Thursday, March 31, 2011

saying I'm sorry

I may not do to many things well in this life, but I know without a doubt that I treasure every moment with my children.
Even the rotten moments, and yes, believe it or not we have our fair share of those too.
Sometimes more than I'd like to admit.
I'm never one to play the "mother of perfection" role, I probably make more mistakes than successes but I know, my children know, without a doubt, that they mean the world to me.

My sweet Sophia.
I lost my temper with you tonight.
I bit my tongue,
prayed for God to quiet my tone.
I know you don't respond to angry words,
not many people do.
I asked you for forgivness,
and we talked calmly.
I wiped your tears,
held you tight,
I may have cried a little too.
This life is not always an easy one,
and getting angry only makes it harder.
I am sorry, sweet girl.

As I crawled into bed tonight, over tired and restless, I thought about a woman I met, you told me you should never apoligize to your children. She as a proud woman. I thought about how many times I heard the words "I'm sorry" from the mouth of my mother.
How many times?
Not too many, but when my mother spoke these words she always meant them.
She didn't use the word forgiveness lightly, she taught us that it was important.
That we shouldn't ask for forgiveness unless we really mean we are sorry,
and then we have to really try to not do those things again.
My mother taught good lessons, she is a good momma.
I'm thankful for that good momma tonight.
The momma that taught me it is ok to say "I'm sorry" to a five year old. The momma who taught by example to put others first.

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. -Philippians 2:3

1 comment:

  1. Holly, you are just an amazing mother!!!!! And Sophia looks sooooooooo grown-up in those pictures!!!!!
