to worry just yet. Sophi has been on lots of different medication in her short life and this is just one of the side effects of taking medicine. He also wants to check her liver enzymes which always come back high but the ultrasound will be able to see it. So.. we are going Friday for an ultrasound and blood work. He told me to tell her about the blood work because if she was doing it for attention that she would stop. She hasn't. She did for a day and now she just complains about her tummy then whines that she doesn't want to get a shot. Terrible to see them so upset. I am looking forward to knowing what is wrong though. I am getting frustrated with her constantly complaining about her stomach too. I feel bad for her and at the same time all the whining is unnerving.
Tony comes home on Sunday and will be here through Thanksgiving. So glad for that. It will be nice to have him home. I have realized that it is really true, "men you can't live with them and can't live without them." My house is so easy to keep clean! The electric bill is less. The food bill is less. The kitchen is rarely dirty. No dishes in the sink. Way less laundry... but something is missing. It's a lonely feeling that no matter what you are doing or who is around you still feel like part is missing. It's not like when your kids are gone from you. That's almost like you are missing part of yourself, like a body part. This is different. It's a shallow feeling. That's the only way to describe it. Tony really is my soul mate. God picked him just perfect for me. I am so lucky that I found him so soon in my life. I was thinking about it a few weeks ago. At my age, 25, Tony and I have never been a part longer than 6 days in the last 10 years. He has been gone for just about 4 weeks now. It has been good in some ways but I wish we never had to be apart. We are all looking forward to having him home, even if just for a week. I can't wait to pick him up from the airport on Sunday! It is going to be the best moment in a long time.
Then Thanksgiving!! We will be celebrating with our families! It will be a fun, busy day! I can't wait! I am excited now that the kids are a bit older it will be easier with them to travel to and from our families homes. Not like we are going far, just about 30 minutes from our house to his parents then a 45 minute drive to my grandparents house from there. It will be nice. Lunch with his family, dessert with mine. Then I am working that night... which is just fine. I am ever so grateful for my job and my great insurance, especially with Sophia Ann for a daughter!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, your daughter just cracks me up with her adult talk, LOL!!!! I hope you find out what the tummy issues are :(
