Monday, March 14, 2011

Brother/Sister Moment

Yesterday at gymnastics the kids were involved in an obstacle course. At the end of the course they are supposed to do a somersault down a set of mats. Sophia was at the bottom of the mats and in true little brother fashion, Troy was right behind her, he jumped up and tumbled down the mat crashing onto Sophia.
A few of the parents saw it and I heard a few "oh" "ahhh" "oh no" and "uh-oh"s coming from the parents. While everyone watched to see if Sophia was hurt.... she rolled over onto Troy, bite him on the butt, and took off running. He stood up, chased her, pushed her... off they went together to start the course again.
As I turned around to face the parents who were... umm.. surprised... I guess? I said, "well, they are brother and sister" and that was a good explanation. A few giggles and everyone continued to watch the kids.
I shared this on my Facebook this morning, so if this is time #2 you are hearing it today, I'm sorry but I figured it was worth blogging about. :)
Hope everyone has a good Tuesday!

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